Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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I’ve avoided any predictions...2016 was harsh. I don’t know who will win, only what I hope for. I saw this meme posted by a friend. I think it is relevant .

When out and about in the real world today, the one thing I noticed is that just about everyone was in a better mood.
Lots of smiles, and people being very nice to each other ... Almost like they were relieved that good or bad, it was over as far as what they could do.

I felt that way as well :)
85% reporting. No comprende.
View attachment 410890

As of 10 minutes ago the largest county (Fairfax) had only 15% reporting.
Which is to say..that based on registered voters and their party affiliation..they think that Virginia will go to Biden..capish?
I get the anti Trump votes but giving more seats to Dems in the House? Country is going Socialist. Sigh...

Soon we may give $20 billion to the subsidized farmers. Oh wait
What? That was part of the Trade War. Don’t really want socialized medicine. Don’t really want to continue our PC culture but the country has spoken and loudly.
85% reporting. No comprende.
View attachment 410890

As of 10 minutes ago the largest county (Fairfax) had only 15% reporting.
Which is to say..that based on registered voters and their party affiliation..they think that Virginia will go to Biden..capish?
I get the anti Trump votes but giving more seats to Dems in the House? Country is going Socialist. Sigh...

This is what the Wuhan Virus ensured. If you are looking for the way in which China and Big Global Socialists could expand their ideological influence, shutting down the nation and making people adhere to orders from government was a certain method to employ.

Trump had to shut down the country because it was an unknown, it was a lose/lose situation. Americas capitalist system, along with the West as a whole is going to pay the steepest price.

Now if Trump loses, get ready for massive spending to bail out broke California and NY, a return to more market exploitation by China, and, SALT to be returned so that the rest of the country can pay for Cali and NY overpriced markets.

What Trump SHOULD have done, is to call this out and tell voters, "if you in the Mid West are concerned with China stealing your job AND you and citizens in the suburbs paying for the tax write off of big city home owners, then vote for me".

The whole rioting issue, was a set-up. Trump didn't take the bait entirely, but he took it somewhat, and advisors like Rudy weren't going to help him with this issue. Why go with the "tough on crime approach"? All it was going to do was gain you a few % points from cops and the base in big cities, which all go Dem anyways. It does NOTHING to help you win states you need to win.

He should have focused on the economy, oil and what Centralized govt. means for the smaller places and towns across America. He did well to call out China, but he needed to make it personal, "China will steal your job". Suburbs don't understand this right now. They will though once Harris takes control...

Good luck trying to replace oil with solar panels, which are cheap as hell "Made in China".
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..

That would be fucking ironic.

Ironic and fun to watch BOTH sides eat large portions of crow.. The left having claimed that Hillary won because of the Pop vote (where she didn't win a majority of votes with her meager margin) and the right defending the E-College.. Hope I'm right. It's gonna be fun pointing some fingers in both directions...
You say this “both sides” shit but I don’t see any criticism of Trumpism.

See -- this is YOUR problem BillyBoy -- wasn't talking about Trump or anyone in general.. Was talking about the potential for exposing PARTY hypocrisy about the E-College if Trump LOSES but wins the Popular vote..

Apparently -- if a post says NOTHING about Trump -- you STILL MANAGE to MAKE it about Trump.. Because -- you're deranged..

And I criticize Trump on IMPORTANT issues.. Not on all the trivial "mean girl" stuff that you like to peddle..
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