Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Anyone with average intelligence that is watching this hearing can see that it's purely partisan and unfair.

I watched the Judiciary Committee hearing today, and it was quite interesting. The Democrats concentrated on the evidence and what Trump did and said.

The Republicans on the committee were caught between a rock and hard spot. They are dealing with a President who, by his own words and those of his chief of staff, is guilty of a number of impeachable offenses. Consequently, they avoided the evidence and what Trump did and said, concentrating on the process, whistleblower, whistleblower's complaint which has been superseded by a mountain of evidence and testimony, Hunter and Joe Biden, the Mueller Report, the economy, job growth, and constant references to an election that took place three years ago.

It should be significant to Trump's fans that the Republicans were unable to deal with the evidence, and were helpless when it came to what Trump said and did.

Got a crime with witnesses? Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.
If the dems pass impeachment articles, the senate trial will be wayyyyyyy more fun than the House clown shows.

p.s. there is no "evidence", only "hearsay" which is not allowed in the senate trial.
If Trump is declared innocent of asking a foreign government to intervene in our election on his behalf, if Trump is declared innocent of[/I] using bribery as an incentive, if Trump is declared innocent of obstructing justice when he clearly defied Congress, then Democratic Presidents will be allowed to continue the practice.

That possibility exists as early as Jan. 20, 2021. Do Trump's fans really want to grant that kind of power to Democratic Presidents?

Republicans in Congress have chosen to hold AG Holder in contempt for showing up, providing most of the requested documents, and withholding some concerning internal deliberations under Executive Privilege.

Republicans in Congress have chosen not to hold in contempt Trump and those who, on Trump's instruction, did not even show up to testify, much less provided any documents requested by Congress.

Republicans in Congress will, in the future, hold every Democratic Executive in contempt for failing to provide any testimony or documents.

Your proposition assumes Republicans hold themselves to the same standards they apply to others, thereby assuming facts for which there is not a smidgen of evidence. Are you new to politics?
Heil Schiffler!

Goldman is toast and now Nadler is pissed..... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Collins accused him of lying under oath and then refused to hear his response. Collins is a blowhard. No one who watched that performance could say it was necessary to attack a baby lawyer that way.
He refused to answer THE QUESTION. Collins should have let him outright lie, but what he did was commit a lie of omission. He is under oath, and he needs to answer the question, or plead the 5th.
What question was it? I missed it.


Why SHOULDN'T Schiff and the Democrats go after the private phone records of people they don't like, like some oppressive regime? Isn't that the SAME Gestapo methods used by and taught them by their guru mentor Obumma when he did the same thing with James Rosen and members of the Associated Press just a few years ago? And what was done about it by the GOP then? Where were the hearings, inquiries and impeachment investigations into any of that? The problem with Washington is that they are long on hearings and investigations, wasting money and stroking the taxpayer, but short on the actual RESULTS in getting prosecutions and cleaning up real crime in the capitol because, sadly, the laws simply don't apply to those they most need to apply to, those that WRITE the laws to apply to all but themselves!

Just as with Obumma
Just as with Hillary

there have been a dozen crimes committed by these impeachment proceedings so far that will be glazed over and buried, never to be prosecuted, because the laws are written to PROTECT the rich and powerful unless like Trump they just really, really don't like you! Just take a look in the prisons: how many rich and powerful people do you see in there? The prisons are filled full with the poor, the needy, the helpless, hopeless and indigent who are but mere victims of the system that has failed them.
Anyone with average intelligence that is watching this hearing can see that it's purely partisan and unfair.
And that is why the American People in the Battleground States aren't supporting it. Americans don't like unfairness, even if they don't like Trump. They still view him as just as eligible for fair treatment as anyone else.
Loon Tard Take.

It would appear that Trump's fans are incapable of thinking beyond 2020.

Throughout his entire President, a majority of Americans have disapproved of Trump's performance. Trump is the least popular President in modern American history. The GOP has lost several key elections in 2018 and 2019 and they lost control of the House because of Trump.

In other words, in all likelihood Trump will lose in 2020.

Trump's fans ignore all the evidence -- they avoid it, actually -- and insist that Trump is innocent. They are totally unaware of the consequences of that judgment.

Most likely in 2021 a Democrat will become President. If not in 2021, then 2025, or at some point a Democrat will be in the Oval Office.

If Trump is declared innocent of asking a foreign government to intervene in our election on his behalf, if Trump is declared innocent of using bribery as an incentive, if Trump is declared innocent of obstructing justice when he clearly defied Congress, then Democratic Presidents will be allowed to continue the practice.

