Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Oh, I know there are two sides.

No. You don't.

You completely support the idea of the minority being suppressed in this process. You want there to be only one side. One guilty verdict.
I do want a guilty verdict, because I believe the President is guilty and caught red handed and no one, despite all kinds of deflection to other topics, can explain what the Pres was up to, if not what the Dems are saying he was.

I have no idea what all the procedural arguments are every time someone takes a breath. I just think it's interesting that when Schiff told them to pipe down, they did. With Nadler? Not so much.

Caught red handed doing what exactly?
Just more proof that this process is a complete joke. No one, not one of those partisan hacks, are proceeding through this process with the clarity, weight and attention that it deserves. It is ALL showboating.
? The arguments so far have been pretty good, both sides. That Collins guy was super stirring to the rightwinger's breast.
Castor is saying an impeachment would obviate the Trump votes in 2016 and is unfair. I don't see it that way.

Why did Al Green say we have to impeach Trump because we cant beat him in 2020?
Dunno. Ask Al why don't you?
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.


All I hear is blah, blah, blahblah, blah. Impeachment.
Your guy will be on soon.

Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.
got caught? at what?
All I hear is blah, blah, blahblah, blah. Impeachment.
Your guy will be on soon.

Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.

But he hasn't been caught. His whole presidency the anti trump group has been at him. Openly jamming him up. Trump basically drove them stupid. They could have destroyed trump had then done it right. And now this is what politics is. The next democrat presidant will be impeached. Impeachment will become part of wing sworn in. It will be a badge of honor. Really, this is just stupid. And sad.
Crixus, the Dems have been after Trump thanks to Trump's own actions. It's not true that the Mueller investigation was a "witch hunt." The msm is not "fake news." That is Trump's sales pitch.

Well, if you don't see anything wrong with strong arming Ukraine for a personal favor with taxpayer dollars that had already been approved by Congress, to cheat in the campaign AGAIN, I can't change your mind.
Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.

But he hasn't been caught. His whole presidency the anti trump group has been at him. Openly jamming him up. Trump basically drove them stupid. They could have destroyed trump had then done it right. And now this is what politics is. The next democrat presidant will be impeached. Impeachment will become part of wing sworn in. It will be a badge of honor. Really, this is just stupid. And sad.
Crixus, the Dems have been after Trump thanks to Trump's own actions. It's not true that the Mueller investigation was a "witch hunt." The msm is not "fake news." That is Trump's sales pitch.

Well, if you don't see anything wrong with strong arming Ukraine for a personal favor with taxpayer dollars that had already been approved by Congress, to cheat in the campaign AGAIN, I can't change your mind.
Perhaps you should change your mind since all the people in Ukraine and the US who were directly involved in this issue have stated that the quid pro quo was about an invitation to the WH and not about the weapons.
Sondland made it quite clear that it was about both.

Then why when asked to provide evidence or state one impeachable offense not a one of the four had an answer?
Just more proof that this process is a complete joke. No one, not one of those partisan hacks, are proceeding through this process with the clarity, weight and attention that it deserves. It is ALL showboating.
? The arguments so far have been pretty good, both sides. That Collins guy was super stirring to the rightwinger's breast.
Castor is saying an impeachment would obviate the Trump votes in 2016 and is unfair. I don't see it that way.

Why did Al Green say we have to impeach Trump because we cant beat him in 2020?
Dunno. Ask Al why don't you?

You just keep dodging....pretty pathetic.
Just more proof that this process is a complete joke. No one, not one of those partisan hacks, are proceeding through this process with the clarity, weight and attention that it deserves. It is ALL showboating.
? The arguments so far have been pretty good, both sides. That Collins guy was super stirring to the rightwinger's breast.
Castor is saying an impeachment would obviate the Trump votes in 2016 and is unfair. I don't see it that way.

Why did Al Green say we have to impeach Trump because we cant beat him in 2020?
Dunno. Ask Al why don't you?
he already said why, 'because we can't beat him in 2020'.
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.


All I hear is blah, blah, blahblah, blah. Impeachment.
Your guy will be on soon.

Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.

Caught doing what?
Just more proof that this process is a complete joke. No one, not one of those partisan hacks, are proceeding through this process with the clarity, weight and attention that it deserves. It is ALL showboating.
? The arguments so far have been pretty good, both sides. That Collins guy was super stirring to the rightwinger's breast.
Castor is saying an impeachment would obviate the Trump votes in 2016 and is unfair. I don't see it that way.

Why did Al Green say we have to impeach Trump because we cant beat him in 2020?
Dunno. Ask Al why don't you?
he already said why, 'because we can't beat him in 2020'.
Seriously, you can't get any more blatant about it than that right there. Al is saying, hey middle america, fk you, you aren't allowed a vote!!!!!
All I hear is blah, blah, blahblah, blah. Impeachment.
Your guy will be on soon.

Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.

But he hasn't been caught. His whole presidency the anti trump group has been at him. Openly jamming him up. Trump basically drove them stupid. They could have destroyed trump had then done it right. And now this is what politics is. The next democrat presidant will be impeached. Impeachment will become part of wing sworn in. It will be a badge of honor. Really, this is just stupid. And sad.
Crixus, the Dems have been after Trump thanks to Trump's own actions. It's not true that the Mueller investigation was a "witch hunt." The msm is not "fake news." That is Trump's sales pitch.

