Official Impeachment Day Thread

Trump Has Quietly Appointed 25% Of Circuit Court Judges As Smug Liberals Celebrate 'Merry Impeachmas'

Donald Trump is set to become the third US president in history to be impeached later by the House of Representatives.Democratic lawmakers are expected to approve two impeachment charges against the Republican president on Wednesday.

Mr Trump is scheduled to face a trial in the Senate next month, but that chamber is controlled by members of his party and it is unlikely to vote that he should be removed from office.The president has called the process an "attempted coup" and a "witch hunt".

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So you figure the House will actually follow through on their impeachment threat and file the articles in the US Senate?

Donald Trump is set to become the third US president in history to be impeached later by the House of Representatives.Democratic lawmakers are expected to approve two impeachment charges against the Republican president on Wednesday.

Mr Trump is scheduled to face a trial in the Senate next month, but that chamber is controlled by members of his party and it is unlikely to vote that he should be removed from office.The president has called the process an "attempted coup" and a "witch hunt".

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So you figure the House will actually follow through on their impeachment threat and file the articles in the US Senate?

Joke's on them....the President has NOT been IMPEACHED...and won't be until Pelosi sends their vote to the Senate....

Pelosi just pulled the rug out from under the rabid left extremists' feet - she agreed to a vote. She never said she would follow through & send the results to the Senate.

Donald Trump is set to become the third US president in history to be impeached later by the House of Representatives.Democratic lawmakers are expected to approve two impeachment charges against the Republican president on Wednesday.

Mr Trump is scheduled to face a trial in the Senate next month, but that chamber is controlled by members of his party and it is unlikely to vote that he should be removed from office.The president has called the process an "attempted coup" and a "witch hunt".

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So you figure the House will actually follow through on their impeachment threat and file the articles in the US Senate?

Joke's on them....the President has NOT been IMPEACHED...and won't be until Pelosi sends their vote to the Senate....

Pelosi just pulled the rug out from under the rabid left extremists' feet - she agreed to a vote. She never said she would follow through & send the results to the Senate.

Donald Trump is set to become the third US president in history to be impeached later by the House of Representatives.Democratic lawmakers are expected to approve two impeachment charges against the Republican president on Wednesday.

Mr Trump is scheduled to face a trial in the Senate next month, but that chamber is controlled by members of his party and it is unlikely to vote that he should be removed from office.The president has called the process an "attempted coup" and a "witch hunt".

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So you figure the House will actually follow through on their impeachment threat and file the articles in the US Senate?

Joke's on them....the President has NOT been IMPEACHED...and won't be until Pelosi sends their vote to the Senate....

Pelosi just pulled the rug out from under the rabid left extremists' feet - she agreed to a vote. She never said she would follow through & send the results to the Senate.

It's 73 feet from Pelosi's door to McConnell's, so you figure that the impeachment articles will never complete the 73 foot journey?
It's 73 feet from Pelosi's door to McConnell's, so you figure that the impeachment articles will never complete the 73 foot journey?

I will have to take your word on how far it is from Pelosi's door to McConnell' really does not matter, such information is irrelevant and a distraction from the real meaningful facts....such as how Pelosi is putting her complete abuse of power, attempting to dictate to the Senate how it will conduct its business - a violation of the Constitution's Separation of Powers - on full display.

- Their own Democrat Constitutional Expert testified that according to the Constitution and Law President Trump has not committed any crime, has not abused his power, and has not committed an Impeachable offense, that it is the Democrats who have and continue to abuse their power. He made it clear that the House Democrats' rush to Impeach is the fastest in US history with the weakest case for Impeachment n US history...

***.....and if Pelosi is now saying they suddenly have their 1st REAL witness who has the 1st bit of REAL evidence of a crime and need to call more witnesses then she and the Democrats only have themselves to blame for rushing to Impeach instead of running a fair, thorough investigation in the House.

Pelosi crime, no evidence, no witnesses, multiple US IG reports exposing crimes, FISA Court abuses, relying on known unscrupulous foreign spies peddling Russian Counter-Intel propaganda, Schiff's exposed taking cash from Russian-born arms dealers and corrupt Ukrainians, Biden's videotaped confession, and a good chance some of the main players involved in building their case against the President could end p going to prison not long after they officially submit their Impeachment vote to the Senate, which is only going to immediately vote to dismiss their Impeachment....if they are lucky. If not, Schiff, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, potentially Hillary, potentially Obama...and perhaps even herself...could be dragged into a really damn ugly Senate investigation that could also result in Democrats being removed from positions of power, removed from office, indicted, and even sent to prison.

Imagine that face you / someone gets the second after they realize they just stepped in dog crap....that is the look Pelosi now has on her face.

It's 73 feet from Pelosi's door to McConnell's, so you figure that the impeachment articles will never complete the 73 foot journey?

I will have to take your word on how far it is from Pelosi's door to McConnell' really does not matter, such information is irrelevant and a distraction from the real meaningful facts....such as how Pelosi is putting her complete abuse of power, attempting to dictate to the Senate how it will conduct its business - a violation of the Constitution's Separation of Powers - on full display.

