OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I don't know why there are so Trumpers in denial that Kavanaugh could not do this. Kavanaugh was an elitist jock at an elitist private school who obviousy loved his booze, and was from a wealthy and prominent family. He is an entitled fellow. I am sure he has always felt that way and continues to feel that way. He can do no wrong.
I thought she wasn't going to show up.
No, like I stated yesterday during the heat of such sentiments, that was just the far rightwing Republican rubes engaging in wishful thinking.

If I believe they did it, absolutely. It would be dishonorable not to.

It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.

even the ones against Kavanaugh, (that you support?)
Give me a full investigation if you want to jail these victims.


on WHAT?

a 36 y/o 'he said/she said' from over 30 years ago?

even the local cops are laughing at that idea.

the named 'witnesses' are claiming they don't remember it.
Other witnesses claim they do and 2 of the 4 that don’t have withdrawn their statements.
Serious question...How are they going to launder the money they pay her for her fake testimony?

Click here to support Help Christine Blasey Ford organized by Team Christine Blasey Ford ... She's made $410 in the last 10 minutes (when I linked it).

No thanks we have a bonfire pit outside I could make a fire and throw my money into it and it’d be better spent that way!

I wouldn't donate either, just answering the poster's question about how at least some of the money is laundered.
Yeah - she screwed 54 guys while in an all girls high school :lol:
And wound up drunk and half nude on a picnic bench.
When you clowns gonna let those butt nuggets go anyway?

THIS is the person who claims Kavanaugh attempted to rape her, the woman who can't remember where she was, what day it was, what YEAR it was, admits she was drunk, admits she had 50+ sex partners, and whose 4 witnesses say 'it never happened'.....and THIS is who ChiComm Feinstein and the other Obstructionists drag out of the woodpile as a 'credible' accuser to go after Kavanaugh?!

Why would anyone else want to get into that spotlight?

And maybe Good Old Bret never scored. Maybe he was always a clumsy drunken asshole
Okay, I was holding out judgment. Watching this just now, her go to smiling with Leahy to fake crying at the laughter? Yeah, she's nuts. She is crazy. More than a few people go into psychology because they are crazy. She is one
I don't know why there are so Trumpers in denial that Kavanaugh could not do this. Kavanaugh was an elitist jock at an elitist private school who obviousy loved his booze from an a wealthy and prominent family. He is an entitled fellow. I am sure he has always felt that way and continues to feel that way. He can do no wrong.

Maybe if we were presented some actual proof, not just vague statements about something that happened 35+ years ago?
This is stupid. The Republicans have no balls. The dems parrot the dem talking points. This is a huge nothing burger so far.
This better be entertaining. I passed on going to the gun range this morning to see this circus. They better deliver.

Damn, that Sweinstein asshole is a vile despicable kunt.

I feel sorry for the guys that have to be in the same room as Sweinstein and Ford. It must reek.
I certainly cannot understand that any on the Right get this reputation as being misogynist to the point that people might actually believe they are not going to treat women as equal citizens. It is a strange thing.

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