[OFFICIAL] Final Post Debate Poll/ Monday 10-22-12

Who won tonights debate?

  • Obama Won!!

    Votes: 35 35.7%
  • Romney Won!!

    Votes: 50 51.0%
  • Too close to call, I'm going with a draw!!

    Votes: 13 13.3%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2012
Well folks, this is it, the final debate of the 2012 Campaign. We want to hear from you on who you thought won and why.
Romney...I'll admit that he didn't go hard on a certain issue that he should of.

But at the end of the day came off far more presidential.
Romney did not accurately present the republican's attitude on foreign policy.
How many times did we hear Obama say "that's not true!!"...Obama tried and succeeded at running the debate. At one instance Romney had had enough. It was clear the Scheiffer was asking Romney questions FIRST most of the time. And if Romney was asked second, Obama either interrupted Romney or he demanded additional time to respond which Scheiffer allowed....
Romney got his ass kicked on nearly every topic. He did try to come back at the end but he looked like Beetle Bailey discussing military issues.

Obama nailed him on the flip-flops referring to his "air-brushing history".
I am really starting to wonder if Romney is a migraine sufferer. A couple of times he looked like he was having severe trouble concentrating and was in pain. He looked like an Anacin commercial.
The record Obama was defending is pure shit. This is why Romney won as he shown Obama's record clearly as just that.

No amount of talking and spinning is going to help the fraud.

The American people love their freedom of speech.
Romney lost.. After a bit he gave up and just started agreeing with Obama.

Obama 2, Rmoney 1.

Off to 11/6/12.. We shall see who wins.

I thought Obama came off as childish and petulant. He interrupted Romney several times while Romney politely waited his turn.
Obama was in protest mode on every issue. Obama knows his record is weak.
This hopefully is Obama's swan song.
Now is the time the GOP has to get out the vote.
Romney is polling very well in key swing states. he is even in Ohio which is THE state to win.
However, WI, FL, VA, CO NH and NV are polling in favor of Romney. If he takes those states, Ohio may not matter. Obama MUST win the urban vote in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to take PA. And win them huge. Anything less than 60% of those two areas and he loses PA.
I 100% believe that Obama is a stupid human being, that he is unfit to lead a Nation and tries to claim he is a "free market" guy only to then lay out one of the biggest Government run plans for America... Hell his new ugly slogan is "America needs some Nation Building."

But Obama fucking slayed Mitt... In fact, it was as bad of a beating as Mitt gave Obama in the first debate. Everyone of you poser neocons that votes "Mitt won!!" are crying yourselves to sleep tonight.

Past all that, Mitt5 is an amazing human in that he can claim to be a Small Government guy then agree with 95% of what Obama does after claiming Obama is giant Government… He simply disagrees how Obama grew Government on some key areas…

Republicans, your time is over… We watched 2 Progressives tonight, one is proud to admit he is one, the other claims to not be one and then gives you 2 point, 8 point, 5 point or however many point plan involving massive Government spending and growth.
Sorry bout that,

1. Romney won with ease, on every point.
2. Obama looked like a school kid, maybe eight grader.
3. Talked about ships with planes that land on them and ones that go under water,..lol!!!!
4. Obama was in a panic.
5. It showed.
6. Romney looked cool and collected, even when listening to Obama's bullshit.
7. It was *Presidential*.
8. I think this was *GREAT*!

I thought Obama came off as childish and petulant. He interrupted Romney several times while Romney politely waited his turn.
Obama was in protest mode on every issue. Obama knows his record is weak.
This hopefully is Obama's swan song.
Now is the time the GOP has to get out the vote.
Romney is polling very well in key swing states. he is even in Ohio which is THE state to win.
However, WI, FL, VA, CO NH and NV are polling in favor of Romney. If he takes those states, Ohio may not matter. Obama MUST win the urban vote in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to take PA. And win them huge. Anything less than 60% of those two areas and he loses PA.

I'll bet you said the same thing about Romney when he did it during the first debate... lolz... or not.
Romney got his ass kicked on nearly every topic. He did try to come back at the end but he looked like Beetle Bailey discussing military issues.

Obama nailed him on the flip-flops referring to his "air-brushing history".

And the "Apology Tour".. "Whopper".. :lol:

The great part is that phrase "apology tour" only gets the Neocons hard.. The rest of the country knows it's just plain shit. Not fooling anyone with that one.
For what Obama did with the Muhammed video alone against our freedom of speech is enough to impeach.
Sorry bout that,

1. Romney won with ease, on every point.
2. Obama looked like a school kid, maybe eight grader.
3. Talked about ships with planes that land on them and ones that go under water,..lol!!!!
4. Obama was in a panic.
5. It showed.
6. Romney looked cool and collected, even when listening to Obama's bullshit.
7. It was *Presidential*.
8. I think this was *GREAT*!


lolz.... You really like that big Government progressive Mitt don't you... Odd how you hate Obama seeing as they have the same position on nearly all issues.

Hell, they both said "I'm glass we agree" over and over and over... At all 3 debates haha.
The record Obama was defending is pure shit. This is why Romney won as he shown Obama's record clearly as just that.

No amount of talking and spinning is going to help the fraud.

The American people love their freedom of speech.

The proverbial neocon mind frame..

Put the blinders on, plug fingers in ears and scream "lalalalalalala".

Romney lost.. After a bit he gave up and just started agreeing with Obama.

Obama 2, Rmoney 1.

Off to 11/6/12.. We shall see who wins.


Obama did not win either. He had nothing new to add. "That's not true" doesn't cut it.
Obama needed to win huge to sway the polls back in his favor. ALL of the pressure was on him. Obama had to appear calm and in control. He wasn't. He spent the entire debate protesting. That isn't going to win over those who are undecided.

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