Official Impeachment Day Thread

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud

I understand why you fear the exposure of Biden's corruption.

I loved his speeches in the 1988 primary.
BIDEN showed his tax returns Trump the mafia boss of the Repub party wouldn't dare

BIDEN showed his tax returns

Did those show payments to the guy he plagiarized?
Stop this nonsense. If Rump would have actually behaved himself people like would have accepted him. But no, he's got go all 9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss. Neither should be sitting in the Whitehouse.

Maybe. But that "behaved" person you describe isn't Trump, never has been, never will be.
Durham DOJ probe just asked for Brennen's phone records...breaking news on FOX....
Christianity Today editor calls for Trump to be removed from office

Christianity Today, the flagship Evangelical magazine, called for President Trump to be removed from office in a new editorial.

The piece, attributed to Christianity Today Editor in Chief Mark Galli, notes that the magazine’s “typical approach” is to “stay above the fray,” allowing readers to “make their arguments in the public square, to encourage all to pursue justice according to their convictions and treat their political opposition as charitably as possible.”

But the editorial criticized Trump, saying “[T]he facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.”
Christianity Today editor calls for Trump to be removed from office

Christianity Today, the flagship Evangelical magazine, called for President Trump to be removed from office in a new editorial.

The piece, attributed to Christianity Today Editor in Chief Mark Galli, notes that the magazine’s “typical approach” is to “stay above the fray,” allowing readers to “make their arguments in the public square, to encourage all to pursue justice according to their convictions and treat their political opposition as charitably as possible.”

But the editorial criticized Trump, saying “[T]he facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.”
This deserves its own thread.
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon & Clinton combined. His supporters don't care, they just want a dictator that will crush the other side.
no evidence
no crime
And Pelosi is refusing to file charges in the Senate. Without filed charges, no impeachment.

The longer this drags out, the stronger Trump becomes. The latest USA Today-Suffolk poll has Trump up three points on Joe Biden, five on Bernie Sanders, eight on Elizabeth Warren, and ten on Pete Buttigieg.

No incumbent president has ever lost an election with a growing economy and peacetime conditions.

The increasing unpopularity of impeachment couples with the Democrats’ obsession over it. The House majority has spent all year attempting to find a rationale for impeachment, and Zogby Analytics’ latest survey shows that voters have noticed. Two-thirds of their respondents say that Democrats have more interest in impeaching Trump than in focusing on “legislation that will help Americans,” including a majority of Democratic voters:

And the shocking sidebar: A majority of Democrats, 53%, believe this is the case too, said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

“This feeling of politics first permeated a majority of every subgroup: all felt that Democrats in Congress were more concerned with impeaching the president rather than passing legislation that helps Americans,” he said in sharing the poll with Secrets.

His is the latest survey to show that the Democratic drive to impeach the president today has done little to expand their base.

What his poll shows, instead, is the feeling by many that the effort was a costly waste and robbed Congress of time needed to push through helpful legislation.​

Such a rebuke from the voters might convince future Houses to forego impeachment except under truly extraordinary circumstances. In fact, it might be the only way now to prevent the slide to a quasi-parliamentary system where impeachment gets treated as a no-confidence vote. Democrats have good reason to fear this backlash, and have earned it in spades.

The Hill: Dems worry that Trump can win in 2020 despite impeachment
Stop this nonsense. If Rump would have actually behaved himself people like would have accepted him. But no, he's got go all 9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss. Neither should be sitting in the Whitehouse.

Maybe. But that "behaved" person you describe isn't Trump, never has been, never will be.

I think you just made my point for me. He needs to be gone. Either by impeachment or by not being reelected.
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon & Clinton combined. His supporters don't care, they just want a dictator that will crush the other side.
no evidence
no crime
And Pelosi is refusing to file charges in the Senate. Without filed charges, no impeachment.

The longer this drags out, the stronger Trump becomes. The latest USA Today-Suffolk poll has Trump up three points on Joe Biden, five on Bernie Sanders, eight on Elizabeth Warren, and ten on Pete Buttigieg.

No incumbent president has ever lost an election with a growing economy and peacetime conditions.

