Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft

We’ve reported on numerous events in the 2020 election which are being referred to as system ‘glitches’ in the media.
Last night we provided another ‘glitch’, this time in Wisconsin, which if reversed would eliminate Biden’s reported vote lead in the state.
Tonight we have obtained an unaudited analysis of data available for all the states looking for system glitches and other oddities in vote counts related to the Presidential race only.

Last night we reported on another so called system ‘glitch’, this time in a county in Wisconsin. Evidence was provided to us that showed that the vote totals for Rock County appeared to be switched between President Trump and Joe Biden. 9,516 votes were eliminated from President Trump and moved to Joe Biden. This 19,032 vote difference when corrected would eliminate Biden’s lead in Wisconsin.
In the post last night we also identified issues we’ve reported on in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia where similar ‘glitches’ occurred.

In the piece the author claims his work is a full list of votes switched from Trump to Biden or votes erased by Dominion (the vote machines used in many states across the US).
(The author claims that his work has been verified but we have not verified the results so we currently are labeling his results “unaudited.”)
The author decided to obtain the data himself and perform an analysis of national votes switched from Trump to Biden and votes erased (the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting).

Strangely the contested states all use Dominion Voting Systems tabulating machines.
Despite the help from the massive software "glitches" created by Dominion Voting Systems, Biden fraud machine had to dump late night dump ballots all for Biden only in a hurry. How bad did he lose? It almost looks like most of his votes are fabricated. I would not be surprised if he were 20 points behind in legal votes.
All in all the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats created a fraudulent election of Biden and Harris, thus making them illegitimate winners.
Gatewaypundit lies. And now I see why you rely on them as your source -- because you're a liar too.

You were bitch-slapped into reality just yesterday over this same bullshit claim...

To be clear, you're asking for a link to this very thread? Really?

Why would I need a link to this very thread???

No. I’m not asking for a link to a thread I’m already responding in.

Nobody cares what you are asking for . It doesn't matter because...

^^^ Time remaining in office = 9 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds.


I can't argue against that, but...

"Pending the outcome in a few key states, Donald Trump may be leaving the White House, but he’s not exiting the room.

The fiercest Never Trump critics hoped for — and wishfully predicted — a cleansing landslide, a 2020 defeat so all-encompassing that every trace of Trump and his enablers would be erased from the Republican Party.

That’s not happening. Trump’s poll- and pundit-defying surge toward the cusp of a second term vindicates his approach enough to give him and his potential successors continued traction, if not a dominant voice, in the party.

Trump’s possible loss is nothing like the shellacking the GOP experienced in 2008, when a deeply unpopular George W. Bush left office amid a controversial war and a financial crisis and Barack Obama won the presidency in a landslide together with a 60-seat Senate majority.

Trump’s party is set to retain its Senate majority and perhaps pick up House seats, while the margin of his own defeat may be a whisker in the Blue Wall states, as his 2016 margin of victory was a whisker."

Bottom line: His tweets will still be watched by both parties :cool:.
To be clear, you're asking for a link to this very thread? Really?

Why would I need a link to this very thread???

No. I’m not asking for a link to a thread I’m already responding in.

Nobody cares what you are asking for . It doesn't matter because...

^^^ Time remaining in office = 9 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds.


I can't argue against that, but...

"Pending the outcome in a few key states, Donald Trump may be leaving the White House, but he’s not exiting the room.

The fiercest Never Trump critics hoped for — and wishfully predicted — a cleansing landslide, a 2020 defeat so all-encompassing that every trace of Trump and his enablers would be erased from the Republican Party.

That’s not happening. Trump’s poll- and pundit-defying surge toward the cusp of a second term vindicates his approach enough to give him and his potential successors continued traction, if not a dominant voice, in the party.

Trump’s possible loss is nothing like the shellacking the GOP experienced in 2008, when a deeply unpopular George W. Bush left office amid a controversial war and a financial crisis and Barack Obama won the presidency in a landslide together with a 60-seat Senate majority.

Trump’s party is set to retain its Senate majority and perhaps pick up House seats, while the margin of his own defeat may be a whisker in the Blue Wall states, as his 2016 margin of victory was a whisker."

Bottom line: His tweets will still be watched by both parties :cool:.
Matters little. Biden will undo most, if not all, of his executive orders and will bring back Obama's.
To be clear, you're asking for a link to this very thread? Really?

Why would I need a link to this very thread???

No. I’m not asking for a link to a thread I’m already responding in.

Nobody cares what you are asking for . It doesn't matter because...

^^^ Time remaining in office = 9 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds.

In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.

You are the one discussing blankeys with Soros. Weirdo. Moron, do you ever post anything interesting? Trump will be out of office soon, what will you bitch about then? Why you’re such a moron?
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.

You are the one discussing blankeys with Soros. Weirdo. Moron, do you ever post anything interesting? Trump will be out of office soon, what will you bitch about then? Why you’re such a moron?


Your reading comprehension skills suck almost as much as your intellect. I said nothing about Soros with a blanket.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.

