OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

*i* never went after franken. all i said was this is what you get when you let the mob rule.
You asserted that he should resign. You also asserted that Clinton took flights on "Lolita express" flights. Not for nothing pretty salacious. As I said I don't hold it against you but feeling the need to linking an article that all but accuses Clinton of being a pedophile or covering for one seems even a bit worse then what Kavanaugh is accused of. Presumption of innocence did not cross your mind there I dare to guess.
the liberals made the rules.

they should follow them. of that yes, i do feel that way.
Well if you agree that those are the rules then don't bemoan when they are followed. I also find it interesting that you both concede that you are partisan but now seem to want to blame the Democrats for you being that way? I think that rather a convenient excuse. Can you point to something particular the Democrats did that made you decide that anything goes?
when have the liberals followed their own rules when the repubs did it "in return"?

the biden rule. lame duck cant nominate. when done to obama "this is different". right did bullshit in return following a left rule.

nuclear option.

and now all this.
-First the Biden Rule. Biden made a speech 3 months later in the election year then when Scalia's seat was opened. There was NO opening at the time. It wasn't a self serving speech. It was in fact a reaction to the Clarence Thomas nomination. It's simply an excuse that Mcconell used to justify holding the seat. In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year. In fact you will not find a SINGLE instance were Democrats held up a SCOTUS nomination for even half as long as the GOP did.
-The nuclear option was the other example. I actually think it was a bad precedent. On the other hand the GOP made it clear in no uncertain terms that if Obama wanted judges in the courts he would have to do it over their dead bodies.
- This thing is an entire different beast. Again Democrats did NOT make the accusation. Someone else did. Wether or not you believe her is one matter. But asserting that it is unfair seems again self serving.
- You know, I have been thinking about this and I have actually a pretty good idea.Pull Kavanaugh, Trump nominates Garland. Democrats if they win restore the filibuster for all judicial nominees and the balance will be restored.
im not about to reward their behavior.
You asserted that he should resign. You also asserted that Clinton took flights on "Lolita express" flights. Not for nothing pretty salacious. As I said I don't hold it against you but feeling the need to linking an article that all but accuses Clinton of being a pedophile or covering for one seems even a bit worse then what Kavanaugh is accused of. Presumption of innocence did not cross your mind there I dare to guess.
the liberals made the rules.

they should follow them. of that yes, i do feel that way.
Well if you agree that those are the rules then don't bemoan when they are followed. I also find it interesting that you both concede that you are partisan but now seem to want to blame the Democrats for you being that way? I think that rather a convenient excuse. Can you point to something particular the Democrats did that made you decide that anything goes?
when have the liberals followed their own rules when the repubs did it "in return"?

the biden rule. lame duck cant nominate. when done to obama "this is different". right did bullshit in return following a left rule.

nuclear option.

and now all this.
-First the Biden Rule. Biden made a speech 3 months later in the election year then when Scalia's seat was opened. There was NO opening at the time. It wasn't a self serving speech. It was in fact a reaction to the Clarence Thomas nomination. It's simply an excuse that Mcconell used to justify holding the seat. In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year. In fact you will not find a SINGLE instance were Democrats held up a SCOTUS nomination for even half as long as the GOP did.
-The nuclear option was the other example. I actually think it was a bad precedent. On the other hand the GOP made it clear in no uncertain terms that if Obama wanted judges in the courts he would have to do it over their dead bodies.
- This thing is an entirely different beast. Again Democrats did NOT make the accusation. Someone else did. Wether or not you believe her is one matter. But asserting that it is unfair seems again self serving.
- You know, I have been thinking about this and I have actually a pretty good idea.Pull Kavanaugh, Trump nominates Garland. Democrats if they win restore the filibuster for all judicial nominees and the balance will be restored.
im not about to reward their behavior.
Ah so you like this political bare knuckle fighting better? At some point someone needs to take responsibility for stopping this cycle of," they do this, so we do that."
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Panic is setting in for the ABNORMALS!!!