The increasing unpopularity of impeachment couples with the Democrats’ obsession over it. The House majority has spent all year attempting to find a rationale for impeachment, and Zogby Analytics’ latest survey shows that voters have noticed. Two-thirds of their respondents say that Democrats have more interest in impeaching Trump than in focusing on “legislation that will help Americans,” including a majority of Democratic voters:

And the shocking sidebar: A majority of Democrats, 53%, believe this is the case too, said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

“This feeling of politics first permeated a majority of every subgroup: all felt that Democrats in Congress were more concerned with impeaching the president rather than passing legislation that helps Americans,” he said in sharing the poll with Secrets.

His is the latest survey to show that the Democratic drive to impeach the president today has done little to expand their base.

What his poll shows, instead, is the feeling by many that the effort was a costly waste and robbed Congress of time needed to push through helpful legislation.​

Such a rebuke from the voters might convince future Houses to forego impeachment except under truly extraordinary circumstances. In fact, it might be the only way now to prevent the slide to a quasi-parliamentary system where impeachment gets treated as a no-confidence vote. Democrats have good reason to fear this backlash, and have earned it in spades.

The Hill: Dems worry that Trump can win in 2020 despite impeachment

Bill Clinton gained 13% in polls when impeached to 73% approval rating! Trump only went from 39% before to 44% after. All you losers keep posting the same failed talking points you are programed to regurgitate.
Stop this nonsense. If Rump would have actually behaved himself people like would have accepted him. But no, he's got go all 9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss. Neither should be sitting in the Whitehouse.

Maybe. But that "behaved" person you describe isn't Trump, never has been, never will be.

I think you just made my point for me. He needs to be gone. Either by impeachment or by not being reelected.

Yep, and I agree. Still, the very notion that Trump could behave like a reasonable adult serving (!) the country seemed so outlandish, I thought I point it out.

Otherwise, your description of Trump as a "9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss" is one of the best I have read thus far. Makes you wonder, though, how it is even possible there are tens of millions who want exactly that in the Oval Office.
Stop this nonsense. If Rump would have actually behaved himself people like would have accepted him. But no, he's got go all 9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss. Neither should be sitting in the Whitehouse.

Maybe. But that "behaved" person you describe isn't Trump, never has been, never will be.

I think you just made my point for me. He needs to be gone. Either by impeachment or by not being reelected.

Yep, and I agree. Still, the very notion that Trump could behave like a reasonable adult serving (!) the country seemed so outlandish, I thought I point it out.

Otherwise, your description of Trump as a "9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss" is one of the best I have read thus far. Makes you wonder, though, how it is even possible there are tens of millions who want exactly that in the Oval Office.
Not that we "want" that, we DONJOT WANT your crap.

Figure it out.
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon & Clinton combined. His supporters don't care, they just want a dictator that will crush the other side.
no evidence
no crime
And Pelosi is refusing to file charges in the Senate. Without filed charges, no impeachment.

The longer this drags out, the stronger Trump becomes. The latest USA Today-Suffolk poll has Trump up three points on Joe Biden, five on Bernie Sanders, eight on Elizabeth Warren, and ten on Pete Buttigieg.

No incumbent president has ever lost an election with a growing economy and peacetime conditions.

The increasing unpopularity of impeachment couples with the Democrats’ obsession over it. The House majority has spent all year attempting to find a rationale for impeachment, and Zogby Analytics’ latest survey shows that voters have noticed. Two-thirds of their respondents say that Democrats have more interest in impeaching Trump than in focusing on “legislation that will help Americans,” including a majority of Democratic voters:

And the shocking sidebar: A majority of Democrats, 53%, believe this is the case too, said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

“This feeling of politics first permeated a majority of every subgroup: all felt that Democrats in Congress were more concerned with impeaching the president rather than passing legislation that helps Americans,” he said in sharing the poll with Secrets.

His is the latest survey to show that the Democratic drive to impeach the president today has done little to expand their base.

What his poll shows, instead, is the feeling by many that the effort was a costly waste and robbed Congress of time needed to push through helpful legislation.​

Such a rebuke from the voters might convince future Houses to forego impeachment except under truly extraordinary circumstances. In fact, it might be the only way now to prevent the slide to a quasi-parliamentary system where impeachment gets treated as a no-confidence vote. Democrats have good reason to fear this backlash, and have earned it in spades.