- Their own Democrat Constitutional Expert testified that according to the Constitution and Law President Trump has not committed any crime, has not abused his power, and has not committed an Impeachable offense, that it is the Democrats who have and continue to abuse their power. He made it clear that the House Democrats' rush to Impeach is the fastest in US history with the weakest case for Impeachment n US history...

***.....and if Pelosi is now saying they suddenly have their 1st REAL witness who has the 1st bit of REAL evidence of a crime and need to call more witnesses then she and the Democrats only have themselves to blame for rushing to Impeach instead of running a fair, thorough investigation in the House.

Pelosi crime, no evidence, no witnesses, multiple US IG reports exposing crimes, FISA Court abuses, relying on known unscrupulous foreign spies peddling Russian Counter-Intel propaganda, Schiff's exposed taking cash from Russian-born arms dealers and corrupt Ukrainians, Biden's videotaped confession, and a good chance some of the main players involved in building their case against the President could end p going to prison not long after they officially submit their Impeachment vote to the Senate, which is only going to immediately vote to dismiss their Impeachment....if they are lucky. If not, Schiff, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, potentially Hillary, potentially Obama...and perhaps even herself...could be dragged into a really damn ugly Senate investigation that could also result in Democrats being removed from positions of power, removed from office, indicted, and even sent to prison.

Imagine that face you / someone gets the second after they realize they just stepped in dog crap....that is the look Pelosi now has on her face.

Nobody with a brain takes The House seriously after this political stunt of theirs:

GOP Predicts Bipartisan Exoneration in Impending Senate Impeachment Trial

House Democrats also had defectors who voted against impeachment.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will move to acquit Trump as quickly as possible since no crimes were named in the articles of impeachment.
It's 73 feet from Pelosi's door to McConnell's, so you figure that the impeachment articles will never complete the 73 foot journey?

I will have to take your word on how far it is from Pelosi's door to McConnell' really does not matter, such information is irrelevant and a distraction from the real meaningful facts....such as how Pelosi is putting her complete abuse of power, attempting to dictate to the Senate how it will conduct its business - a violation of the Constitution's Separation of Powers - on full display.

- Their own Democrat Constitutional Expert testified that according to the Constitution and Law President Trump has not committed any crime, has not abused his power, and has not committed an Impeachable offense, that it is the Democrats who have and continue to abuse their power. He made it clear that the House Democrats' rush to Impeach is the fastest in US history with the weakest case for Impeachment n US history...

***.....and if Pelosi is now saying they suddenly have their 1st REAL witness who has the 1st bit of REAL evidence of a crime and need to call more witnesses then she and the Democrats only have themselves to blame for rushing to Impeach instead of running a fair, thorough investigation in the House...
Yup. She knows she has failed, and now she wants the Jury to help her finally find a crime. Looks like Trump looks forward to full, complete, bipartisan exoneration.
I doubt very seriously we will see 'full, complete, BIPARTISAN exoneration. Pelosi will be begging Senate Democrats to vote with her to help keep what little self-respect she has left...and she can always count on Schumer's TDS-suffering compliance.
I doubt very seriously we will see 'full, complete, BIPARTISAN exoneration. Pelosi will be begging Senate Democrats to vote with her to help keep what little self-respect she has left...and she can always count on Schumer's TDS-suffering compliance.
We'll see. WV and AL are + R19 and +R14, respectively.

MT is R+11

AZ is +5 Republican.

OH is +3R
Law prof: Without even a Statutory Crime, the Senate isn’t even required to hold an impeachment trial at all

All McConnell needs to do is to call a vote to dismiss before a trial even starts — and that would require only a simple majority, as it is just a procedural motion. McConnell has mentioned instant dismissal as an option for three months.

The Senate majority may make a procedural motion to adjourn the start of a trial until Nov. 4, 2020. That would allow the American people to decide the president’s fate at the ballot box. A simple majority of 51 votes would be necessary to leave the decision in the hands of the Presidential Electorate.

A trial is unnecessary as the House articles are defective. Both fail to meet the constitutional threshold of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

This is what happens when one crazed party defines “abuse of power” untethered to any criminal act, and especially in the absence of any direct evidence of testimony to it. It leaves everything open to interpretation, which leads to nothing but spin. This is precisely why the founders chose not to include “maladministration” as an impeachable act, and why they feared that impeachment would turn into a bitterly partisan exercise.

Graham has bigger fish to fry than Schiff; he wants to take aim at the FBI and corrumpt intelligence agencies involved in Operation Crossfire Hurricane, not Adam Schiff, whose atrocious work speaks for itself. A quick dismissal and a renewed focus on FISA and the FBI’s surveillance of Carter Page would allow for a change of subject that, frankly, both parties need more than they realize.
Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

the transcript of the call disproves your allegations 100%, However, Biden bragging about his successful bribe of ukraine clearly establishes his guilt.

