Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

So many cases now due to so much testing and so many cases so mild that so many people dont know they have it. Of course libbies don’t choose to be aware of what I just said so they panic pounce on the higher number.
Serious/critical slipped down to 1.9% so that’s good.
So to recap
1 out of every 350 Americans test positive for this ender of mankind, nearly 900,000
Of that approximately 2.8% or almost 900,000 about 17,000, or 1.9%(of 2.8%) are serious or critical and that’s where the deaths come from.
once again-why are we closed down. Facts and stats dont lie, emotionally distraught and needlessly frightened well may .

Well, look at the 1918 pandemic when people did not heed Doctors warnings to shut down. 675,000 dead Americans was the result. The United States is trying to prevent 2.4 million deaths by August. That is what the shutdown is accomplishing. But had the United States instituted travel bans early like Taiwan did on January 20, 2020, perhaps we could be in the same situation as TAIWAN with only 429 cases and 6 deaths.
So many cases now due to so much testing and so many cases so mild that so many people dont know they have it. Of course libbies don’t choose to be aware of what I just said so they panic pounce on the higher number.
Serious/critical slipped down to 1.9% so that’s good.
So to recap
1 out of every 350 Americans test positive for this ender of mankind, nearly 900,000
Of that approximately 2.8% or almost 900,000 about 17,000, or 1.9%(of 2.8%) are serious or critical and that’s where the deaths come from.
once again-why are we closed down. Facts and stats dont lie, emotionally distraught and needlessly frightened well may .
You're right; stats don't lie but people do. There have been 50,000 deaths due to Covid 19 in just 8 weeks in the US and during half that time, most of the nation's businesses were shutdown and people were asked to stay home. There is little reason to believe that the rate of infection will not increase when restrictions are lifted.

80% of those 50,000 deaths have come in just the last 19 days. 40,000 people killed by coronavirus in just 19 days. On average, 40,000 people die from seasonal flu over a 6 month or 180 day time frame. But here, 19 days is all it took to kill 40,000 people.
So many cases now due to so much testing and so many cases so mild that so many people dont know they have it. Of course libbies don’t choose to be aware of what I just said so they panic pounce on the higher number.
Serious/critical slipped down to 1.9% so that’s good.
So to recap
1 out of every 350 Americans test positive for this ender of mankind, nearly 900,000
Of that approximately 2.8% or almost 900,000 about 17,000, or 1.9%(of 2.8%) are serious or critical and that’s where the deaths come from.
once again-why are we closed down. Facts and stats dont lie, emotionally distraught and needlessly frightened well may .

Good question.

Seems there is no consistency.

Not everybody lives on a fucking island.

North and South America are just as much an Island compared to New Zealand and Taiwan, relative to a pandemic outbreak in central China. The coronavirus arrives in all of those places through one method, AIR TRAVEL!
I only reported that 2.4 million people would die by August if NOTHING was done. But stay at home orders were put in place in 41 of 50 states and that has made a big difference. In early April, Dr. Fauci said that deaths may be as little as 60,000 by August if we kept up the isolation efforts. Unfortunately, the death toll is already at 47,681 and still rising with a full week left in April. So things are actually worse than the best predictions from two weeks ago, far worse in fact. Combine that with states deciding to open up in early to Mid-May and you have a potential disaster about to happen.

Yes you did.

Lost a lot of credibility right there.

And the 47,681 deaths do not tell the story.

New York and New Jersey have over 1/2 of those deaths.

New England has 31,000.

A couple of other states and pretty much it isn't so high for what's left.

The strange thing is that for all the talk of how it got started.....Italy and Spain have turned the corner...while New York keeps dying.

I keep asking why and nobody seems to want to answer the question.

Oh, I did? Show me instead of claiming that I did. You have a problem with facts and science. I'm not the one with the credibility issue. That belongs to anyone that does not understand SCIENCE and makes unsubstantiated claims about others.

New York City is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Far more densely populated than anywhere in Spain or Italy. Spain and Italy experienced their infections and peaks though earlier than the United States and New York City. They are further along in the process. That explains the difference.

