Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Why is that important? Does anyone know? How do we know baby lawyer knew?
If you need to ask those questions, then I am done with you. The answer(s) are so obvious to the legality of it all . . . .
So the Republicans are saying the subpoenas were illegal, I am guessing. Of course they think that. Sort of damning evidence from those records.
That is why subpoenas are litigated in the Courts, but for Fat Jerry and the Boys, having a different opinion on a matter is not grounds for each side to present their views to an impartial judge, why no, disagreeing with Fat Jerry and the Boys is an "impeachable offense"!

Looking forward to seeing just how far the Senate Republicans shove this down their collective throats.
Why is that important? Does anyone know? How do we know baby lawyer knew?
If you need to ask those questions, then I am done with you. The answer(s) are so obvious to the legality of it all . . . .
So the Republicans are saying the subpoenas were illegal, I am guessing. Of course they think that. Sort of damning evidence from those records.
That is why subpoenas are litigated in the Courts, but for Fat Jerry and the Boys, having a different opinion on a matter is not grounds for each side to present their views to an impartial judge, why no, disagreeing with Fat Jerry and the Boys is an "impeachable offense"!

Looking forward to seeing just how far the Senate Republicans shove this down their collective throats.
Such a serious matter, and they don't want to go through the process that allows DUE PROCESS and allows their targets to actually defend themselves against illegitimate subpoenas.
After Throwing Everything Against the Wall, Dems Finally Scrape Together Four Things They Want to Impeach Trump Over.


Fat Jerry Tilts at a Windmill
  1. Using the power of his office to pressure for foreign interference
  2. Conditioning the request that he made to Ukraine on both the White House visit and the defense aid
  3. Undermining the U.S. free elections and national security
  4. Obstructing the investigation

.@RepJerryNadler has already lost control of today's #impeachment hearing.

This is an embarrassment.

— Oversight Committee Republicans (@GOPoversight) December 9, 2019
You left out # 5

5.) Daring to ever question Joe Biden and known statements he made.
So the Republicans are saying the subpoenas were illegal, I am guessing. Of course they think that. Sort of damning evidence from those records.
Hmm, please oh please tell me exactly what was discussed on those phone calls that constitute 'damning evidence'.
What question was it? I missed it.
Who ordered the subpoenas of phone records. Who ordered the cross checking and identifying the numbers.
Why is that important? Does anyone know? How do we know baby lawyer knew?
It goes to personal biases of those investigating and illegal use of our governmental systems. Schiff was spying on TRUMP and his staff just like the FISA abuse was done. He selected a close contact and then obtained the data and records which exposed Trump and Guliain to unwarranted search and seizure.
Isn't that part of an investigation? It's not called spying when there is an investigation. Same as the FISA thing, which Durham could find no fault with.
Horowitz found nothing but Durahm disagreed with that finding as he has already found criminal wrong doing..
What question was it? I missed it.
Who ordered the subpoenas of phone records. Who ordered the cross checking and identifying the numbers.
Why is that important? Does anyone know? How do we know baby lawyer knew?
It goes to personal biases of those investigating and illegal use of our governmental systems. Schiff was spying on TRUMP and his staff just like the FISA abuse was done. He selected a close contact and then obtained the data and records which exposed Trump and Guliain to unwarranted search and seizure.
Isn't that part of an investigation? It's not called spying when there is an investigation. Same as the FISA thing, which Durham could find no fault with.
Horowitz found nothing but Durahm disagreed with that finding..
No one was really interested in The IG report because he did not have Subpoena power, but he still found a bunch of crap.

Altering 302s, Altering Emails, Submitting False Testimony, Doctoring Documents, Filing False Affidavits, With holding Exculpatory Evidence, Manufacturing Evidence, Lying Under Oath, Leaking Classified Information, etc. etc.
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Who ordered the subpoenas of phone records. Who ordered the cross checking and identifying the numbers.
Why is that important? Does anyone know? How do we know baby lawyer knew?
It goes to personal biases of those investigating and illegal use of our governmental systems. Schiff was spying on TRUMP and his staff just like the FISA abuse was done. He selected a close contact and then obtained the data and records which exposed Trump and Guliain to unwarranted search and seizure.
Isn't that part of an investigation? It's not called spying when there is an investigation. Same as the FISA thing, which Durham could find no fault with.
Horowitz found nothing but Durahm disagreed with that finding..
No one was really interested in The IG report because he did not have Subpoena power, but he still found a bunch of crap.

Altering 302s, Altering Emails, Submitting False Testimony, Filing False Affidavits, With holding Exculpatory Evidence, Manufacturing Evidence, Lying Under Oath, Leaking Classified Information, etc. etc.
As I continue to read this report I am baffled how Horowitz claims no political bias. This thing is blowing up and Durham is going to have a hard time cleaning up this mess.
Why is that important? Does anyone know? How do we know baby lawyer knew?
It goes to personal biases of those investigating and illegal use of our governmental systems. Schiff was spying on TRUMP and his staff just like the FISA abuse was done. He selected a close contact and then obtained the data and records which exposed Trump and Guliain to unwarranted search and seizure.
Isn't that part of an investigation? It's not called spying when there is an investigation. Same as the FISA thing, which Durham could find no fault with.
Horowitz found nothing but Durahm disagreed with that finding..
No one was really interested in The IG report because he did not have Subpoena power, but he still found a bunch of crap.

