Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Witnesses who saw nothing
Testimony from those who heard nor saw anything.
Lots of chatter about hurt boo boo feelings and opinions and what some guy said about what some guy said.
Full suspension of fact and reality still in effect so I guess just play along until the light gets turned on.
Why Ain't they still beating on Goldman. He's bleeding profusely. Get this blond girl outta here
Collins is Eviscerating Goldman and The Dem's whole Lying Case of FICTION. Goldman looks lost and looks like an idiot,.
My God Look at Goldman absolutely shrivel like a 3 year old in cold

Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..
Collins is Eviscerating Goldman and The Dem's whole Lying Case of FICTION. Goldman looks lost and looks like an idiot,.
My God Look at Goldman absolutely shrivel like a 3 year old in cold

Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..
And looks pretty concussed. Put him in protocol.
Collins is Eviscerating Goldman and The Dem's whole Lying Case of FICTION. Goldman looks lost and looks like an idiot,.
My God Look at Goldman absolutely shrivel like a 3 year old in cold

Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..

For the most part. This isn't about fact finding, all this is nothing more then personal jabs.
Collins is Eviscerating Goldman and The Dem's whole Lying Case of FICTION. Goldman looks lost and looks like an idiot,.
My God Look at Goldman absolutely shrivel like a 3 year old in cold

Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..

For the most part. This isn't about fact finding, all this is nothing more then personal jabs.
But this phone record crap ain't going away.
Collins is Eviscerating Goldman and The Dem's whole Lying Case of FICTION. Goldman looks lost and looks like an idiot,.
My God Look at Goldman absolutely shrivel like a 3 year old in cold

Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..

For the most part. This isn't about fact finding, all this is nothing more then personal jabs.
Democrat DOG AND PONY SHOW..... Send it to the glue factory... It's dead!
Put a fork in impeachment, it's done.

I would like to start, perhaps incongruously, with a statement of three irrelevantfacts. First, I am not a supporter of President Trump. I voted against him in 2016 and Ihave previously voted for Presidents Clinton and Obama. Second, I have been highlycritical of President Trump, his policies, and his rhetoric, in dozens of columns. Third, Ihave repeatedly criticized his raising of the investigation of the Hunter Biden matter withthe Ukrainian president. These points are not meant to curry favor or approval. Ratherthey are meant to drive home a simple point: one can oppose President Trump’s policiesor actions but still conclude that the current legal case for impeachment is not justwoefully inadequate, but in some respects, dangerous, as the basis for the impeachmentof an American president. To put it simply, I hold no brief for President Trump. My personal and political views of President Trump, however, are irrelevant to myimpeachment testimony, as they should be to your impeachment vote. Today, my onlyconcern is the integrity and coherence of the constitutional standard and process ofimpeachment. President Trump will not be our last president and what we leave in thewake of this scandal will shape our democracy for generations to come. I am concernedabout lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance ofanger. If the House proceeds solely on the Ukrainian allegations, this impeachment wouldstand out among modern impeachments as the shortest proceeding, with the thinnestevidentiary record, and the narrowest grounds ever used to impeach a president.
Thatdoes not bode well for future presidents who are working in a country often sharply and,at times, bitterly divided

Read: Jonathan Turley impeachment inquiry testimony
Impeachment is DONE.

Collins hit a grand slam home run when he grilled Goldman on spying on members of Congress and The Press.

Now, Remember when The President ordered Audits of all these Fat Lazy Bureaucrats and their over-bloated departments, agencies and bureaucracies? That pretty much is when all this started.

So here is what has to happen again. Trump needs to announce that they are all going to be re-audited and in accordance to the first audit, have across the board cuts of 2% and MORE, if the 2ndary audit finds that they did not address issues of waste, fraud and abuse.

This is how you fight The Deep State. You cut their purse strings.
My God Look at Goldman absolutely shrivel like a 3 year old in cold

Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..

For the most part. This isn't about fact finding, all this is nothing more then personal jabs.
But this phone record crap ain't going away.
Schiff publishing personal information isn't going away... He violated their rights under the Constitution and his congressional immunity will not cover that.
Goldman is toast and now Nadler is pissed..... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Collins accused him of lying under oath and then refused to hear his response. Collins is a blowhard. No one who watched that performance could say it was necessary to attack a baby lawyer that way.
My God Look at Goldman absolutely shrivel like a 3 year old in cold

Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..

For the most part. This isn't about fact finding, all this is nothing more then personal jabs.
But this phone record crap ain't going away.
Nope. That is what Corrupt people do to win. That will be an investigation all by itself with Adam Schiff and his Lawyer at the center.... But with EVIL MEN, The Rules don't matter and like The Bible says, when you are dealing with people like that "The Wicked are Ensnared by The Traps They Lay for Others."
Goldman is toast and now Nadler is pissed..... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Collins accused him of lying under oath and then refused to hear his response. Collins is a blowhard. No one who watched that performance could say it was necessary to attack a baby lawyer that way.

His testimony is now garbage and he could face criminal prosecution... Go with that girl!
Goldman is toast and now Nadler is pissed..... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Collins accused him of lying under oath and then refused to hear his response. Collins is a blowhard. No one who watched that performance could say it was necessary to attack a baby lawyer that way.
He refused to answer THE QUESTION. Collins should have let him outright lie, but what he did was commit a lie of omission. He is under oath, and he needs to answer the question, or plead the 5th.
Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..

For the most part. This isn't about fact finding, all this is nothing more then personal jabs.
But this phone record crap ain't going away.
Schiff publishing personal information isn't going away... He violated their rights under the Constitution and his congressional immunity will not cover that.
Violations of DUE PROCESS and CIVIL RIGHTS is the only reason this thing has even gotten this far. It started with a LIE and will end with Liars being convicted of being LIARS and the TRUTH being exposed and President being Exonerated.
Collins is Eviscerating Goldman and The Dem's whole Lying Case of FICTION. Goldman looks lost and looks like an idiot,.
My God Look at Goldman absolutely shrivel like a 3 year old in cold

Goldman is just there to take a knee and run out the clock. Nothing more.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..
And looks pretty concussed. Put him in protocol.

He will get soft balls and a little rest.
I think he got sacked for a 50 yd loss
Touch-back... He got sacked in his own endzone..

For the most part. This isn't about fact finding, all this is nothing more then personal jabs.
But this phone record crap ain't going away.
Schiff publishing personal information isn't going away... He violated their rights under the Constitution and his congressional immunity will not cover that.
Violations of DUE PROCESS and CIVIL RIGHTS is the only reason this thing has even gotten this far. It started with a LIE and will end with Liars being convicted of being LIARS and the TRUTH being exposed and President being Exonerated.
When this reaches the Senate, fair Due Process and the Chief Justice, its DOA.. It will be shredded into a million pieces and the witnesses will be many, including Schiff, Biden and others. Its going to be a blood bath..
Goldman is toast and now Nadler is pissed..... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Collins accused him of lying under oath and then refused to hear his response. Collins is a blowhard. No one who watched that performance could say it was necessary to attack a baby lawyer that way.

His testimony is now garbage and he could face criminal prosecution... Go with that girl!
What did he lie about, Billy?

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