OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

The plain truth is that when Feinstein first got that letter from Ford, she could've gone to Grassley and the GOP and asked for a confidential, bipartisan investigation and a closed door hearing by the Committee to thoroughly check it out. They have their own investigators, and if they wanted to keep it confidential according to Ford's wishes then that would've been the way to go. But no, they deliberately withheld the letter and the accusation right up to the last minute strictly for political purposes to delay the confirmation hearing until after the election. They didn't give a damn about justice or about Ford and or Kavanaugh, they only cared about their party and themselves. An FBI investigation was never needed, especially in a case like this where the accuser cannot provide the date and place of the attack and there are no witnesses who can corroborate the story. What is the FBI going to add to the whole thing that we don't already now? Not one fucking thing, except to burn more time on the clock and delay the vote. That is the ONLY thing the Democrats cared about.

I keep asking "what is the rush", but I haven't gotten an answer yet. Are you afraid that the will of the people, which will be obvious after the coming election, won't support a anti-abortion supreme court justice?

First of all, the will of the people has already been made obvious, that's why Trump won and Clinton lost. Second, the rush is to appoint a 9th SCOTUS justice because Anthony Kennedy retired, and you want a odd-numbered court to break a tie if necessary. Perhaps you don't know that the SCOTUS begins hearing cases on Oct 1, so if the new justice isn't on the court by then it means he can't vote on the case.

So tell me, why did Feinstein keep the accusation a secret until the last minute? I think we both know that the ONLY reason was to delay the confirmation process and the vote until after the November election, so if they win back the Senate it's likely Kavanaugh would not be confirmed and Trump probably wouldn't get to put another person on the court with a Dem controlled Senate. In so doing however, Feinstein knew damn well how this was going to play out; she's no rookie, she knew that both Ford and Kavanaugh and their families would subjected to the worst kind of scrutiny and threats. But she didn't care.
Lots of posturing. Two significant things. Kav and the repubs are terrified of an FBI investigation. The cons expect people to believe they found Fords testimony credible except where she ID'd Kav as the would be rapist.
No body is terrified. Ford came off as anything but credible. Keep spinning. You’re good at it.
Her little scared girl girl cry voice was utterly ridiculous, imho.
She's a type that simpers and pretends to be helpless.
Her simpering with all those men fawning over her while she smirked was nauseating, and made every poor sexual assault survivor in the world look bad.
Look honey, put the balls back in your mouth and let the men talk. If we want the opinion of an object, we'll ask our cans of beer what they think, mmmmkay?

Why all the ad hominems?
You'll figure it out.
No body is terrified. Ford came off as anything but credible. Keep spinning. You’re good at it.
Her little scared girl girl cry voice was utterly ridiculous, imho.
She's a type that simpers and pretends to be helpless.
Her simpering with all those men fawning over her while she smirked was nauseating, and made every poor sexual assault survivor in the world look bad.
Look honey, put the balls back in your mouth and let the men talk. If we want the opinion of an object, we'll ask our cans of beer what they think, mmmmkay?

Why all the ad hominems?
You'll figure it out.

So you don’t know? I have to figure it out for you?
Kavanaugh demonstrated blatant partisanship, a willing to believe irrational conspiracy theories, and a willingness to place his own neuroses and narcissism above the importance of the position of scotus judge. He also demonstrated a poor temperament , thin skin, and a willingness parrot talking points of republican strategists. He is clearly unfit for the position. In breaking news that will shock nobody, these are also all the reasons the Trump cultists love him even more, now.

What a telling picture.
I wish I could have started a thread about this but I have to obey the rules. So here goes.

Here's a 15 second video of a sleazy Democrat giving a secret envelope to Ford's lawyer at the end of her hearing. Betcha it'll never be disclosed what's in the envelope.

Betcha you'll still make up stories and allude to conspiracies you can't possibly back up.
Afraid to watch a 15 second criminal act by a congress critter?

Laughing....and like clockwork, the batshit conspiracies begin. Backed by absolutely nothing, of course.

