OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread


needed some humor in here. :)
Good idea :D

View attachment 219184
heard some colleges are now making women sign consent forms before sex.

hoping to god that was a fake story.
Oh goodness! Well, in a way, maybe it would be better/safer for the boys if it’s true. So many college boys have had their bright futures destroyed by allegations such as those made by Blasey Fraud. It’s just not right.

Plus it weeds out any men with testorone who might be a job or education threat to feminists
Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures
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Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...
This has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with a calculated smear campaign.
BULLSHIT It has to do with Kavanaugh being in favor of giving Trump huge executive power AND protection from being indicted as well as a vote against Roe v Wade You nitwits want to call smear when facts stare you in the face

Your analysis is spot on. Its a win/win for evangelicals/Trump.... (and Putin)

We're wasting a lot of energy trying to convince brainwashed pawns that voted for a guy that boasted grabbing women by the pussy ?!
Entertaining to say the least.... same thing is happening right now in the committee room.

The chessboard is being re-arranged to favor an Authoritarian regime of the kind Trump admires. An arrogant and condescending Kavanaughty in the equation obviously enables this.

This puss-like situation has been fermenting for at least 25 years. Dr Pimple would have a field day.
elections have consequences.
Here comes the Judge jc Here comes the judge Lawyer says if asked he will testify to FBI Confidentially...
You think he’s gonna say anything different? LOL. He’s under felony disposition now if his story changes. So?
Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures
Any man, dem or gop accused even twenty years is being railroaded! Fk yo women !

Phil Kerpen:
The FBI cannot conduct a criminal investigation into an alleged 1982 state crime. They can reopen the background file and add 302s that will be redundant with what the committee already did. But of course Dems will then say that wasn't a "real" investigation. Flake got played.
He’s just a stupid fk!
so sorry iceberg Judge will be testifying confidentially to the FBI Why confidentially??? He knows of the pos Kavanaughs temper..Were you ever in a frat Ice? I was ,,, lots of shit goes on at their parties
He can’t make any statement different from the one he already submitted to the senate! You do know that right?
Trumps choice another pos should have welcomed an investigation Why didn't he?? same reason trump can't show his taxes Afraid of what will be found

They did welcome an investigation, just not days before the confirmation.

You can't possibly NOT see what this is really about can you? Delay, delay, delay. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, this will all go away because they KNOW they these allegations are bogus but they don't care. They are petulant little children, just like the snowflakes that support them.
lets see what the fbi finds out bull shit or not
What can they find? There’s nothing! She didn’t report whatever. How can they find something that doesn’t exist? Please enlighten my stupid ass !!!!!
Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control, and legitimate rape questions was actually the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged anywhere on a political platform.

By continually campaigning and talking about abortion, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity while alienating the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.
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If you paid attention...Dr.Ford the accuser did not seem upset that her supposed female friend who was supposedly at the supposed party...couldn't back her up...because of medical problems? Dr.Ford would not tell a "lifelong friend" she claims was at the party what had happened all the years they have stayed in touch?
This is the friend Leland Keyser...from Politico:
"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," said Howard Walsh, who said he has been "engaged in the limited capacity" of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser.
Walsh's email was in response to a missive from one of the lawyers for the GOP majority staff, which stated: "I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article."

Mrs. Leland Keyser doesn't recall the party, but believes her friends story is true.
Again, her interview cannot be different from her statement to the senate! What the fk is wrong with you stupid Mithras fking leftists?
Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.
So why are you worried?
Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.

There is also zero fucking evidence that Kavanaugh had /any/ inclination to overturn it. In fact, he pretty much stated that it was precedence /repeatedly/.