Altering 302s, Altering Emails, Submitting False Testimony, Filing False Affidavits, With holding Exculpatory Evidence, Manufacturing Evidence, Lying Under Oath, Leaking Classified Information, etc. etc.
As I continue to read this report I am baffled how Horowitz claims no political bias. This thing is blowing up and Durham is going to have a hard time cleaning up this mess.
Not sure why Horrowitz made that assumption, unless he did not want to taint The Upcoming Criminal Indictments if any of his findings are part of that. That may been the only reason he was non committal on that.
What question was it? I missed it.
Who ordered the subpoenas of phone records. Who ordered the cross checking and identifying the numbers.
Why is that important? Does anyone know? How do we know baby lawyer knew?
It goes to personal biases of those investigating and illegal use of our governmental systems. Schiff was spying on TRUMP and his staff just like the FISA abuse was done. He selected a close contact and then obtained the data and records which exposed Trump and Guliain to unwarranted search and seizure.
Isn't that part of an investigation? It's not called spying when there is an investigation. Same as the FISA thing, which Durham could find no fault with.
Horowitz found nothing but Durahm disagreed with that finding as he has already found criminal wrong doing..
Yes, I just heard that.
Sensenberger just said (1) the subpoenas were perfectly legal, no question and (2) matching the numbers from that metadata of 3,500 calls to members of Congress and journalists is the problem.
Now, excuse me if I'm stupid, but why would they subpoena that information if they weren't going to figure out who called whom.
I just don't get that.
Sensenberger just said (1) the subpoenas were perfectly legal, no question and (2) matching the numbers from that metadata of 3,500 calls to members of Congress and journalists is the problem.
Now, excuse me if I'm stupid, but why would they subpoena that information if they weren't going to figure out who called whom.
I just don't get that.
4th amendment rights of the individual. What legal purpose did revealing the personal info serve? NONE! that's the problem!

They just skewered Biden for his Quid Pro Quo.... Too damn funny... hard evidence of one and none on the other.
And now were back to phone tag and gossip as evidence..... These people are fucking idiots..
IG report said it started out right but quickly went wrong and stayed that way
I want to get back to Biden boasting about his quid pro quo while a frantic witch hunt is on for Trumps
Do we just pretend what we see and hear in that video is not the normal definitions of the words used?
Oh, I know there are two sides.

No. You don't.

You completely support the idea of the minority being suppressed in this process. You want there to be only one side. One guilty verdict.
I do want a guilty verdict, because I believe the President is guilty and caught red handed and no one, despite all kinds of deflection to other topics, can explain what the Pres was up to, if not what the Dems are saying he was.

I have no idea what all the procedural arguments are every time someone takes a breath. I just think it's interesting that when Schiff told them to pipe down, they did. With Nadler? Not so much.
You wanted a quilty verdict the minute he was elected, before he was even sworn in. So trying to say that there is a reason is a joke.
Don't pretend to have any idea who I am or what I want now or what I wanted then. I'm not your cut out paper doll of a stereotypical Democrat. Shut the fuck up.
You made it clear that you wanted Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler to remove Trump and Pence under False Pretenses and a Hoax never ending Impeachment Process and Install Propaganda Pelosi as Emperor.

BTW, Goldman is getting torn apart by Collins, and his career just took a huge hit. Adolph Schiffler btw is a COWARD.

Just catching up on the hearings...
Boy did he ever!!!! Goldman went from cocky and assured to a scared little boy in short order!!
Oh, I know there are two sides.

No. You don't.

You completely support the idea of the minority being suppressed in this process. You want there to be only one side. One guilty verdict.
I do want a guilty verdict, because I believe the President is guilty and caught red handed and no one, despite all kinds of deflection to other topics, can explain what the Pres was up to, if not what the Dems are saying he was.

I have no idea what all the procedural arguments are every time someone takes a breath. I just think it's interesting that when Schiff told them to pipe down, they did. With Nadler? Not so much.
You wanted a quilty verdict the minute he was elected, before he was even sworn in. So trying to say that there is a reason is a joke.
Don't pretend to have any idea who I am or what I want now or what I wanted then. I'm not your cut out paper doll of a stereotypical Democrat. Shut the fuck up.
Lol love how the left always goes off the deep end during a discussion
No. You don't.

You completely support the idea of the minority being suppressed in this process. You want there to be only one side. One guilty verdict.
I do want a guilty verdict, because I believe the President is guilty and caught red handed and no one, despite all kinds of deflection to other topics, can explain what the Pres was up to, if not what the Dems are saying he was.

I have no idea what all the procedural arguments are every time someone takes a breath. I just think it's interesting that when Schiff told them to pipe down, they did. With Nadler? Not so much.
You wanted a quilty verdict the minute he was elected, before he was even sworn in. So trying to say that there is a reason is a joke.
Don't pretend to have any idea who I am or what I want now or what I wanted then. I'm not your cut out paper doll of a stereotypical Democrat. Shut the fuck up.
You made it clear that you wanted Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler to remove Trump and Pence under False Pretenses and a Hoax never ending Impeachment Process and Install Propaganda Pelosi as Emperor.

BTW, Goldman is getting torn apart by Collins, and his career just took a huge hit. Adolph Schiffler btw is a COWARD.

Just catching up on the hearings...
Boy did he ever!!!! Goldman went from cocky and assured to a scared little boy in short order!!

Oh....and that Ashlyn Callen is pretty F'n Hot!!!!
Goldman is toast and now Nadler is pissed..... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Collins accused him of lying under oath and then refused to hear his response. Collins is a blowhard. No one who watched that performance could say it was necessary to attack a baby lawyer that way.
He refused to answer THE QUESTION. Collins should have let him outright lie, but what he did was commit a lie of omission. He is under oath, and he needs to answer the question, or plead the 5th.
What question was it? I missed it.

He refused to answer to who ordered the investigation of the other phone numbers found on Nunese's phone records..
It was either him or Shitt.
Why do you think he refused to answer that question?

It appears I'm a little off on who's phone they got to bad.
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