Source: Manching a Yes on Kavanaugh barring....

Twitter ^ | Sept 27 | Elaina Plott

Interesting: A source close to Senator Manchin tells me now, "Short of claims that definitively prove Dr. Ford's allegations or a realization that Kavanaugh will gut the healthcare law, Manchin will side with the overwhelming number of people in WV who want Kavanaugh confirmed."

Its amazing how calm you can be when you know the fix is in....
the liberals made the rules.

they should follow them. of that yes, i do feel that way.
Well if you agree that those are the rules then don't bemoan when they are followed. I also find it interesting that you both concede that you are partisan but now seem to want to blame the Democrats for you being that way? I think that rather a convenient excuse. Can you point to something particular the Democrats did that made you decide that anything goes?
when have the liberals followed their own rules when the repubs did it "in return"?

the biden rule. lame duck cant nominate. when done to obama "this is different". right did bullshit in return following a left rule.

nuclear option.

and now all this.
-First the Biden Rule. Biden made a speech 3 months later in the election year then when Scalia's seat was opened. There was NO opening at the time. It wasn't a self serving speech. It was in fact a reaction to the Clarence Thomas nomination. It's simply an excuse that Mcconell used to justify holding the seat. In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year. In fact you will not find a SINGLE instance were Democrats held up a SCOTUS nomination for even half as long as the GOP did.
-The nuclear option was the other example. I actually think it was a bad precedent. On the other hand the GOP made it clear in no uncertain terms that if Obama wanted judges in the courts he would have to do it over their dead bodies.
- This thing is an entirely different beast. Again Democrats did NOT make the accusation. Someone else did. Wether or not you believe her is one matter. But asserting that it is unfair seems again self serving.
- You know, I have been thinking about this and I have actually a pretty good idea.Pull Kavanaugh, Trump nominates Garland. Democrats if they win restore the filibuster for all judicial nominees and the balance will be restored.
im not about to reward their behavior.
Ah so you like this political bare knuckle fighting better? At some point someone needs to take responsibility for stopping this cycle of," they do this, so we do that."
100% agree and good point.

but if this were done, to me, validates their behavior and they will do it again.
The Prez has the upper hand in this investigation and it should include investigating Dr. Christine Blasé Ford. We must demand she and Sweet twat are investigated now.
Dems may not like what is going to happen to them and how many of their people will be recommended for local prosecution and possibly be held civilly and criminally liable for defamation and false reports.. The Creepy Porn Lawyer and his circus is one that is going to be high on the list..
I wonder how many times Jeff Flake had his nose broken.

The other thing I wonder is...Corey Booker....when he puts his wig on he looks like Kamala Harris! Are we being duped?
I wonder how many times Jeff Flake had his nose broken.

The other thing I wonder is...Corey Booker....when he puts his wig on he looks like Kamala Harris! Are we being duped?

Ever watch Flake talk and his expressions? He looks like he's trying to squeeze an Obama outa his ass
You are Trolling as usual.
Nah, just pointing out you’re a raving lunatic; as evidenced by you suggesting he could have raped little children because he takes these investigations seriously. :cuckoo:

Many of these politicians are raping little children, this is why any suggestion of Organised Paedophile Rings NEVER gets investigated, but you of course are a Leftist Troll Tool who supports EVERYTHING The State tells you to support and being a Leftist Troll Tool you would NEVER question if The State is sordid and dirty, it's your type who are the raving lunatics.

Thanks for reminding everyone what a raving lunatic you are. Wasn’t necessary, but thanks just the same. Meanwhile, good luck confirming Kavanaugh without Flake, Collins and Murkowski.

The three weaklings of the party.

All three have fought for their respective constituents.

What; you expect them to all be a bunch of 'yes' robots?
That's exactly what they are. Scared "yes" robot's to the wrong side. If they can't see the hit job here, then this nation is done..
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!