Well, if you don't see anything wrong with strong arming Ukraine for a personal favor with taxpayer dollars that had already been approved by Congress, to cheat in the campaign AGAIN, I can't change your mind.

I'll ask for the millionth time...
What actions?
You right wingers that didn't listen just missed a real rant from Collins, and now they're arguing over a point of order so vociferously that I'm wondering if someone is going to be thrown out.

I'm sure this will get merged or deleted, but wanted to give you a heads up--this is entertainment, folks! Much less boring than the hearings a couple weeks ago.


All I hear is blah, blah, blahblah, blah. Impeachment.
Your guy will be on soon.

Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.

Caught doing what?
Not playing your game.
All I hear is blah, blah, blahblah, blah. Impeachment.
Your guy will be on soon.

Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.

Caught doing what?
Not playing your game.
we're not playing yours. liar.
All I hear is blah, blah, blahblah, blah. Impeachment.
Your guy will be on soon.

Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.

Caught doing what?
Not playing your game.

So you have no idea what he's done just like the four law professors. Gotcha.
Fireworks, inside the Capitol, with FAT NADLER present.


FAT burns....

Keep the FIRE DEPARTMENT on speed dial....

Just more proof that this process is a complete joke. No one, not one of those partisan hacks, are proceeding through this process with the clarity, weight and attention that it deserves. It is ALL showboating.
? The arguments so far have been pretty good, both sides. That Collins guy was super stirring to the rightwinger's breast.
Castro is saying an impeachment would obviate the Trump votes in 2016 and is unfair. I don't see it that way.
The arguments have been a joke. They are presented by people that have no place 'testifying' in the first place. I don't need congress to call stooges to justify positions they have already taken. If you are going to have someone testify it should be about content.

Everything I have seen thus far amounts to grandstanding.
Yes, I agree it is primarily repetitive at this point. It is not "grandstanding" though. It is a summation of all the evidence the two sides have. We have already heard the points, now they are being repeated once more prior to the House's vote.

I'm STILL waiting to hear what the Articles of Impeachment are. Has anyone actually seen them yet?

Oh....pee break.

The Articles have not been written yet, and they will likely be based on the lies that the Democrats are swearing to in their committee report. The committee isn't expected to have them ready for their vote until late this week Then they will submitted to the House for debate, which will take weeks.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? By the way when is that report due put today? :)
Not my guy. My guy was not Hillary. I never liked Trump. Still, trumps agenda is better for the country. What you are seeing in TV is all the democrats and a few republicans have in mind. Naddler can't control this. It's like watching people heard cats. As far as trump being impeached, it's going to happen. That was clear on election night 2016. Thing is, this has basically screwed the democrats. Pelosi tossed her 31 democrats everyone talks about under the bus. She will lose her position as speaker, she will end up being replaced in her seat. She is done. This impeachment is going to screw them for years to come. And for what? What will happen when the right gets the house again? When they are the majority again? You think Schiff will still be on the Intel committee? Naddler is being primaried so he may not even be in congress but you think he will still be on the judicial committee? There will be reprisals and more gripes and it will be four more years of the same old thing. A minority arguing and obstructing a magority. Only dumb sheep are happy at anything that comes from this.
If you feel trump's agenda is better for the country, then the Repubs are your guys, like it or not. That's exactly what they're fighting for--not to save Trump himself.

I think it was necessary to impeach the Pres once he got caught. He's a thug and we at least try to present a non-thuglike persona to the world. Someone has to object to what he did. I don't see how that is going to do any catastrophic damage to the Dems. Yes, I've heard all the arguments. I don't ever cheer useless political car crashes. Impeachment is always ugly. So is what Trump did.

But he hasn't been caught. His whole presidency the anti trump group has been at him. Openly jamming him up. Trump basically drove them stupid. They could have destroyed trump had then done it right. And now this is what politics is. The next democrat presidant will be impeached. Impeachment will become part of wing sworn in. It will be a badge of honor. Really, this is just stupid. And sad.
Crixus, the Dems have been after Trump thanks to Trump's own actions. It's not true that the Mueller investigation was a "witch hunt." The msm is not "fake news." That is Trump's sales pitch.

Well, if you don't see anything wrong with strong arming Ukraine for a personal favor with taxpayer dollars that had already been approved by Congress, to cheat in the campaign AGAIN, I can't change your mind.
Perhaps you should change your mind since all the people in Ukraine and the US who were directly involved in this issue have stated that the quid pro quo was about an invitation to the WH and not about the weapons.
Sondland made it quite clear that it was about both.
No, he was quite specific saying it was only about an invitation to the WH.

It is posts like yours that make the term "honest Democrat" an oxymoron. Applying the the same standards as Fat Jerry and Chicken Neck are using in the Dem impeachment circus, when Obama sent Biden to Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 election season to force Ukraine to help cover up the Hunter Biden scandal by threatening not to deliver US aid if Ukraine refused, clearly Obama and Biden should have been impeached since they acted to advance their own interests and the US's interests, and when Obama withdrew US forces from Iraq on the eve of the 2012 election season despite the request of the Iraqi PM to leave them because he felt he had to keep his 2008 campaign promise, ignoring the Pentagon's prediction Iraq would go up in flames, He certainly should have been impeached. And clearly, this whole impeachment circus being put on by the Democrats is intended to serve their interest and not the nations, it is an egregious abuse of power and authority and deserves to be harshly censured

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