But you folks don't care, frankly, because you're too stupid and uninformed to even know what you're protesting about.
Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.
So why are you worried?
You arent worried a sexual predator and functioning alcoholic might become a SC justice? Let me guess. Youre a repub?
Go away Troll Tool Boi, now who's supporting rape? Oh that's right YOU, you like the majority of Leftist Troll Tools don't CARE if children are being raped in Organised Paedophile Rings OR if children are being Trafficked to be raped, you INSIST NONE of this even happens, so that makes your type COMPLICIT.
He also supports Muslim wife-beaters, woman abuser, and pedophiles, as his use of Robert Mueller (a confirmed Muslim Brotherhood associate) clearly indicates.
Over the last year or so, we have seen allegations against men on both sides of the isle, and across every industry. In all instances the men did a litany of denial's, including Trump, and in all cases the women ended up being the truth tellers, and the men were found to be lying.

This insured that Brett Kavanaugh would be swimming upstream against a river of suspicion. Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable, and Brett Kavanaugh continued to deny.

Republicans are in a corner on this issue. The Republican party already has a serious issue with women voters. 7 in 10 women view Trump unfavorably, and the party itself doesn't hold up much better. Why Republicans didn't choose a woman SCOTUS nominee to get themselves out of the mud with women, exemplifies an astounding lack of foresight.. But this party has a long history of misogyny, and old habits & ideology--lead by old white men- are difficult to correct.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

This is the second annual women's march in Washington D.C, January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

It's unfortunate that it took 2 women cornering Jeff Flake in an elevator today, to get him to change his mind and demand an FBI investigation into these allegations prior to confirming. This is what Dr. Ford wanted all along (prior to testifying.) Which leads one to think that she believes there is something that the FBI is going to find on Brett Kavanaugh.
Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Surprisingly even a FOX NEWS poll suggests support of Kavanuagh is down, especially among women.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

If Republicans had just confirmed Kavanaugh without an investigation, that would have been, most certainly, the final nail in their coffin with women in this country.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today. They are the power house in the voting booth.

A sleeping giant has awoken!


1st Womans March, Washington D.C. January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. Click thsi link and scroll through the many pages of pictures (start on page 20) & you will probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

yes, you have sacrificed due process on the alter of abortion that was never even threatened.

As a woman, thank you for lending legitimate credence to the argument that women are too emotional to be allowed to vote...

The U.S Supreme court made a decision on Roe v Wader 45 years ago. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

I know that Republican GOP candidates like to play paddy feet with abortion activists. In fact one of Trump's and others campaign promises in 2016 was to appoint U.S. Supreme court justices so you could rid the constituion of Roe v Wade once and for all.

What you don't know, is that both Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanuagh have already run the Democrat gaunlet under G.W.Bush. In 2006 Democrats were the majority in the Senate, and while they denied a lot of G.W;s nominee's they confirmed both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh to Federal District appeals courts.

What you don't know, is that during confirmation hearings, Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory that stated Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

In fact here are the Democrats that voted to confirm both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh in 2006.


The only reason Democrats tried to block Gorsuch, is simply because they were angry that Republicans didn't give Obama's last nominee (Merrick Garland) an up or down vote.

You're campaigning on abortion actually was the reason that Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

The U.S. Supreme court has decided that you have no right to interfere into the personal, very private decisions that women and their families make. Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court decision that is here to stay, and it never belonged on a political platform. By continually campaigning and talking about it, you are insulting the intelligence & integrity of the largest voting block in this country--WOMEN.

There is also zero fucking evidence that Kavanaugh had /any/ inclination to overturn it. In fact, he pretty much stated that it was precedence /repeatedly/.

But you folks don't care, frankly, because you're too stupid and uninformed to even know what you're protesting about.

That's what I just told you. But throughout the 2016 campaign Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindhal, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, & Scott Walker were all beating the abortion drum and campaigning on who they were going to appoint as SCOTUS nominees. You were roped a doped.

Trump even stated there should be some kind of punishment for women who have abortions.
In Context: Transcript of Donald Trump on punishing women for abortion


So don't come on here and act dumfounded as to why women have a foul opinon of the Republican party. For those of you that are confused trying reading, and redirect to these 2 posts on this thread by clicking these links.
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread
OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

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