But you can't tell us how long the process takes.

You get the advantage of Monday Morning Quarterbacking.

Everyone has the ability to look at what happened and what was done and JUDGE who failed and what should have been done. Italy is already starting to see people angry at how their government performed. This November is not going to be a good time for Trump and the Republican controlled Senate. The angriest Americans are those that lost loved ones to this virus. Were at 50,000 dead now and April is not even over. TAIWAN still only has 6 dead. WHY, many Americans will ask, did TRUMP fail to protect America from this PATHOGEN the way TAIWAN protected its people!

Best of luck.

New York may not be around to help you in November.

New York's electoral votes will still be there and they won't be going for Trump. Even Arizona is leaning towards Biden. Trump is done, and the Democrats have a great chance of winning back the Senate.
Holland is on pace with Sweden.

Belgium is 3X Sweden.

Are they not locked down ?

SWEDEN, 9th highest per capita deaths in the world from coronavirus. The actions Sweden is taking against Coronavirus is not something any country should follow. Who the hell wants to be a top 10 country for death from coronavirus?

Even if Sweden was #1 in deaths per capita, you would probably still be parading what Sweden is doing as being something that everyone should do.

Thank God most of the planet is not as dumb as Sweden when it comes to fighting coronavirus.

Who the fuck are you ?

Since when do you think you get to tell a country how it will run. The approach is popular and approved BY THE PEOPLE OF SWEDEN.

You work in bulk statistics only because they suite your forgone "scientific" conclusion. You have no capacity for analysis.

Thank God the people of Sweden don't listen to morons like you.

Netherlands just passed Sweden up. And they locked down. How's that working out for them.

U.S.A. is five off.

Wow.....lockdown is knocking it out of the park.

Lockdown is the only option when you have mass community spread. The goal of lockdown is to reduce the number of new cases to a manageable level. Once that happens, provided you have enough testing and contact tracing capacity, then you can begin to open up with out risking another outbreak and the virus continues to decline in terms of active cases. Its what TAIWAN and SOUTH KOREA have succeeding in doing. You want to copy and do as well as countries that have PROVEN they can take on the virus and beat it. That's what TAIWAN and SOUTH KOREA have done.

Sweden still has the 9th highest death rate in the world. No one wants to be Sweden.
If you looked at the U.S. from just the totals, you would not know there are plenty of places you could go with little chance of catching the virus.

Right, because everyone who has the virus has Corona stamped on their forehead in bright red letters. The lockdown has worked at slowing the spread to some areas of the country, when you lift that mechanism which is preventing that spread, then the risk of an outbreak goes up.

Yep, people were laughing(DONALD TRUMP) at the virus in the United States when there was only 68 infections and 1 death on February 29, 2020. Less than two months later, things look a lot different with the number deaths approaching what the United States lost in the Vietnam War, just in the month of April.
South Dakota

98 new cases....5% of total.

0 (yes zero) deaths.

Lesh says they are lying. But he can't prove it.

TAIWAN has not had a single death in two weeks and only has 6 deaths total with a population of 24 million and a country population density the 12 highest on the planet!

New York not had a single death in the last five minutes.

Ooops there goes another one.

To bad we can all turn into islands

Virus started spreading in Wuhan China. It arrived in the United States, Taiwan, and New Zealand through the same method, AIR TRAVEL. But I guess you believe the United States was seeded with the virus through massive numbers of Mexicans crossing the southern border. Its already been proven through scientific studies that New York City's outbreak occurred from travelers from Europe. They arrived on an airplane, the same way most people arrive in Taiwan or New Zealand.

As for the border with Canada and Mexico, Trump could have closed and restricted travel across those borders back on January 20, 2020. He waited to do that until late March. In any event, I doubt you'll find very few examples where Mexicans or Canadians crossing into the United States by car or on foot contributed to the number of cases and deaths that the United States has today. To the degree that there are any, they were preventable. All it would have taken was Trump closing and restricting the borders two months earlier than he did.
Why is this bullshit still being thrown around.

Sweden didn't lock down......

Belgium did....late.

Belgium has 3X the deaths of Sweden.... tell me.


