OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Don’t assume
I'll take my chances with a female. Repub men seem to have a problem with being sexual predators.

You really think it’s only Republican men?
Where did I say only? I said repub men seem to have a problem with being sexual predators. The leader of the repubs likes grabbing pussies.

Kinda sounds cuckolded?
I cant see Drumpf being a cuck. He is an apex sexual predator.

He is a celebrity. You think Michael Jordan was different?
Where did I say only? I said repub men seem to have a problem with being sexual predators.

In the post I quoted otherwise why did you say only “Republican “ men?
I never said only republican men. What are you talking about?

You certainly implied it. Otherwise you would have just said “men”.
No I meant specifically repub men have a problem with being sexual predators. Moore, Drumpf, Kavanaugh etc etc etc.

Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Keith Ellison, Ted Kennedy

You don't want to start this. There are perverts in both political parties.
No one has said the FBI had jurisdiction. Thank you for the offer f of red herring

I guess the longer in the past an incident is, the less you want it investigated.


So you are saying the FBI can just up and investigate someone breaking a State law (which is what Kavenaugh is accused of) without the permission of the State law enforcement?

It's not a Red Herring, it's how things work.

The FBI investigates federal crimes, crimes across State lines (which usually become federal crimes), can be invited by Local law enforcement to assist. At most otherwise they can come in when local law enforcement is doing their jobs (watch Mississippi Burning for that) but even then that falls under the category of federal crimes.
Actually the FBI is also responsible for doing background checks. They don't need even a suggestion of criminal behavior for that. So suggesting that it's impossible for the FBI to investigate someone up for a position in the federal government, is wrong.

They already did one. Six of them. They wouldn't turn up anything more on this, because as we have seen, there is ZERO documentation of what happened that night.

The Committee has sent questions to anyone they can reach who was involved, that is the same thing the FBI would do, it would just take them longer.

A background check is a very specific thing. They just gather INFORMATION, they don't use it to build a case, which is basically what the left is calling for here.
So if I investigate somebody 100 times but afterwards stuff comes out that I missed does that mean I don't have a right to investigate those things? The only thing I've seen the left, or anybody do is ask for an investigation. Show me one who is even suggesting prosecuting Kavanaugh?

They had months and months to investigate this. Feinstein had the information TWO MONTHS before the official hearings were held.

So we should keep trying people until we find the guilty? How Fascist of you.

Actually trying to prosecute him would be better because you would be held to a far higher standard of evidence, and any judge would throw out the charges in a heartbeat.

They are asking for "An investigation" as cover to vote no and use Ford's accusation as a shield, at least the Dems from Red States are.
-So now you jump from the process of background checks to, "the Democrats use this as a political weapon". Probably... It says nothing about the truth of the claims more about how unethical politics is. Something that Republicans have done on more then a few occasions.
-As to how unfair it is. The picking of a SCOTUS nominee IS a political process not a judicial one. I find it the height of irony that a Republican asks for a nomination process were there is no political gamesmanship and the standard of the nominee in question should be no higher then whether or not he has committed sexual assault beyond reasonable doubt. Garland wasn't even allowed a meeting let alone a hearing when he was put forward. Kavanaugh had no compunction trying to get Clinton impeached for lying about a blowjob between CONSENTING ADULTS. Here's a tip. When asking for not just fair but unreasonable fair behavior. Which, not holding a higher standard that there is doubt that he committed a crime is. It's probably a good idea to have a proven track record of fairness yourself. Otherwise what is it but blatant, self-serving hypocrisy?
In the post I quoted otherwise why did you say only “Republican “ men?
I never said only republican men. What are you talking about?

You certainly implied it. Otherwise you would have just said “men”.
No I meant specifically repub men have a problem with being sexual predators. Moore, Drumpf, Kavanaugh etc etc etc.

Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Keith Ellison, Ted Kennedy

You don't want to start this. There are perverts in both political parties.

Too late. He just put his foot in his mouth again.

Gawd she is hideous....inside and out.
You sound jealous. Typical whorish catty behavior.
Typical of the way conservatives attack females

It's the truth, she's hideous...but I suppose leftist cucks like you find her attractive

She's a cow and look at that leather neck, ick

By the way remember when ya all attacked Clinton's accusers? Sit down now
I just hope that Ben Sasse or Jeff Flake are paying attention. All it takes is one of them in the committee to say no and then Kavanaugh doesn't even make it to a full Senate vote.


The Constitution doesn't call for the committee to advise and consent, it calls for the Senate to advise and consent.
McConnell can put it on the floor.

If Either Sasse or Flake doesn't recommend him for a full vote, they aren't going to vote for him in the full Senate vote. Republicans are not going to put Kavanaugh to a full Senate vote knowing it will fail.

