OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

This guy is kind of a wuss, maybe the conservatives should boot it out of committee since he can't even keep from choking up and keep it together long enough to testify with out breaking out in tears. . . .

Hell, they might as well nominate a woman. She could probably hold it together better than he can. This guy is no good under pressure, no grit at all. It's clear he is too emotional, too liberal.
Men are allowed to cry, but this is not normal; I think he's on too much Valium, actually.

With all due respect, Old...I think Ford looked like she was dazed and confused a lot more than Brett Kavanaugh does right now. He looks like someone who is so pissed off they can barely speak.
Yep, it's settled it for me when he said he was a Catholic, lol. My wife looked at me (we both were baptized Catholic and went to C school) and said we all know how it was.
Those Catholic school girls we always fought with in junior high were totally wild.
All America white boy that cut lawns, lifted weights, helped old ladies, sang in the choir, caddied for Jesus Christ himself.
The bolded took me out...

This guy is kind of a wuss, maybe the conservatives should boot it out of committee since he can't even keep from choking up and keep it together long enough to testify with out breaking out in tears. . . .

Hell, they might as well nominate a woman. She could probably hold it together better than he can. This guy is no good under pressure, no grit at all. It's clear he is too emotional, too liberal.
Men are allowed to cry, but this is not normal; I think he's on too much Valium, actually.

With all due respect, Old...I think Ford looked like she was dazed and confused a lot more than Brett Kavanaugh does right now. He looks like someone who is so pissed off they can barely speak.

Do you blame him?
How in the hell did this serial rapist make it through six FBI background checks?
He had a NICS background check (like with gun background checks) and fingerprints. They interviewed some unspecified people.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.

These were kids at a college party. They wouldn't keep their mouths shut. Kids never do. They aren't smart enough.

Not to mention the other people who were a the party. They would have told others and those others would have spread the gossip everywhere.

Everyone in every bar, restaurant and pizza parlor would have been talking about this if it actually happened.

That's the reason I think its all a crock of shit.
It was HIGH SCHOOL, not college. In high school, we did go to great lengths to make sure our parents didn't know what we were up to, but I'll tell you what I would have done if anything like that ever happened at a party I was at:
I would have gotten every non-involved girl and hopefully some boys with brains to rush the gang rape room and give them 5 seconds to clear out or someone downstairs posted by the phone was going to call the cops.
And I would have meant it.

I wasn't the person raped it happened to a friend of mine I have known since kindergarten.

I wasn't in the room or the part of the house it was happening but when I found out I went and got friends, we went in that room, got my friend out and all the boys ran. There wasn't a long line of boys but it was a handful. We all knew them.

I know I didn't tell an adult nor did anyone I know tell an adult. For the main reason was we were teenagers. No one would believe us. That is reality now and it was in the 1970s when I was in high school. Plain and simple.

Girls weren't taught back then to speak up. We were taught to be quiet. That the best thing was to stay very far away from boys like that.

The boys who did that were shunned. Not just by my group of friends but by most of the kids in school. At least the ones who knew about it and everyone knew about it.

A high school rumor mill is faster than one at a beauty salon or locker room. However kids are very good with making sure adults don't find out.

Oh BS I was taught I could tell my parents anything and most of my friends were as well. Who in the hell raised these morons?

Yeah, I'm with you. I am within a couple of years in age of Brett Kavanaugh and all of his accusers. I would not have "went and got friends" if a woman was being raped, and I certainly wouldn't have just said to myself, "Well, I'll avoid drinking the punch" and gone on with my night, as Swetnick apparently did. I'd have called the cops. Even as a teenager, I can't imagine putting "I might get grounded" ahead of someone else's physical safety. And I don't even want to imagine what motivation a legal adult could have had for blowing it off.

Whether or not the victim chose to then press charges, I couldn't tell you. But I can't wrap my brain around the kind of choices we're supposed to believe these women made. I don't even speak that language, and never have.

And as both a former teenaged girl, and the mother of a former teenaged girl, I can tell you that kids think they're better at keeping secrets than they actually are.

It also bothers me that the only names she mentions from those many parties are the politically expedient ones. What about her girlfriends that could back up her story? What about naming some of the boys? And whose parents were so unaware that their kids were having parties for underage kids complete with drugs, alcohol and rape? It's mind boggling the things we're just supposed to uncritically accept.
Kavanaugh is now haranguing the Judicial Committee with anger, emotion and halts in his performance to hold and stifle faux tears.

D. H. Lawrence wrote this in 1929;
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

Obviously, Kavanaugh is enjoying his pity party in the same theme as Thomas milked his "high tech lynching" speech back in 1991.

Kavanaugh can't even be original, the fucking fraud!
Question: Why did everyone you named as witness come out against you? Including your best friend who says she never met Kavanaugh & the party did not happen?

Dr. Ford (literally): "Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself"

Basically she was saying her friend wasnt willing to testify due to health concerns.

She basically didn't have a reason why her friend wouldn't back her story. So she threw her under the bus with some vague comment about health issues!
Brett Kavanaugh - Our newest SCOTUS justice.

His testimony is stunning.
I'm flipping over to Dr. Phil.
Watching this guy feel so fucking sorry for himself has gotten boring.

He's a fucking liar, too, because the one kind of man who can lead a secret life of sexual harassment are the powerful ones, not the guy who reads your power meter or mows your lawn.

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