You are the one discussing blankeys with Soros. Weirdo. Moron, do you ever post anything interesting? Trump will be out of office soon, what will you bitch about then? Why you’re such a moron?


Your reading comprehension skills suck almost as much as your intellect. I said nothing about Soros with a blanket.

You just did again. You into 90-yr old men? Stupid moron. I didn’t realize you were only into male goats. Ha ha ha ha aha moron Faun, gay goat f@cker.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.

You are the one discussing blankeys with Soros. Weirdo. Moron, do you ever post anything interesting? Trump will be out of office soon, what will you bitch about then? Why you’re such a moron?


Your reading comprehension skills suck almost as much as your intellect. I said nothing about Soros with a blanket.

faun, the pervert, like you would care about rampant voter fraud just so long as it benefited the demcrat commie party. If leftard poll watchers were prevented from inspecting mail-in ballots? You would be soiling yourself with indignant outrage and don't claim that you wouldn't, ya perverted hypocrite.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.

You are the one discussing blankeys with Soros. Weirdo. Moron, do you ever post anything interesting? Trump will be out of office soon, what will you bitch about then? Why you’re such a moron?


Your reading comprehension skills suck almost as much as your intellect. I said nothing about Soros with a blanket.

faun, the pervert, like you would care about rampant voter fraud just so long as it benefited the demcrat commie party. If leftard poll watchers were prevented from inspecting mail-in ballots? You would be soiling yourself with indignant outrage and don't claim that you wouldn't, ya perverted hypocrite.

Hey!!! How dare you!? If the moron gay goat f@cker wants to have relations with male goats, who are we to judge?
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.

You are the one discussing blankeys with Soros. Weirdo. Moron, do you ever post anything interesting? Trump will be out of office soon, what will you bitch about then? Why you’re such a moron?


Your reading comprehension skills suck almost as much as your intellect. I said nothing about Soros with a blanket.

faun, the pervert, like you would care about rampant voter fraud just so long as it benefited the demcrat commie party. If leftard poll watchers were prevented from inspecting mail-in ballots? You would be soiling yourself with indignant outrage and don't claim that you wouldn't, ya perverted hypocrite.

Hey!!! How dare you!? If the moron gay goat f@cker wants to have relations with male goats, who are we to judge?

Faun/Pan in mythology have a passion for children in a sexual manner.........
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.

You are the one discussing blankeys with Soros. Weirdo. Moron, do you ever post anything interesting? Trump will be out of office soon, what will you bitch about then? Why you’re such a moron?


Your reading comprehension skills suck almost as much as your intellect. I said nothing about Soros with a blanket.

faun, the pervert, like you would care about rampant voter fraud just so long as it benefited the demcrat commie party. If leftard poll watchers were prevented from inspecting mail-in ballots? You would be soiling yourself with indignant outrage and don't claim that you wouldn't, ya perverted hypocrite.

Hey!!! How dare you!? If the moron gay goat f@cker wants to have relations with male goats, who are we to judge?

Faun/Pan in mythology have a passion for children in a sexual manner.........

Poor Faun. I feel Sorry for the moron.
To be clear, you're asking for a link to this very thread? Really?

Why would I need a link to this very thread???

No. I’m not asking for a link to a thread I’m already responding in.

Nobody cares what you are asking for . It doesn't matter because...

^^^ Time remaining in office = 9 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds.


Nice. :thup:

So the clock says it's at the moment five million nine hundred sixty-six thousand five hundred-odd seconds. That means in a short while the number of votes Rump LOST by will exceed the number of seconds left until his swearing-out.

Could happen by tomorrow.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

Antifa is an organization of individuals who use thuggery and commit terror acts in the name of Anarchy. Maybe if you read newspapers instead of burning them you would have a clue about what they really are.

Who's the leader of Antifa?

George Soros---------if you trace the funding

How it it be Soros when George Soros is hiding under your bed, waiting for you to come out from under the covers?

gEORGE SOROS HAS BEEN LEAVING A MONEY TRAIL---------and his little psychopath butt should be dealt with extreme measures.

Don't put your feet on the floor -- he might reach out and grab them and pull you under the bed. You best stay safe under your blankey.

Why are you sharing your sexual fantasies here? You and Soros eh? I guess Soros is into morons.

Who knows how deviant you are, ShortBus, to read my post and think of sex.

You are the one discussing blankeys with Soros. Weirdo. Moron, do you ever post anything interesting? Trump will be out of office soon, what will you bitch about then? Why you’re such a moron?


Your reading comprehension skills suck almost as much as your intellect. I said nothing about Soros with a blanket.

You just did again. You into 90-yr old men? Stupid moron. I didn’t realize you were only into male goats. Ha ha ha ha aha moron Faun, gay goat f@cker.


Your obsession with me is noted and laughed as always, ShortBus. Meanwhile, this thread is about the election, not me. Looks like you're just frustrated because Biden wrecked Führer Trump, 290 (and counting) to 217.

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