What 'criminal act'? Passing someone an envelope?
Her little scared girl girl cry voice was utterly ridiculous, imho.
She's a type that simpers and pretends to be helpless.
Her simpering with all those men fawning over her while she smirked was nauseating, and made every poor sexual assault survivor in the world look bad.
Look honey, put the balls back in your mouth and let the men talk. If we want the opinion of an object, we'll ask our cans of beer what they think, mmmmkay?

Why all the ad hominems?
You'll figure it out.

So you don’t know? I have to figure it out for you?
No, you have to figure it out for you. What a bizarre question....
Kavanaugh demonstrated blatant partisanship, a willing to believe irrational conspiracy theories, and a willingness to place his own neuroses and narcissism above the importance of the position of scotus judge. He also demonstrated a poor temperament , thin skin, and a willingness parrot talking points of republican strategists. He is clearly unfit for the position. In breaking news that will shock nobody, these are also all the reasons the Trump cultists love him even more, now.

What a telling picture.

Yeah, republicans are somehow convinced that this has endeared them to women voters.
Dem's don't give a rats ass about an FBI investigation its a delay they seek. I don't think there was a single Dem who didn't ask for a delay today.
The fact anyone believes 15 year olds formed a drug rape ring reveals how fcking stupid they are lol
It's something leftists do, so they assume all the cool kids do it.

Kind of like they assume all the cool kids start having sex at 12.

I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...
It's something leftists do, so they assume all the cool kids do it.

Kind of like they assume all the cool kids start having sex at 12.

I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

I don't care for Graham but he made points with me today
Dem's don't give a rats ass about an FBI investigation its a delay they seek. I don't think there was a single Dem who didn't ask for a delay today.

There wasn't a single Dem who didn't ask for a delay today; because they weren't going to make themselves having a "Farticus" moment like Cory Booker (D) did a couple weeks ago. Why sink to his level? Lol
I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

I don't care for Graham but he made points with me today

He with Kavanaugh made men look rather emotional today.
Republicans were too cowardly to even ask their own questions

That’s is how much they fear the election in five weeks

Oh fuck you !!
You know perfectly well why they didn't mother fucker !

They knew you bastards would throw out the "old white men ganging up on the little innocent female victim" card the moment the hearing got going.

They hid behind a woman because they didn’t want to face the voters

You libtards will soon face the voters....

You will not like the result...…...

The dems are going to gain ground in the election. Which is the result I'm hoping for.

I wouldn't bet your libtard ass on it....

We are going to stomp you in November....

Americans see you for the scum you are....
And 20 November’s from then... Kavanaugh will still be on the Bench...
Oh fuck you !!
You know perfectly well why they didn't mother fucker !

They knew you bastards would throw out the "old white men ganging up on the little innocent female victim" card the moment the hearing got going.

They hid behind a woman because they didn’t want to face the voters

You libtards will soon face the voters....

You will not like the result...…...

The dems are going to gain ground in the election. Which is the result I'm hoping for.

I wouldn't bet your libtard ass on it....

We are going to stomp you in November....

Americans see you for the scum you are....
And 20 November’s from then... Kavanaugh will still be on the Bench...

Perhaps. Perhaps not. We'll see.
Oh fuck you !!
You know perfectly well why they didn't mother fucker !

They knew you bastards would throw out the "old white men ganging up on the little innocent female victim" card the moment the hearing got going.

They hid behind a woman because they didn’t want to face the voters

You libtards will soon face the voters....

You will not like the result...…...

The dems are going to gain ground in the election. Which is the result I'm hoping for.

I wouldn't bet your libtard ass on it....

We are going to stomp you in November....

Americans see you for the scum you are....

Yeah, but you're reacting emotionally. I'm citing the polling which shows clear evidence of democratic gains.

You enjoy your emotions and ellipses. I'll stick with what the evidence strongly suggests.

Are you insane?

The polls didn't give PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP a chance...

Who's your president now?

hillary and you libtards had your polling shoved up your ass...

Bend over ban-deck-O because here it comes again.....

This will hurt you more than that...…...
Meanwhile thousands of Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals and the Democratic party is completely silent. When an illegal broke into a house and RAPED a 6 year old American girl in her own bed were these Democrat senators outraged??? Hell no, they continued to defend and give sanctuary to illegals.

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