The Hill: Dems worry that Trump can win in 2020 despite impeachment

Bill Clinton gained 13% in polls when impeached to 73% approval rating! Trump only went from 39% before to 44% after. All you losers keep posting the same failed talking points you are programed to regurgitate.
44% is about 13% more than 39%, so Trump's polling has increased by nearly 13% and it's still climbing. He still has the SOTU bump coming, a spring loaded rocket to launch him into the Election Year.

And how about that Santa Claus Rally?!?

Stock Market UP over 30% since last Christmas and still climbing! A brand new all time high right while Democrats were taking their phony baloney impeachment vote. Now that's a tear gas canister right to the nads!

Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon & Clinton combined. His supporters don't care, they just want a dictator that will crush the other side.
no evidence
no crime
And Pelosi is refusing to file charges in the Senate. Without filed charges, no impeachment.

The longer this drags out, the stronger Trump becomes. The latest USA Today-Suffolk poll has Trump up three points on Joe Biden, five on Bernie Sanders, eight on Elizabeth Warren, and ten on Pete Buttigieg.

No incumbent president has ever lost an election with a growing economy and peacetime conditions.

The increasing unpopularity of impeachment couples with the Democrats’ obsession over it. The House majority has spent all year attempting to find a rationale for impeachment, and Zogby Analytics’ latest survey shows that voters have noticed. Two-thirds of their respondents say that Democrats have more interest in impeaching Trump than in focusing on “legislation that will help Americans,” including a majority of Democratic voters:

And the shocking sidebar: A majority of Democrats, 53%, believe this is the case too, said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

“This feeling of politics first permeated a majority of every subgroup: all felt that Democrats in Congress were more concerned with impeaching the president rather than passing legislation that helps Americans,” he said in sharing the poll with Secrets.

His is the latest survey to show that the Democratic drive to impeach the president today has done little to expand their base.

What his poll shows, instead, is the feeling by many that the effort was a costly waste and robbed Congress of time needed to push through helpful legislation.​

Such a rebuke from the voters might convince future Houses to forego impeachment except under truly extraordinary circumstances. In fact, it might be the only way now to prevent the slide to a quasi-parliamentary system where impeachment gets treated as a no-confidence vote. Democrats have good reason to fear this backlash, and have earned it in spades.

The Hill: Dems worry that Trump can win in 2020 despite impeachment

Bill Clinton gained 13% in polls when impeached to 73% approval rating! Trump only went from 39% before to 44% after. All you losers keep posting the same failed talking points you are programed to regurgitate.

Its Dem's warning everyone they can't risk Trump winning re-election in 2020. :21:
Stop this nonsense. If Rump would have actually behaved himself people like would have accepted him. But no, he's got go all 9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss. Neither should be sitting in the Whitehouse.

Maybe. But that "behaved" person you describe isn't Trump, never has been, never will be.

I think you just made my point for me. He needs to be gone. Either by impeachment or by not being reelected.

Yep, and I agree. Still, the very notion that Trump could behave like a reasonable adult serving (!) the country seemed so outlandish, I thought I point it out.

Otherwise, your description of Trump as a "9 year old spoiled brat and Mob Boss" is one of the best I have read thus far. Makes you wonder, though, how it is even possible there are tens of millions who want exactly that in the Oval Office.

I really don't have a reasonable explanation to that. But it's been seen that if you lock an insane person up in a room with a bunch of sane people, you still have one insane person in a room full of sane people. On the otherhand, if you lock a sane person up in a room full of insane people, in time, you will have no sane people in that room. I just refuse to be locked up in that same room with all those insane people.

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

the transcript of the call disproves your allegations 100%, However, Biden bragging about his successful bribe of ukraine clearly establishes his guilt.

Trump committed no crimes, Biden and Hillary did. Even crazy old Nancy knows that the impeachment in the house was a charade, thats why she won't send it to the senate.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud

I understand why you fear the exposure of Biden's corruption.

I loved his speeches in the 1988 primary.
BIDEN showed his tax returns Trump the mafia boss of the Repub party wouldn't dare

sorry, but the Republican Party is dead. We need to have it's wake. It's been creamated. Meanwhile, the Prty of the Rump sometimes gets confused for the GOP.

