OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Public media leans toward an ass stomping of the Dems at today’s hearings...

Oh, obviously.

"This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible,” Wallace said during an appearance on Fox News during a brief Senate Judiciary Committee recess.

“Nobody could listen to her deliver those words and talk about the assault and the impact it had had on her life and not have your heart go out to her,” the "Fox News Sunday" host continued. “She obviously was traumatized by an event.”

“This is a disaster for the Republicans,” Wallace added.

Chris Wallace: Ford's testimony is 'a disaster for the Republicans'

When even Fox News hosts are lamenting at how badly it went for know things haven't gone well for them.
Public media leans toward an ass stomping of the Dems at today’s hearings...

Oh, obviously.

"This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible,” Wallace said during an appearance on Fox News during a brief Senate Judiciary Committee recess.

“Nobody could listen to her deliver those words and talk about the assault and the impact it had had on her life and not have your heart go out to her,” the "Fox News Sunday" host continued. “She obviously was traumatized by an event.”

“This is a disaster for the Republicans,” Wallace added.

Chris Wallace: Ford's testimony is 'a disaster for the Republicans'

When even Fox News hosts are lamenting at how badly it went for know things haven't gone well for them.

Chris Wallace is a fucking moron
It's something leftists do, so they assume all the cool kids do it.

Kind of like they assume all the cool kids start having sex at 12.

I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, why haven't Dem's demanded FBI investigations?

Right wingers Rape and Kill at least as many, if not more Americans than illegals do. Why haven't republicans demanded FBI investigations?
I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

I don't care for Graham but he made points with me today

He with Kavanaugh made men look rather emotional today.

He made you quacks look as truly pathetic as you are.

By yelling, sobbing and getting emotional during his statements before the Judical Committee?

He made his point well...he's a superstar today and evidently have you even more butt hurt, if that's possible.

It's funny you whine about emotional....while sporting your avatar...did Graham hurt your widdle feewings?

What does KungFu Panda have to do with Graham and Kavanaugh losing their composure, getting emotional and having meltdowns?

And how does any of it add to their credibility? I personally don't find someone more compelling because they cry or start yelling.
Graham single-handedly kick the collective asses if the Democrats, none more so than Diane ChiComm Spy Feinstein, exposing the fact that when she met Kavanaugh as he made his rounds visiting politicians she and her staff already had the letter and were already plotting his full 'Herman Cain'ing, making no effort to have it investigated or to contact the FBI.

I fear for my son who can now be accused and jailed for a mere accusation not supported by any facts
Then you are a goddamn moron,because not only does that not happen, the opposite is far more likely to occur...your son will more likely rape girls and get away with it, in American society... Especially with a pussy grabber cultist for a father....
more outright lies and deceptions... You demean real victims by your lies...
Oh YOU need to prove your not a violent rapist!
I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.

Especially when contrasted with Ford's politeness.
Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, why haven't Dem's demanded FBI investigations?

They don't have to demand.
The FBI doesn't work for the Dems.
The FBI has jurisdiction over all federal properties, interstate crimes, civil rights violations, etc.
The FBI does not investigate crimes involving state laws, only federal laws.
Crimes involving non military personnel on military bases are also investigated by them since the JAG and military police are somewhat limited to only military personnel.

Next right wing fuck up......

Is this the US or Iran? The burden of proof is on the accuser. Regardless of party.
This is not a court of many times does it need to be said? It's a job interview.

If you believe that you are a moron. Actually. You hate all Jews and deny the Holocaust happened. This is just a message board. Prove me wrong.
I wish I could have started a thread about this but I have to obey the rules. So here goes.

Here's a 15 second video of a sleazy Democrat giving a secret envelope to Ford's lawyer at the end of her hearing. Betcha it'll never be disclosed what's in the envelope.

Betcha you'll still make up stories and allude to conspiracies you can't possibly back up.
Afraid to watch a 15 second criminal act by a congress critter?

Laughing....and like clockwork, the batshit conspiracies begin. Backed by absolutely nothing, of course.

What 'criminal act'? Passing someone an envelope?
Yer right of course. My bad. It was a heartfelt Thank You note. Dumbass.

And shocker.....our little conspiracy theorist is stumped by the first question of his little conspiracy.

What criminal act?

It doesn't take much to make you abandon your own arguments, does it?

That sarcasm flew right over your little head, didn't it? Sheila Jackson Lee is going to have some explaining to do tomorrow.
I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.