I love the place.....but it is an ISLAND.

Islands offer virtually no protection given that most people travel by air. Air Travel is why the virus spread around the world so quickly. It was predicted that TAIWAN would have the highest number of cases and deaths per capita do to its heavy exposure to china through trade and travel. Yet, Taiwan only has 429 infections and 6 deaths, with a population of 24 million people, and the 12th highest population density in the world. Sweden only has 10 million people and they are on the lower side of population density.

Belgium and the Netherlands are huge travel hubs for Air Travel. Sweden does not have nearly as many people passing through their country for tourism or travel as Belgium and the Netherlands do at any time of the year.
Looks like Belgium is assuming that many of their deaths are covid-19 related regardless of whether they have been tested.

"Belgium has surged to the top of the grim leaderboard because authorities decided to be radically transparent, if perhaps a bit speculative, about the toll from the novel coronavirus. They include not only deaths that are confirmed to be virus-related, but even those suspected of being linked, whether the victim was tested or not."

Regardless, it's not a one-to-one comparison. There are several factors that need to be considered. For one, you may want to look at a map of Europe.

View attachment 327647

Belgium has more people even though Sweden's land is 15 times the size of Belgium's. The population density of Belgium is about 16 times the population density of Sweden. That's definitely an important factor.

The 7 most densely populated states in America are: New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, and New York. I don't think it's a coincidence that these are some of the hardest his states as well.

Plus Sweden does not see the level of tourism and travel that Belgium and the Netherlands see on a year round basis. Few people get connecting flights through Stockholm to anywhere else as compared to airports in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Sweden is also a bit like an Island itself, with only one clear land border that gets any significant vehicle traffic with Norway. The land border with Finland has very few crossings. To far north and out of the way, for significant vehicle traffic.


Main event approaches

Yas ready

Why is this bullshit still being thrown around.

Sweden didn't lock down......

Belgium did....late.

Belgium has 3X the deaths of Sweden.... tell me.


I love the place.....but it is an ISLAND.

Islands offer virtually no protection given that most people travel by air. Air Travel is why the virus spread around the world so quickly. It was predicted that TAIWAN would have the highest number of cases and deaths per capita do to its heavy exposure to china through trade and travel. Yet, Taiwan only has 429 infections and 6 deaths, with a population of 24 million people, and the 12th highest population density in the world. Sweden only has 10 million people and they are on the lower side of population density.

Belgium and the Netherlands are huge travel hubs for Air Travel. Sweden does not have nearly as many people passing through their country for tourism or travel as Belgium and the Netherlands do at any time of the year.

You guys have all kinds of excuses for other countries.

Anything to preserve the fucked up narrative.

Sweden infected some nursing homes.

Take those out and you don't have much of a case.

I'd fucking move there if I could.
Holland is on pace with Sweden.

Belgium is 3X Sweden.

Are they not locked down ?

SWEDEN, 9th highest per capita deaths in the world from coronavirus. The actions Sweden is taking against Coronavirus is not something any country should follow. Who the hell wants to be a top 10 country for death from coronavirus?

Even if Sweden was #1 in deaths per capita, you would probably still be parading what Sweden is doing as being something that everyone should do.

Thank God most of the planet is not as dumb as Sweden when it comes to fighting coronavirus.

Who the fuck are you ?

Since when do you think you get to tell a country how it will run. The approach is popular and approved BY THE PEOPLE OF SWEDEN.

You work in bulk statistics only because they suite your forgone "scientific" conclusion. You have no capacity for analysis.

Thank God the people of Sweden don't listen to morons like you.

Netherlands just passed Sweden up. And they locked down. How's that working out for them.

U.S.A. is five off.

Wow.....lockdown is knocking it out of the park.

Lockdown is the only option when you have mass community spread. The goal of lockdown is to reduce the number of new cases to a manageable level. Once that happens, provided you have enough testing and contact tracing capacity, then you can begin to open up with out risking another outbreak and the virus continues to decline in terms of active cases. Its what TAIWAN and SOUTH KOREA have succeeding in doing. You want to copy and do as well as countries that have PROVEN they can take on the virus and beat it. That's what TAIWAN and SOUTH KOREA have done.

