OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Geez, careful with what you get excited about there, buddy

You think it's funny a 15 year old girl is at a party drinking with guys? Speaks volumes about your character.
I never said it was funny, you creep

You're a sad excuse for a human being. Anything else you want to joke about in regards to girls making bad decisions?
Considering you support her sexual assault, you’re in no place judge ANYBODY over ANYTHING.

You are confusing opposition to unsupported accusation as support for sexual assault.

Your strawman is burning.
He is blaming her for her assault. A typical defense from rape enablers.
Whoa! She was 15 in a bikini getting drunk with boys in a house with no adult supervision?
Geez, careful with what you get excited about there, buddy

You think it's funny a 15 year old girl is at a party drinking with guys? Speaks volumes about your character.
I never said it was funny, you creep

You're a sad excuse for a human being. Anything else you want to joke about in regards to girls making bad decisions?
Considering you support her sexual assault, you’re in no place judge ANYBODY over ANYTHING.
Restrict your comments to the ongoing event; you’re wasting bandwidth.
She facilitated the rape of, and admits to it, 10 or more women.

She was one of the rape victims. So taking that to its logical conclusion, you want to jail all the rape victims while exonerating their rapists?! SMH

Lib please she's a nut job, her former boyfriend had to get a restraining order against her. :itsok:
Dude, it’s not okay to rape somebody because you think they’re a nutjob

nor is it ok to accuse someone of rape, when you have no proof of it.
If I believe they did it, absolutely. It would be dishonorable not to.

It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
We need to remember this is not a trial for Ford, this is an interview for a life time commitment to the highest court in the land.
She was one of the rape victims. So taking that to its logical conclusion, you want to jail all the rape victims while exonerating their rapists?! SMH

Lib please she's a nut job, her former boyfriend had to get a restraining order against her. :itsok:
Dude, it’s not okay to rape somebody because you think they’re a nutjob

nor is it ok to accuse someone of rape, when you have no proof of it.
If I believe they did it, absolutely. It would be dishonorable not to.

It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Good. False accusations are a serious crime.
She was one of the rape victims. So taking that to its logical conclusion, you want to jail all the rape victims while exonerating their rapists?! SMH

Lib please she's a nut job, her former boyfriend had to get a restraining order against her. :itsok:
Dude, it’s not okay to rape somebody because you think they’re a nutjob

nor is it ok to accuse someone of rape, when you have no proof of it.
If I believe they did it, absolutely. It would be dishonorable not to.

It was ok for that girl at Duke to accuse, falsely, 3 students of rape?

(she ended up in jail for it)

the girl that accused a couple of students in Colorado, falsely, you were fine with?

(she ended up in jail for it)

The girl in Michigan doing the same thing?

(she ended up in jail for it).

you honestly believe her ruining his reputation, his professional standing, his relationship with his wife and family, over a he said/she said, (without proof) is fine?
Please stop atttributing logic to BF.
You should know better by now.
I disagree. Sadly, as proven with Cosby and Weinstein and others, such is the norm because people like you demonize rape victims the second they dare to step forward.
The difference is that somebody who was assaulted RECENTLY came forward.

None of these allegations occurred in the last 2 decades.
So if someone recent hadn’t come forward, it would have meant all the other rape victims were just making it up?
Without actual evidence of any of those rapes having occurred they still did not 'legally' happen.

'Innocent until proven guilty', and to prove someone guilty you need actual evidence - not just unsubstantiated accusations.
Democrats and Christine Blasey-Ford clearly forget that America has become extremely aware of lying, insincere, inauthentic people. This woman's horrendous acting job has yet to broach anything resembling truth

Yup and she's the worst actress I've ever seen.

Really. What a buffoon.
I disagree. Sadly, as proven with Cosby and Weinstein and others, such is the norm because people like you demonize rape victims the second they dare to step forward.
The difference is that somebody who was assaulted RECENTLY came forward.

None of these allegations occurred in the last 2 decades.
So if someone recent hadn’t come forward, it would have meant all the other rape victims were just making it up?
Without actual evidence of any of those rapes having occurred they still did not 'legally' happen.

Innocent until proven guilty', and to prove someone guilty you need actual evidence.
This is not a criminal trial. It is a hearing to determine the severity of a SC nominee’s lack of character.
Kavanaugh, the virgin rapist – The New Neo

Cracks me up all this shit. Indelible in the hippo-campus. But I can't remember who's house I was at, who brought me to the party, what month is was, what day it was, or how I got home.


Not One Woman has stepped forward and Refuted Kavanaugh's claim of being a Virgin until he met his wife.

That in itself is enough to throw this out, and throw these assholes and their accusations out on their ass.

They ought to be hauled out in handcuffs, because what is being done is criminal.

She hosts "Google Interns" in her house. Awful Trusting for someone who was s"o traumatized"

But this is the best line of this whole circus.....

At 15 she recalls saying to herself:

"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

Brett Kavanaugh Claims Past Virginity As Defense Against Sexual Assault Claims | HuffPost

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She has a Bachelors, 2 Masters and a PHD, yet she "struggled" academically? Is this for real?

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