OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Is he crying over his texts now? This guy is a huge wuss. Typical behavior of a rapist that has been exposed.
Is that what's going on? Tears because he knows he's lost? If he could have held it together for this, there was no reason to think that was the case.
I'm trying to figure out why he is so different from his interview.and who talked him into not asking for an FBI investigation. I think someone has coached him to try and show emotion.
No one talked him into it. He didn’t want it. For obvious reasons.
Question: Why did everyone you named as witness come out against you? Including your best friend who says she never met Kavanaugh & the party did not happen?

Dr. Ford (literally): "Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself"

Basically she was saying her friend wasnt willing to testify due to health concerns.

That's what Ford said, but she also said she can't remember if she was hooked to a polygraph machine the same day her GrandMother was buried, LESS THAN SIXTY DAYS AGO.

The bitch lies like a rug
Trump told author Tim O’Brien for a 2005 biography: “I don’t believe in crying...when I see a man cry I view it as a weakness.”
You mock the good things of life because you don't understand them. Like honor.

I understand Leftism. You don't understand us.
You wouldn't understand honor if it put it's hand over your mouth and nearly raped you, dumb dumb.
"Look out for your friends."

Translation: Thank you Mark Judge for having my back and saying Ford is lying.

So how did he get her friend to say the same thing?

For one, her friend didn't get raped at the party... so in her memory it was just another weekend party and nothing to remember. So I am not one bit surprised her friend didn't remember it or want to say under oath she did.
I might be getting biased, he's fucking talking just like my father did when he had to report to the nation that we'd lost some Alaska soldiers in Afghanistan >.<
Oh crap. Its radical dems trying to destroy Cavenaughs life and his family. Funny how all this shit came out at the very end, after this process was all over and the Democrats couldnt find a way to stop him based on his work and his life, and despite having their crying banshees interfere in the proceedings.
What we are witnessing now is an all out assault from the left. This is why they wanted a delay... time to conjure up stories by their operatives.

If this particular story was true.... this woman saying she attended 10 rape parties? there would have been droves of women who knew this about Cavenaugh... this would have came up a long time ago. What crap.
The desperation of the political left is beyond pathetic now. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for trying to destroy his girls lives with these f'd up accusations just cause you dont want this guy to sit on the bench
How do you figure Kavanaught's life will be destroyed?

Describe what you think will happen to him, even if he's not granted the office he's up for.

Remember, he doesn't have a right to be a Supreme Court Judge.

He's been Federal Judge for 10 years or so, very top of his class in Yale.... by all accounts of people who have examined his work and writings, he is a great legal mind. It doesn't really jive that a person who has acheived that level spent his high school and college years going to drunken sex partys as accused ,because to get where he has it takes a great amount of discipline... if he really felt that way about women, he couldnt hide that in his everyday life, he would be a person without self control, he wouldn't be held in high regard by the women he works with and I suppose even the girls on the basketball team he coaches or their parents.

So someone comes out with the most horrible accusations at the last minute... it is their intention to destroy the guys life in the effort to keep control of the Supreme court. .. maybe thats a better way to put it. In the sense that he spent a life building his reputation.. and he also has daughters to think about and how all these accusations affect them. If the reputation you built in your life can be tainted forever because someone drags it through the mud with accusations you don't really know the effects of that until later. I think we can say from this point on his reputation has been tainted forever. People are already calling him a rapist without knowing details or giving him a chance to defend against accusation. How will that in the future affect his two daughters? who knows, I guess that remains to be seen. Will it affect, his wealth and general lifestyle I doubt it at all in that sense.

It is worth noting that NO accusation has come from after his school life. By all accounts, he's lived an exemplary life.

Well, he either came to Jesus, or this is all bullshit. Take yer pick.

Could be a bit of both. He could have been moderately off the rails until he got close to graduating and decided to straighten up for the real world. Either way, he's been a model citizen ever since.
Kavanaugh is proving to be more than an excellent choice for the highest court. He is amazing! Ms Ford will probably recant her accusations against him! Her attorney is sitting behind Kavenaugh's wife. He doesn't look happy.
Why does Kavanaugh only coach girls? Hires only female law clerks? Wants his all-female law clerks to have a "certain look"? Interesting...
Hey Progtards, You know that little voice you hear right now?

That’s the tiny bit of you that’s not dead. It’s letting you know that you were wrong . You can sense it. The way you feel right now ? Yeah, that’s how lynching an innocent guy feels . That’s how being part of The Totalitarian Mob feels .

Hurry up and push that feeling of humanity and decency away. Getting a glimpse of truth and humanity might shake you to your core. Just scream at the sky “ Rape Parties , it was her turn “ ! And you’ll be back to normal.

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