Don't worry about Sasse, if he doesn't vote for him, he ain't ever going home. He'd be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.
All I got out of this is that Ford is completely scatter-brained. It did not instill any "confidence" in me as to her claims at all.

We'll see how it goes with Kavanaugh...
Don’t assume
I'll take my chances with a female. Repub men seem to have a problem with being sexual predators.

You really think it’s only Republican men?
Where did I say only? I said repub men seem to have a problem with being sexual predators. The leader of the repubs likes grabbing pussies.

Kinda sounds cuckolded?
I cant see Drumpf being a cuck. He is an apex sexual predator.

I guess that settles it then, a cuck like you would know.
This was a big waste of time. If the Republicans have the same attitude as Kennedy, they only did this for show and aren't paying attention at all to what is being said.

He's more afraid of possibly being accused some time in the future rather than knowing if anything actually happened. That's not how you are supposed to look at it. These same people were in place when Gorsuch came up, and NONE of this happened. This is because of Kavanaugh, not the system.
Not exactly.

Not even close.

You don't read the public's pulse very well huh ?!

Lyndsey Graham right now is saying the same damn thing. He had his mind made up already, and he is saying she is a liar and this is all political. This was a waste of time.
She is a liar and this is a waste of time.

She really looked like a dopey, confused old lady. She’s had mental issues and probably did a lot of drugs too.
No idea where.

No idea when - story continues to change.

Therapy notes exist - 'The therapist got it wrong with what she wrote down during the therapy session, but I correct the information when I talked to the Washington Post (ie admittedly changed her story and what the Therapist has down on record)

Her 4 witnesses still say it never happened.

More than 2 hours later, and all we still have is her ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE.
no one has come forward to say they took her home!!!!

last testimony she was standing on the street somewhere. And she's been there until August of 2018. Lots of those girls out there right . Nobody has come forward to say they took her there. Nobody has come forward to say they saw her there. But we have to believe her. Not one Democrat has actually asked a question. Lots of how brave she was and how credible she is but credibility has to be based on some sort of evidence or we are all in big trouble. Because "even if you didn't you did" unless you keep video recorded evidence from every minute of your life you could be charged and prosecuted/ persecuted for any accusation no matter how ridiculous.
The lady-professor told her story.

It was the opening volley in a huge battle between GOP and DEMs that will continue all day.

Then a vote tomorrow, unless Kavanaugh or Trump withdraws the nomination first.
nothing new was learned today.
BTW, I knew this before this ever happened. It's why I said last Tuesday there should have been a vote.that day!
K so let's really break this down.

When she was 15, someone pushed her into a room, groped her over her clothes, laughed with her friend about it, briefly covered her mouth and....that was it. She escaped and that was the end of that.

Not good. Very bad. Unfortunate. If true, the guy's a cad.

But this woman, a wife and mother with two sons, two master's degrees, a PhD and etc is so traumatized by this almost 40 years later she "can't fly"? (but can). She needs two doors on the first floor? (But not until 2012).

That's just not right. I don't think it jives. I think she DID recover from this, and maybe trouble in her marriage brought it up again, fine. But to NOW cast this as if it "broke her". Nope. And don't a single man here fall for it, either.
No idea where.

No idea when - story continues to change.

Therapy notes exist - 'The therapist got it wrong with what she wrote down during the therapy session, but I correct the information when I talked to the Washington Post (ie admittedly changed her story and what the Therapist has down on record)

Her 4 witnesses still say it never happened.

More than 2 hours later, and all we still have is her ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE.
no one has come forward to say they took her home!!!!

last testimony she was standing on the street somewhere. And she's been there until August of 2018. Lots of those girls out there right . Nobody has come forward to say they took her there. Nobody has come forward to say they saw her there. But we have to believe her. Not one Democrat has actually asked a question. Lots of how brave she was and how credible she is but credibility has to be based on some sort of evidence or we are all in big trouble. Because "even if you didn't you did" unless you keep video recorded evidence from every minute of your life you could be charged and prosecuted/ persecuted for any accusation no matter how ridiculous.
The lady-professor told her story.

It was the opening volley in a huge battle between GOP and DEMs that will continue all day.

Then a vote tomorrow, unless Kavanaugh or Trump withdraws the nomination first.
nothing new was learned today.
BTW, I knew this before this ever happened. It's why I said last Tuesday there should have been a vote.

Meh, it does seem pretty pointless so far, but even so it needed to be done even if just for appearances.
Lindsey Graham just gave a remarkable interview in the hallway. way to go Lindsey!!!

Lindsey Graham was hysterical and childish, Dr. Ford was emotional, mature and rational.
Republicans needed to break her story and establish that she was not credible

They failed

Ford established that herserlf
She didn’t break
She calmly laid out her story and Republicans failed to break it
I still want to know how her husband didn't want to go take kavanaugh on in 2012 after learning what he supposedly learned in 2012.

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