5:27 PM - 28 Sep 2018

well, thet REALLY doesn't matter because Bart O'Kavanaugh has ALREADY been shown to be a LIAR.

Brett Kavanaugh fails to answer whether he is the drunk "Bart O'Kavanaugh" named in book

Kavanaugh CANNOT even answer a goddamn question = what a pussy
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Then are you saying that:

A. Dr. Ford is a guy?

B. That Ford is lying?


God, you are so stupid.

The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...
Ford did not give the date, She could not say what house this happened in, how she got there and how she got home. The witnesses swear they were not there. An FBI investigation would reveal the same facts and non facts the hearing relied on.

A person has the right be deemed innocent until proven guilty. How can she give facts that do not back her story ?
She gave the time frame, she gave the neighborhood, she gave at least 3 of the names there, all of which fit the bill, on his calendar....

The FBI needs to investigate, so a non partisan source who are investigators can investigate it.

WHY IS THIS SO WRONG to do, it should be done, just off of Ford's testimony, just to check it out, since she was sworn to tell the truth under oath and came off 100% honest on what she did remember, and honest on what she could not remember?

YOU DO NOT KNOW what the FBI background investigators will find, to presume it will be just the same of what was being claimed, then I think you are wrong on that....

plus, for the sake of being fair, and the whole Nation and World watching,and the Supreme Court,

it really should be done... justice is suppose to be blind, and the reopening for the FBI background check with new allegations such as these, IS THE PROTOCOL and is what is done, even have cases of this with other Judicial nominees.

This sweeping it under the rug routine of the R Senators, is just plain wrong.... and hurtful to Kavanaugh in the long run, if he is innocent of all, as he has claims...
She needs to file a police report first.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!

5:27 PM - 28 Sep 2018

well, thet REALLY doesn't matter because Bart O'Kavanaugh has ALREADY been shown to be a LIAR.

Brett Kavanaugh fails to answer whether he is the drunk "Bart O'Kavanaugh" named in book

Kavanaugh CANNOT even answer a goddamn question = what a pussy

Basley ford has already been shown to be a liar.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!

5:27 PM - 28 Sep 2018

well, thet REALLY doesn't matter because Bart O'Kavanaugh has ALREADY been shown to be a LIAR.

Brett Kavanaugh fails to answer whether he is the drunk "Bart O'Kavanaugh" named in book

Kavanaugh CANNOT even answer a goddamn question = what a pussy

Basley ford has already been shown to be a liar.

and Ford has been a DC circuit court judge for, how long?

and Ford is a nominee for a life time SCOTUS appointment, is she?

OK; got it.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!

5:27 PM - 28 Sep 2018

well, thet REALLY doesn't matter because Bart O'Kavanaugh has ALREADY been shown to be a LIAR.

Brett Kavanaugh fails to answer whether he is the drunk "Bart O'Kavanaugh" named in book

Kavanaugh CANNOT even answer a goddamn question = what a pussy

Basley ford has already been shown to be a liar.

and Ford has been a DC circuit court judge for, how long?

and Ford is a nominee for a life time SCOTUS appointment, is she?

OK; got it.

Lies are lies, idiot. You got nothing except an extreme case of stupid.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!

5:27 PM - 28 Sep 2018

well, thet REALLY doesn't matter because Bart O'Kavanaugh has ALREADY been shown to be a LIAR.

Brett Kavanaugh fails to answer whether he is the drunk "Bart O'Kavanaugh" named in book

Kavanaugh CANNOT even answer a goddamn question = what a pussy

Basley ford has already been shown to be a liar.

and Ford has been a DC circuit court judge for, how long?

and Ford is a nominee for a life time SCOTUS appointment, is she?

OK; got it.

Lies are lies, idiot.

Yes; lies are lies. Who told you that?

Idiots are also idiots so, I suggest you go look into a mirror & keep an eye on one; for a good long time.

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