Sweden still has the 9th highest death rate in the world. No one wants to be Sweden.

I'd move there in a heartbeat.

And I was just at Lowes back in my home city. The parking lot is jammed.
I only reported that 2.4 million people would die by August if NOTHING was done. But stay at home orders were put in place in 41 of 50 states and that has made a big difference. In early April, Dr. Fauci said that deaths may be as little as 60,000 by August if we kept up the isolation efforts. Unfortunately, the death toll is already at 47,681 and still rising with a full week left in April. So things are actually worse than the best predictions from two weeks ago, far worse in fact. Combine that with states deciding to open up in early to Mid-May and you have a potential disaster about to happen.

Yes you did.

Lost a lot of credibility right there.

And the 47,681 deaths do not tell the story.

New York and New Jersey have over 1/2 of those deaths.

New England has 31,000.

A couple of other states and pretty much it isn't so high for what's left.

The strange thing is that for all the talk of how it got started.....Italy and Spain have turned the corner...while New York keeps dying.

I keep asking why and nobody seems to want to answer the question.

Oh, I did? Show me instead of claiming that I did. You have a problem with facts and science. I'm not the one with the credibility issue. That belongs to anyone that does not understand SCIENCE and makes unsubstantiated claims about others.

New York City is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Far more densely populated than anywhere in Spain or Italy. Spain and Italy experienced their infections and peaks though earlier than the United States and New York City. They are further along in the process. That explains the difference.

But you can't tell us how long the process takes.

You get the advantage of Monday Morning Quarterbacking.

Everyone has the ability to look at what happened and what was done and JUDGE who failed and what should have been done. Italy is already starting to see people angry at how their government performed. This November is not going to be a good time for Trump and the Republican controlled Senate. The angriest Americans are those that lost loved ones to this virus. Were at 50,000 dead now and April is not even over. TAIWAN still only has 6 dead. WHY, many Americans will ask, did TRUMP fail to protect America from this PATHOGEN the way TAIWAN protected its people!

Best of luck.

New York may not be around to help you in November.

New York's electoral votes will still be there and they won't be going for Trump. Even Arizona is leaning towards Biden. Trump is done, and the Democrats have a great chance of winning back the Senate.

See you in November.
So many cases now due to so much testing and so many cases so mild that so many people dont know they have it. Of course libbies don’t choose to be aware of what I just said so they panic pounce on the higher number.
Serious/critical slipped down to 1.9% so that’s good.
So to recap
1 out of every 350 Americans test positive for this ender of mankind, nearly 900,000
Of that approximately 2.8% or almost 900,000 about 17,000, or 1.9%(of 2.8%) are serious or critical and that’s where the deaths come from.
once again-why are we closed down. Facts and stats dont lie, emotionally distraught and needlessly frightened well may .
You're right; stats don't lie but people do. There have been 50,000 deaths due to Covid 19 in just 8 weeks in the US and during half that time, most of the nation's businesses were shutdown and people were asked to stay home. There is little reason to believe that the rate of infection will not increase when restrictions are lifted.

80% of those 50,000 deaths have come in just the last 19 days. 40,000 people killed by coronavirus in just 19 days. On average, 40,000 people die from seasonal flu over a 6 month or 180 day time frame. But here, 19 days is all it took to kill 40,000 people.

And most of those in four or five states. The rest of us are doing fine.

Sweden reporting 40 as of today....looks like they are in another trough.

Belgium 238....looks like they have not shut down air travel....or whatever other bullshit excuse you want to make for them.

950 of 1600 from New Engand so far (Penn not reporting).

Oh SHIT !!!! South Dakota is still at 10. Sorry Lesh
You guys have all kinds of excuses for other countries.

Anything to preserve the fucked up narrative.

Sweden infected some nursing homes.

Take those out and you don't have much of a case.

I'd fucking move there if I could.

You keep trying to contort the data to fit your view.

If you take the out the worst infected areas in Belgium, that would change their infection rates too. What does that prove exactly? Nothing.

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