Yeah you already posted that...the old bitch lied. Pull your head outa your ass
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
Kavanaugh was pissed that you left tards famed him..I'd be damn mad too.. you guys like to make shit up..
When someone acts the way Kavanaugh did with his screaming and ranting and rolling his eyes and belligerent attitude there’s only one possible question. What does he have to hide?
Lots of posturing. Two significant things. Kav and the repubs are terrified of an FBI investigation. The cons expect people to believe they found Fords testimony credible except where she ID'd Kav as the would be rapist.
No body is terrified. Ford came off as anything but credible. Keep spinning. You’re good at it.
Her little scared girl girl cry voice was utterly ridiculous, imho.
She's a type that simpers and pretends to be helpless.
Her simpering with all those men fawning over her while she smirked was nauseating, and made every poor sexual assault survivor in the world look bad.
Look honey, put the balls back in your mouth and let the men talk. If we want the opinion of an object, we'll ask our cans of beer what they think, mmmmkay?
I reported this as a
When someone acts the way Kavanaugh did with his screaming and ranting and rolling his eyes and belligerent attitude there’s only one possible question. What does he have to hide?
Lots of posturing. Two significant things. Kav and the repubs are terrified of an FBI investigation. The cons expect people to believe they found Fords testimony credible except where she ID'd Kav as the would be rapist.
No body is terrified. Ford came off as anything but credible. Keep spinning. You’re good at it.
Her little scared girl girl cry voice was utterly ridiculous, imho.
She's a type that simpers and pretends to be helpless.
Her simpering with all those men fawning over her while she smirked was nauseating, and made every poor sexual assault survivor in the world look bad.
Look honey, put the balls back in your mouth and let the men talk. If we want the opinion of an object, we'll ask our cans of beer what they think, mmmmkay?
you are a real piece of shit, just like the democrats on the senate judiciary committee, worse!
I fear for my son who can now be accused and jailed for a mere accusation not supported by any facts
Then you are a goddamn moron,because not only does that not happen, the opposite is far more likely to occur...your son will more likely rape girls and get away with it, in American society... Especially with a pussy grabber cultist for a father....

Lmao....look at the anger and misery coming from k00k progressives now! Imagine after the vote!!:113::113::113:. Holy fuck what a hoot!
Senate Dems on the Judiciary Committee could have revealed Ford's letter to Chairman Chuck Grassley 60 days ago and the FBI could have conducted and completed a confidential investigation two or three weeks ago. But the Democrats didn't do that. They held onto this flimsy accusation until after the hearings and just as the Senate was going to vote on Kavanaugh's nomination.

So it was pure hypocrisy for Democratic members of the committee to ask Kavanaugh if he would now call for an FBI investigation. Where was their desire for an FBI investigation 60 days ago, or when they had their private interviews with him, or during the hearings? Sheer hypocrisy.

Simply because Dr. Christine Blasey Ford asked to remain anonymous. Then, through no fault of her own, her name was leaked.

Who on the Republican side leaked her name to start this process? You just stepped in it.
as the lawyer kept asking those questions, Dr Ford became unglued. the lawyer tried to comfort her by praising her for reporting Kavanaugh. "i can see why you're upset. you're a strong gal, and you probably have good judgement most of the time. there's some kleenex there if you need it"
Ford's Trying To Defend
Therapist Induced False Memories

Just Like Accuser #2
Kavanaugh played the "angry" card. You know, like the cheating husband gets questions & plays the "I'm so hurt that you don't trust me. I work so hard to to give you everything & this is what I get !! blah blah blah"
Betcha you'll still make up stories and allude to conspiracies you can't possibly back up.
Afraid to watch a 15 second criminal act by a congress critter?

Laughing....and like clockwork, the batshit conspiracies begin. Backed by absolutely nothing, of course.

What 'criminal act'? Passing someone an envelope?
Yer right of course. My bad. It was a heartfelt Thank You note. Dumbass.

And shocker.....our little conspiracy theorist is stumped by the first question of his little conspiracy.

What criminal act?

It doesn't take much to make you abandon your own arguments, does it?

That sarcasm flew right over your little head, didn't it? Sheila Jackson Lee is going to have some explaining to do tomorrow.

Says you, citing your imagination.

Again, what criminal act was committed?

You can't say...because you're making up your silly little conspiracy as you go along. Backed by nothing.

Its surprisingly easy to run you off your claims.
Graham single-handedly kick the collective asses if the Democrats, none more so than Diane ChiComm Spy Feinstein, exposing the fact that when she met Kavanaugh as he made his rounds visiting politicians she and her staff already had the letter and were already plotting his full 'Herman Cain'ing, making no effort to have it investigated or to contact the FBI.


If Graham was a woman, you, especially you, would be calling it hysteria.
But what you missed, and you miss a lot, is that was Graham's audition for Jeff Session's job.
Graham has turned into a real whore since McCain died.
Next right wing fuck up.....
Public media leans toward an ass stomping of the Dems at today’s hearings...

Oh, obviously.

"This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible,” Wallace said during an appearance on Fox News during a brief Senate Judiciary Committee recess.

“Nobody could listen to her deliver those words and talk about the assault and the impact it had had on her life and not have your heart go out to her,” the "Fox News Sunday" host continued. “She obviously was traumatized by an event.”

“This is a disaster for the Republicans,” Wallace added.

Chris Wallace: Ford's testimony is 'a disaster for the Republicans'

When even Fox News hosts are lamenting at how badly it went for know things haven't gone well for them.

But they will vote him in, and so we will have a self declared serial female assaulter as Potus, and a new lying SC justice who will always have known for binge drinking and allegations of sexual assaults staining the SC. How low can the US go, thank you republicans. He seems to have a God complex just like Trump. Oh how he bragged endlessly.
I fear for my son who can now be accused and jailed for a mere accusation not supported by any facts
Then you are a goddamn moron,because not only does that not happen, the opposite is far more likely to occur...your son will more likely rape girls and get away with it, in American society... Especially with a pussy grabber cultist for a father....
Now you are attacking family members! Reported!

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