[OFFICIAL] Final Post Debate Poll/ Monday 10-22-12

Who won tonights debate?

  • Obama Won!!

    Votes: 35 35.7%
  • Romney Won!!

    Votes: 50 51.0%
  • Too close to call, I'm going with a draw!!

    Votes: 13 13.3%

  • Total voters

Jealousy is ugly.

It thrills me that you're stupid enough to think it comes from jealousy.
Hell...that's nothing new. Rich people have money in the bank and the poor struggle to survive. The powerful had just better be careful how far they push. Anyone who ignores history is destined to repeat it.

Here's an idea. Fuck you you envious lazy prick! :finger3:

I'm not attracted to those of the right wing persuasion. You can suck my dick if you'd like.

First, I don't suck dicks like you. Second, I don't carry a magnifying glass and tweezers on me.
The lengths you people are going make this not a stupid fuck up is hilarious, Syria has no immediate strategic importance to the defense of Iran. There is no way to make his comment make sense.

Defense of Iran?

Jeesus.....you trulky have no idea of what the world is all about.

Iran does not care about defending itself. It cares about offense.

People like you know what you want but you are clueless about the ramificatioins of what you want.

That in itself is scary.

It is why you are so easily bought in these elections.

The same kind of bullshit went around when the Soviets first came up with satellites and nukes and so far we're the only ones who have ever used one. Do you really believe Iran would use a low grade nuke on another country when they know they would be automatically inviting others to use a standard NATO weapon wiping their whole country off the face of the earth? You gotta be shittin' me.
What you don't understand is these people don't give a shit about life on planet Earth. Their religion tells them to convert or kill. If in that process they themselves are killed, they become martyrs.
These people do not view human dignity or human life the same way as the civilized world.
Jealousy is ugly.

It thrills me that you're stupid enough to think it comes from jealousy.

This is all you people on the left have.
Obama's record sucks so you must use personal attacks.

Are you really this moronic, or just a lying sack of rightwing shit? This board is replete with issues about what a piece of trash Romney is. I bet the tea bagging, nut sack chuggers, will start a Palin drive right after Romney goes down. You know why? Because they're stone stupid.
It thrills me that you're stupid enough to think it comes from jealousy.

This is all you people on the left have.
Obama's record sucks so you must use personal attacks.

Are you really this moronic, or just a lying sack of rightwing shit? This board is replete with issues about what a piece of trash Romney is. I bet the tea bagging, nut sack chuggers, will start a Palin drive right after Romney goes down. You know why? Because they're stone stupid.

You have opinions. No facts. You are just pissed off.
You cannot accept the existence of an opposing viewpoint.
Do you ever READ what you post?
Are you still in middle school?
Guess what kool aid, we're not going away and we WILL get our nation back from the scourge that liberalism has left upon us. And there's nothing you can do about it.
You can blame the democrat party for allowing the far left wing to take over the party.
Obamabots pulling out tired ole Palin attacks? Really? You know they in trouble now. ;)
Obama's current odds:

InTrade - 62.4%

BetFair - 1.48:1 , meaning 68%

Nate Silver - 71%

And Obama has the momentum. Hence the Republican panic.

No panic over here. How the fuck can you state Obama has momentum when it was Obama who had 4% to 10% leads in battle ground states and now 11 days before election day those leads have evaporated? Show me where your comment makes sense.
You lefties still don't get it....Obama is the incumbent. If Obama was doing the great job your side claims he is, he would be leading the polls by 20 clicks and would win 55 to 60% of the popular vote. Such will not be the case. Even democrat operatives are saying the race is too close to call. And THEY are supposedly the experts the democrats hired to mind the store. Now if THEY do not know, what makes you so smart?
Well folks, this is it, the final debate of the 2012 Campaign. We want to hear from you on who you thought won and why.
Didn't make any difference at all. Obama and Romney would have been in the exact same positon as they Obama is in now and the Government would be a massive oppressive mess regardless of who was elected. I never see any quantitive changes from president to president since the assassination of JFK.
Well folks, this is it, the final debate of the 2012 Campaign. We want to hear from you on who you thought won and why.
Didn't make any difference at all. Obama and Romney would have been in the exact same positon as they Obama is in now and the Government would be a massive oppressive mess regardless of who was elected. I never see any quantitive changes from president to president since the assassination of JFK.
I disagree, because under Romney we wouldn't be seeing government initiating policies that audaciously reduce freedom to slavery through redistribution of wealth (IOW) stealing money and property from one group, pooling it to a strong central government, then redistributing the assets to ass kissers of the strong central government and killing up to 50% of the peaceful population on the basis of their vigorous dissenting these improprieties.
Well folks, this is it, the final debate of the 2012 Campaign. We want to hear from you on who you thought won and why.
Didn't make any difference at all. Obama and Romney would have been in the exact same positon as they Obama is in now and the Government would be a massive oppressive mess regardless of who was elected. I never see any quantitive changes from president to president since the assassination of JFK.
I disagree, because under Romney we wouldn't be seeing government initiating policies that audaciously reduce freedom to slavery through redistribution of wealth (IOW) stealing money and property from one group, pooling it to a strong central government, then redistributing the assets to ass kissers of the strong central government and killing up to 50% of the peaceful population on the basis of their vigorous dissenting these improprieties.

You said what?
The only difference between what Romney and Obama would have done with healthcare is a minute point over the tenth amendment. Romney would have had states mandate health insurance instead of the Fed. The issue in the media was health care and any policy that didn't address it was ignored. Romney would have left the NDAA active as well with no changes to the Patriot Act either.

America has allowed itself to vote based on three issues from candidates each election. A broader debate is required in order to fully realize the political potential of hopeful candidates.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well folks, this is it, the final debate of the 2012 Campaign. We want to hear from you on who you thought won and why.

hey everyone, this topic... AMERICA !!!!!!! it is a joke to see what is going on in the US now. the land was stolen but we tend to forget that... anyways, who i am to judge??? but here is a very Interested video i came across on youtube... check it out...

it’s showing how the world is laughing at the Americans Election…

Who's gon' be the next comedian? Actor? Joke? Clown? Puppet? In the Circus? Is it Miss KILLERY? or the TRUMPET?
Check out this youtube link and see what the world is thinking of American...

The record Obama was defending is pure shit. This is why Romney won as he shown Obama's record clearly as just that.

No amount of talking and spinning is going to help the fraud.

The American people love their freedom of speech.

hey everyone, this topic... AMERICA !!!!!!! it is a joke to see what is going on in the US now. the land was stolen but we tend to forget that... anyways, who i am to judge??? but here is a very Interested video i came across on youtube... check it out...

it’s showing how the world is laughing at the Americans Election…

Who's gon' be the next comedian? Actor? Joke? Clown? Puppet? In the Circus? Is it Miss KILLERY? or the TRUMPET?
Check out this youtube link and see what the world is thinking of American...


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