Trump committed no crimes, Biden and Hillary did. Even crazy old Nancy knows that the impeachment in the house was a charade, thats why she won't send it to the senate.

You would be one of the ones screaming that Al Capone was Innocent as well and being mistreated.

Capone was a convicted criminal, he is much more like Hillary than Trump. But Capone was not above the law as are the Clintons
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud

I understand why you fear the exposure of Biden's corruption.

I loved his speeches in the 1988 primary.
BIDEN showed his tax returns Trump the mafia boss of the Repub party wouldn't dare

sorry, but the Republican Party is dead. We need to have it's wake. It's been creamated. Meanwhile, the Prty of the Rump sometimes gets confused for the GOP.

LOL, tell that to the 30,000 americans who attend each Trump rally all over the country. Its the dem party that is dead, killed by Obozo and the crooked Clintons and now crazy Nancy, pencil neck Schiff and toad boy Nadler. The party of Kennedy and truman is dead as 3 week old road kill.

Oh, I won't tell the 30K people that they are wrong for themselves. But they aren't GOP. They are the Party of the Rump. The GOP needs to laid to rest. I suggest we do an Irish wake.

you could not be more wrong, your ignorance is amazing.
Donald Trump is set to become the third US president in history to be impeached later by the House of Representatives.Democratic lawmakers are expected to approve two impeachment charges against the Republican president on Wednesday.

Mr Trump is scheduled to face a trial in the Senate next month, but that chamber is controlled by members of his party and it is unlikely to vote that he should be removed from office.The president has called the process an "attempted coup" and a "witch hunt".

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Pelosi gets cold feet. Refuses to finalize impeachment. So what was the point of this farce?

a Democrat House member generally cannot win the general election without first winning the Democrat primary:

These Democrat primaries are also the reason the Democrats in the House brought impeachment

There was a two-count indictment against President Trump being debated by the House:
  1. Orange man bad (abuse of power)
  2. Orange man mean to us (obstruction of Congress)
If you are a Democrat, even one in a district that President Trump won in 2016, you must get on the record voting for impeachment to avoid being primaried.

Actually, all that needs to be done is to be able to present the facts to the Voters. And that is being done. The Dem Candidates haven't bit off on that one quite yet but they will once it's down to just one. And then, look out, Katy, bar the Door. We already know that even if Rump were to murder someone on 5th avenue, the Senate would not remove him from office. The Fix is in. There is no point in even presenting it to the Senate. The Trial has already happened in the Senate. So they just let it lie and bring it up in the General Election. Let's face it, the Republican Senators look remarkably like Co-Conspirators on this one. And that is how it's going to be presented.

correct, all that needs to be done is present the facts to the voters. The farce in the house did some of that, presented the facts that the dems made everything up and have no proof of any crimes, that the whole fiasco was a political move to create a talking point for next year's election, but it failed, the people are not as dumb as the dems think they are.
I just thought I'd check in here to see if Trump was impeached yet. He is a world menace and a threat to The American Way that must be stopped at any cost. I was kinda hoping he'd be outed by 2:30 today, there's a good TV show on at 3PM I was hoping to watch. Someone please tell Nancy to hurry it up.
Donald Trump is set to become the third US president in history to be impeached later by the House of Representatives.Democratic lawmakers are expected to approve two impeachment charges against the Republican president on Wednesday.

Mr Trump is scheduled to face a trial in the Senate next month, but that chamber is controlled by members of his party and it is unlikely to vote that he should be removed from office.The president has called the process an "attempted coup" and a "witch hunt".

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Pelosi gets cold feet. Refuses to finalize impeachment. So what was the point of this farce?

a Democrat House member generally cannot win the general election without first winning the Democrat primary:

These Democrat primaries are also the reason the Democrats in the House brought impeachment

There was a two-count indictment against President Trump being debated by the House:
  1. Orange man bad (abuse of power)
  2. Orange man mean to us (obstruction of Congress)
If you are a Democrat, even one in a district that President Trump won in 2016, you must get on the record voting for impeachment to avoid being primaried.

Actually, all that needs to be done is to be able to present the facts to the Voters. And that is being done. The Dem Candidates haven't bit off on that one quite yet but they will once it's down to just one. And then, look out, Katy, bar the Door. We already know that even if Rump were to murder someone on 5th avenue, the Senate would not remove him from office. The Fix is in. There is no point in even presenting it to the Senate. The Trial has already happened in the Senate. So they just let it lie and bring it up in the General Election. Let's face it, the Republican Senators look remarkably like Co-Conspirators on this one. And that is how it's going to be presented.

correct, all that needs to be done is present the facts to the voters. The farce in the house did some of that, presented the facts that the dems made everything up and have no proof of any crimes, that the whole fiasco was a political move to create a talking point for next year's election, but it failed, the people are not as dumb as the dems think they are.
FACT ,,we're back to 2% ,,,,and many folks don't own stocks Raises are nice but nothing dramatic AND best of all Dump inherited a good economy

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