LOL, tell that to the 30,000 americans who attend each Trump rally all over the country. Its the dem party that is dead, killed by Obozo and the crooked Clintons and now crazy Nancy, pencil neck Schiff and toad boy Nadler. The party of Kennedy and truman is dead as 3 week old road kill.

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

the transcript of the call disproves your allegations 100%, However, Biden bragging about his successful bribe of ukraine clearly establishes his guilt.

Trump committed no crimes, Biden and Hillary did. Even crazy old Nancy knows that the impeachment in the house was a charade, thats why she won't send it to the senate.
Trump remains unimpeached.


I am so glad that Nancy Pelosi has finally come to her senses and declared — on the floor of the House no less — that impeachment is ‘a hatchet job on the presidency’. Yes, that’s right. The House, said Pelosi, is ‘not judging the president with fairness, but impeaching him with a vengeance’. Nicely phrased! The whole circus, she said, violates ‘fundamental principles that Americans hold dear: privacy, fairness, checks and balances’. Go, Nancy! Not only that, the impeachment process is taking place only because one party is ‘paralyzed with hatred’ of the president, and until they ‘free themselves of this hatred, our country will suffer’. I couldn’t agree more. Indeed, Pelosi was right again that the spectacle of impeachment is ‘about punishment searching for a crime that doesn’t exist’.​

SCREECH!! The needle goes scudding across the vinyl disk: wrong impeachment!

That was Nancy Pelosi in 1998 when a Democrat was being impeached, not Pelosi in 2019 when a Republican is in the dock.

Because that’s different, somehow.

Putin is correct. Our potential enemies are not stupid, they see the circus coup attempt by the worthless dems.

Why is it better to be at cold war with russia than to work with them to the benefit of both countries? Why do you dems want the USA in constant wars?

It is not the west that is attacking Russia, but rather the other way around.

Putin cannot be trusted, and is the President of a criminal regime. Putin provides a safe haven for criminal hackers and cyber-criminals. In return for freedom and safety, the hackers support and participate in Putin's criminal conspiracies to undermine NATO and other western democracies, who Putin blames for destroying the Soviet Union.

yes, all true. Do you think we have not tried to influence foreign elections? Obama vigorously opposed Netanyahu and funded his opponents. How is that different? China hacks our government and business computers every day and we do theirs. I don't understand why Russia has been made the big enemy when all countries are doing the same stuff and have been for years.

do you think we don't have hackers trying to get into Russias data bases, and China's and the UK's, and France's? of course we do, thats one of the main roles of the CIA.

the pomposity of you libs just verifies how little you know about how this world works.
Once more you ridicule brilliance Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent For TRUMPS BENEFIT That is impeachable except by your scum in the senate where politics rule BEFORE country

the transcript of the call disproves your allegations 100%, However, Biden bragging about his successful bribe of ukraine clearly establishes his guilt.

Trump committed no crimes, Biden and Hillary did. Even crazy old Nancy knows that the impeachment in the house was a charade, thats why she won't send it to the senate.

You would be one of the ones screaming that Al Capone was Innocent as well and being mistreated.
Trump asked a foreign leader under threat of blackmail for info on his opponent

Biden's corruption must remain hidden, especially if he may be Trump's opponent.
Hopefully he will and you'll see an honest man destroy your crud

I understand why you fear the exposure of Biden's corruption.

I loved his speeches in the 1988 primary.
BIDEN showed his tax returns Trump the mafia boss of the Repub party wouldn't dare

sorry, but the Republican Party is dead. We need to have it's wake. It's been creamated. Meanwhile, the Prty of the Rump sometimes gets confused for the GOP.

LOL, tell that to the 30,000 americans who attend each Trump rally all over the country. Its the dem party that is dead, killed by Obozo and the crooked Clintons and now crazy Nancy, pencil neck Schiff and toad boy Nadler. The party of Kennedy and truman is dead as 3 week old road kill.

Oh, I won't tell the 30K people that they are wrong for themselves. But they aren't GOP. They are the Party of the Rump. The GOP needs to laid to rest. I suggest we do an Irish wake.

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