OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

From the other BREAKING NEWS thread that got axed:

Now this smells to high heaven. Two guys coming forward to claim they were the attempted rapist at the same time? That is pretty sly. I'll give them credit.
I agree. These rape allegations suddenly came forward. Why not fight fire with fire.

But, I don't believe any of them on either side. None of this shit even happened. It's a delay tactic and this is done to muddy the waters.

There would be no risk admitting to a sexual assault that occurred in 1982 because the statue of limitations ran about 20 years ago. So, why not.

Hell, I am the one who did all this shit to these women. It was me, not BK.
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
They already have a wonderful record when it comes to the topic of rape:
This is not a criminal trial. It is a hearing to determine the severity of a SC nominee’s lack of character.
It is a hearing in which Kavanaugh's Character is on trial. So far there has been no evidence to prove his character is questionable.

Nice try.
There has been tons. Aside from the rapes, he has lied under oath and his legal opinions are strictly partisan.
Dude, it’s not okay to rape somebody because you think they’re a nutjob

nor is it ok to accuse someone of rape, when you have no proof of it.
If I believe they did it, absolutely. It would be dishonorable not to.

It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.

even the ones against Kavanaugh, (that you support?)
Give me a full investigation if you want to jail these victims.
nor is it ok to accuse someone of rape, when you have no proof of it.
If I believe they did it, absolutely. It would be dishonorable not to.

It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.

even the ones against Kavanaugh, (that you support?)
Give me a full investigation if you want to jail these victims.
Pay for it.
You got a few million dollars to spare?
Ugh, I agree with you. So why exactly are we hearing about Mrs. Ford's personal/emotional issues instead of the accusations right now?
Bringing up anything negative about Ford, even if true - such as her admission to going to parties with guys who drug and rape girls, getting drunk, having over 50 sexual partners in high school, her story changing, the 4 witnesses saying it didn't happen, etc...- would be labeled as 'being insensitive', attacking her, etc....

Yeah - she screwed 54 guys while in an all girls high school :lol:
And wound up drunk and half nude on a picnic bench.
When you clowns gonna let those butt nuggets go anyway?

There has been tons. Aside from the rapes, he has lied under oath and his legal opinions are strictly partisan.
Again, nice TRY.

You immediately start off by LYING, claiming Kavanaugh RAPED someone, anyone, when no one has accused or provided evidence of Kavanaugh RAPING anyone.

Your credibility is shot - ignoring you further ignorant, proven false OPINIONS / RANTS.
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How can she remember all these details but she can’t remember who’s house it was at or did I miss something? If she’s lying I think I know why the Dems wanted to delay the hearing bc she needed time to memorize all these “details.”
Why are all these Senators like 3000 years old? WTF? Get some younger people into the Senate. That dude from VT died three years ago and nobody told him.
nor is it ok to accuse someone of rape, when you have no proof of it.
If I believe they did it, absolutely. It would be dishonorable not to.

It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.

even the ones against Kavanaugh, (that you support?)
Give me a full investigation if you want to jail these victims.


on WHAT?

a 36 y/o 'he said/she said' from over 30 years ago?

even the local cops are laughing at that idea.

the named 'witnesses' are claiming they don't remember it.

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