OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

The fact anyone believes 15 year olds formed a drug rape ring reveals how fcking stupid they are lol
It's something leftists do, so they assume all the cool kids do it.

Kind of like they assume all the cool kids start having sex at 12.

I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time
You're still doing it....quite a feat....
It's something leftists do, so they assume all the cool kids do it.

Kind of like they assume all the cool kids start having sex at 12.

I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time
You're still doing it....quite a feat....
DEFEAT of the dems tomorrow..........there fixed your malfunction
It's something leftists do, so they assume all the cool kids do it.

Kind of like they assume all the cool kids start having sex at 12.

I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time
You're still doing it....quite a feat....

Dude get past I think you're anything but a moron. Too fucking stupid to realize you've been played and duped.

Now cease thinking you're all that and a bag of chips, you're not
I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time
You're still doing it....quite a feat....
DEFEAT of the dems tomorrow..........there fixed your malfunction
You're not very witty. But whiny? Yes,very whiny.
WASHINGTON – The Senate could confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as soon as Tuesday if he clears the Judiciary Committee on Friday and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready – meaning he has the votes.

"I don’t think they’ve met their burden of proof," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. "I think it’s time to vote.”

“The longer that the nomination remains open we know that more and more of these scurrilous, anonymous and uncorroborated allegations will be made," he said. "Unfortunately, that’s part of the 'search and destroy' process that, frankly, I think is an embarrassment to the Senate."

Brett Kavanaugh: How quickly could he be confirmed to the Supreme Court?

Expect at least three more liberals to come forward before then...
Wont make a difference. Its done. The only way Kav was not going to be confirmed was if the repubs were honest or Kav broke down and confessed.

Expect the Blue Wave to include a Pink Wave if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Hundreds of women are running for office in November, for a seat on state legislatures and the Congress.

McConnell&Co may win the battle (and McConnell will assure his wife's job) but the war will be won or lost in November.

Blue wave. Now that’s funny!

I'll book mark your comment, and get back to you on Wed. November 7th.
"Trouble began when white men from several nearby towns lynched a black Rosewood resident because of unsupported accusations that a white woman in nearby Sumner had been beaten and possibly raped by a black drifter."

Democrats still playing by the same book...

Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia
The plain truth is that when Feinstein first got that letter from Ford, she could've gone to Grassley and the GOP and asked for a confidential, bipartisan investigation and a closed door hearing by the Committee to thoroughly check it out. They have their own investigators, and if they wanted to keep it confidential according to Ford's wishes then that would've been the way to go. But no, they deliberately withheld the letter and the accusation right up to the last minute strictly for political purposes to delay the confirmation hearing until after the election. They didn't give a damn about justice or about Ford and or Kavanaugh, they only cared about their party and themselves. An FBI investigation was never needed, especially in a case like this where the accuser cannot provide the date and place of the attack and there are no witnesses who can corroborate the story. What is the FBI going to add to the whole thing that we don't already now? Not one fucking thing, except to burn more time on the clock and delay the vote. That is the ONLY thing the Democrats cared about.

I keep asking "what is the rush", but I haven't gotten an answer yet. Are you afraid that the will of the people, which will be obvious after the coming election, won't support a anti-abortion supreme court justice?
Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time
You're still doing it....quite a feat....

Dude get past I think you're anything but a moron. Too fucking stupid to realize you've been played and duped.

Now cease thinking you're all that and a bag of chips, you're not
But you are an immoral, ignorant, unethical , uneducated little piece of dung. So if you respected me, I would wonder where i went wrong...

Are you talking about Cory Booker?
Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time
You're still doing it....quite a feat....
DEFEAT of the dems tomorrow..........there fixed your malfunction
You're not very witty. But whiny? Yes,very whiny.

You're about to get reported for off topic and trolling. I'm done with your childish crap

The old hag lied, shit she can't even remember details of something that supposedly traumatized her for life....what a joke
Sound familiar? Dems are still doing what they do.

"On January 1, 1923, the Taylors' neighbor reported that she heard a scream while it was still dark, grabbed her revolver and ran next door to find Fannie bruised and beaten, with scuff marks across the white floor. Taylor was screaming that someone needed to get her baby. She said a black man was in her house; he had come through the back door and assaulted her. The neighbor found the baby, but no one else.[20] Taylor's initial report stated her assailant beat her about the face but did not rape her. Rumors circulated—widely believed by whites in Sumner—that she was both raped and robbed.[21][note 1] The charge of rape of a white woman by a black was inflammatory in the South: the day before, the Klan had held a parade and rally of over 100 hooded Klansmen 50 miles (80 km) away in Gainesville under a burning cross and a banner reading, "First and Always Protect Womanhood".[22]"

Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia
It's hard to deal with because we treat it as something other than a plain crime. It's a crime, treat it as a crime. The system doesn't handle them well because people don't come forward enough when it happens. Its a vicious cycle.

I haven't been sexually assaulted, but I have been mugged twice, once by 7 guys surrounding me for my walkman, and the 2nd time by 3 guys, two guys acting like they had guns in their hoodies, and believe me I remember every second of it, and I reported both of them.

The first was the worst because it was a gang jump, and I only got away because I got in a lucky punch and ran off the train.

I've also had a boxcutter to my neck from a crazy classmate, and that's the one I didn't report, and that's the one I regret.
Well they took away some stuff. Now imaging somebody taking away your self worth. It's NOT a plain crime.

Even more reason to let the justice system handle it.

And they didn't get the walkman, they just hit me 10-15 times. few bruises.
Please just answer my question I highlighted.

Because human memory is fallible. because witnesses die off and/or forget things as well.

Plus you add alcohol to the situation and things become even more muddled. Time doesn't help that.

Over time people have the ability to believe what they want to, and mold their memory to fit it.
Ah so you think someone will just pull out a name out of their ass in a case like this? Furthermore let me ask you this. I've watched these hearings. Not one GOP member said Ford was not credible. So why should Kavanaugh be appointed to the highest court in the country when there is a CREDIBLE accusation of sexual assault. This confirmation process is after all a job interview?

I'm sure she believes what she believes, I'm just not sure what she believes is reality.

Her accusation is NOT credible, she has no direct corroboration, and she can't even give an exact date and location so as to allow a proper defense of said accusation.

It's not just a job interview. If you really believe all this to be true, shouldn't he be Impeached from the DC Circuit, the 2nd highest court in the country?

Don't you think this would basically ruin him professionally if he is denied the nomination based on this?

She doesn't have to be lying in her own mind for her testimony not to be true. Time does that.
Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time
You're still doing it....quite a feat....
DEFEAT of the dems tomorrow..........there fixed your malfunction
You're not very witty. But whiny? Yes,very whiny.
Needed the salt to rub in your wounds......tomorrow...............poor thing.....

Vote tomorrow..................the circus is about to leave town.......only problem is that the circus leaves the clowns in D.C. like Feinstein.............
Kavanaugh demonstrated blatant partisanship, a willing to believe irrational conspiracy theories, and a willingness to place his own neuroses and narcissism above the importance of the position of scotus judge. He also demonstrated a poor temperament , thin skin, and a willingness parrot talking points of republican strategists. He is clearly unfit for the position. In breaking news that will shock nobody, these are also all the reasons the Trump cultists love him even more, now.

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