That possibility exists as early as Jan. 20, 2021. Do Trump's fans really want to grant that kind of power to Democratic Presidents?
I still don't believe the Democrats will impeach. I believe that they will censure. That way they aren't embarrassed by the Senate.
Heil Schiffler!

One can only imagine what must have been going through Trump's mind as Daniel Goldman exposed his extortion scheme point by point, move by move.

I've always wondered how a con artist feels when someone busts them wide open.

Like all con artists, Trump is counting on the willful blindness of his marks despite being exposed.

Kind of hard to extort someone who doesn't know they're being extorted.
One can only imagine what must have been going through Trump's mind as Daniel Goldman exposed his extortion scheme point by point, move by move.

I've always wondered how a con artist feels when someone busts them wide open.

Like all con artists, Trump is counting on the willful blindness of his marks despite being exposed.

Kind of hard to extort someone who doesn't know they're being extorted.
Zelensky has two excellent reasons to say he wasn't strong armed. First, he doesn't want to look like a 98 pound weakling to his people, and second, he's got next year's aid and the US's alliance to think about.
There is probably no way to disprove what Zelensky is saying, but just the position he is in should indicate that we take his statements with a grain of salt. He may be 100% honest about this; I don't know. But it seems funny other people in his government knew the aid was being held up and he didn't. Suppose it could happen though.
One can only imagine what must have been going through Trump's mind as Daniel Goldman exposed his extortion scheme point by point, move by move.

I've always wondered how a con artist feels when someone busts them wide open.

Like all con artists, Trump is counting on the willful blindness of his marks despite being exposed.

Kind of hard to extort someone who doesn't know they're being extorted.
Attempting to rob a bank is also a crime, even if you get nothing.
OMG. Look at that disgusting Maxipad Waters and her swollen collagen lips.

Folks. Never trust a woman who wears wigs or who hides behind pantsuits.
A hundred years from now, the only thing Americans will know about Donald J. Trump is that he was elected by Vladimir Putin and was impeached for trying to rig the 2020 election.
Here are the Articles:
  • Abuse of Power
  • Obstruction of Congress

Details to follow.
What happened to Bribery and Extortion, and QUID PRO QUO? LMFAO!


Obama Bin Lying:

"Here is a letter for Putin, telling him I don't have a problem with him taking The Crimea. I'll have more flexibility after The Election, so he should make his move then."


"So you will sit back and do nothing, even if we invade Ukraine?"


"Well, I plan to send blankets to make it look like I care. It's all here in the letter I gave you for Vlad. All I want in exchange in the future is help with Hillary's Campaign with some Russian Propaganda since you guy's are really good at that, ok?"
OMG. Look at that disgusting Maxipad Waters and her swollen collagen lips.

Folks. Never trust a woman who wears wigs or who hides behind pantsuits.
OMG. Look at that disgusting Trump and his swollen ass and hips.

Folks. Never trust a man with the world's worst comb-over or who hides behind an inch of orange paint.

A hundred years from now, the only thing Americans will know about Donald J. Trump is that he was elected by Vladimir Putin and was impeached for trying to rig the 2020 election.
A hundred years from now, the only thing Americans will know about Donald J. Trump is that he was elected by Vladimir Putin and was impeached for trying to rig the 2020 election.
You will fire The Ukraine Prosecutor for $1 Million.....Err.... $1 Billion Dollars!



"So look, I will take Crimea, Invade Ukraine, and you give Ukraine Blankets when they ask for Javelin missiles!

Sound good Joe? Obama said to do it after the election."

OMG. Look at that disgusting Maxipad Waters and her swollen collagen lips.

Folks. Never trust a woman who wears wigs or who hides behind pantsuits.
OMG. Look at that disgusting Trump and his swollen ass and hips.

Folks. Never trust a man with the world's worst comb-over or who hides behind an inch of orange paint.

Quid Pro Joe Biden:

"Then I told Ukraine, I am getting on a plane in 6 hours, and if you don't fire that prosecutor investigating my son and Putin's favorite Ukrainian Oil Company, Burisma then you are not getting the $ Billion Dollars $

Well they fired The Son of a Bitch!"


"I almost spit vodka out my nose when I heard that....'snicker'."

OMG. Look at that disgusting Maxipad Waters and her swollen collagen lips.

Folks. Never trust a woman who wears wigs or who hides behind pantsuits.
OMG. Look at that disgusting Trump and his swollen ass and hips.

Folks. Never trust a man with the world's worst comb-over or who hides behind an inch of orange paint.

Most men at 75 would die for that hair. Most are balder than a bell pepper....HAR....HAR

I remember a guy mocking his hair. I said you are a bald MFer. You should have seen how red that bald scaly head of his got.......HAR...HAR

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