One might expect that unless board traffic takes a dramatic plunge and stays down for about 2 days the new gutless rating thingie - "thank", "quote", "reply" - is all you're gonna see.
One might expect that unless board traffic takes a dramatic plunge and stays down for about 2 days the new gutless rating thingie - "thank", "quote", "reply" - is all you're gonna see.

Shit, the system has been gutless for quite a while now... It kind of has that "everyone one wins, everyone gets a trophy" feel, like a lot of today's youth sports leagues...
Shit, the system has been gutless for quite a while now... It kind of has that "everyone one wins, everyone gets a trophy" feel, like a lot of today's youth sports leagues...

I completely agree with you ... Even find it a bit funny ... But won't thank you for it ... ;)

Looks to me like the buttons are all back. All is right with the world?

But now I'm trying to figure out how to get the huge neon "Gold Supporting Member" off my name tag. It's as uncomfortable as when I wear uncommon florals to church--I feel like a flashing neon sign.
I don't know what flash memory is, I can Google it later. Anyway I don't know how to change out components like that on my phone. I apreciate the suggestion but it's beyond my ability.

From my PC I keep getting redirected to Prepper Forums, and while I don't get redirected while using my phone, nor is the keyboard slower, Tapatalk can't connect to this server half the time. I belong to nearly a dozen forums, some phisicaly located in the UK, and this is the only one I experience these problems on. This forum has a boatload of adds, malware attempts tripping my firewall, and redirects.

Would the admin mind just...getting rid of all that?
It's become a throw away world. You don't upgrade cell phones, or most electronic devices because they aren't meant to be upgraded. You're not likely to find parts and if you do, you will certainly void your warranty by installing them.

I've been building computers for myself and my family for over 25 years. I do so, so I can upgrade them and have control of what goes in them. Does it save any money? Probably not, but when there's a problem I can fix it and don't have to go through the hassle of buying another computer, learning how to use new software and transferring loads of programs and data.
I doubt that you do not save much. I build all of my computers myself and save a ton if I had purchased them as a store bought unit. then again, I build rather high end-ish machines and similar machines on the market are simply overpriced and come bundled with so much shit that I simply do not want.
If you consider the qualify of what goes into the machine if you build it yourself, the ability to upgrade it, your ability to diagnosis problems and fix them, then building a a computer is a good investment but it's not for everyone.

I built a computer for my grandson at age 8, put only the programs he needed on the machine. When he was older I ungraded the machine replacing the video card and adding memory. When he was 12, I replaced the motherboard and cpu, adding a solid state drive, more software and an operating system upgrade. Did it save any money? I doubt it, but the machine was much more usable and reliable and when there was problem, I new exactly what was in the machine so I could fix it. Most of the computers sold today are throw away devices. If you have a problem, you buy a new machine, loaded with crap you don't want that you either have to learn how use or resplace

I've tried to embed Youtube videos a number of times but only one attempt worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

I've tried to embed Youtube videos a number of times but only one attempt worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Works every time for me. Copy the URL at youtube then click the icon above the reply box that looks like 2 frames of movie film and paste the URL in the pop up box.

I've tried to embed Youtube videos a number of times but only one attempt worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Works every time for me. Copy the URL at youtube then click the icon above the reply box that looks like 2 frames of movie film and paste the URL in the pop up box.
I just post the link by itself in the body of the message. Never had a problem.

I've tried to embed Youtube videos a number of times but only one attempt worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

I've tried to embed Youtube videos a number of times but only one attempt worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Works every time for me. Copy the URL at youtube then click the icon above the reply box that looks like 2 frames of movie film and paste the URL in the pop up box.

I had trouble with this also. Ernie's instructions are correct but here is little more detail below. Your procedure may be a bit different if you are using a tablet or a single button mouse or if your mouse has been reconfigured or you are using a different type of pointing device.

1. Locate the Youtube video and display it. It doesn't matter whether it is paused are playing.
2. Move your cursor to any part of the video and press the right mouse button. You will then see a small menu display.
3. Move your cursor to the first entry, "Get Video URL". and click on it.
4. A small box will open up with the text, "https://......"
5. Place your cursor on this text and press your right mouse button. A menu will display.
6. Click on the copy option on the menu. This will copy the URL to your clipboard.
7. Now return to your post. Select the line for your video to begin. You may want to hit the enter key a few times to add lines above or below the line where the video will begin so you can add text.
8. Click the film strip icon at the top of your post. It's on the second line just below the underline symbol. A dialog box will open titled Media.
9. Place your cursor inside the text area, then right click your mouse button and and select paste.
10. You will see the video URL that you copied from the video in the box. Click on Embed.
11. The URL will be copied to your post. It will look something like
12. If you want see what the video looks like in your post, click More options and preview or you can just click on Post Reply.

Also be aware that all videos on the Internet will not transfer. I've never had a problem with Youtube videos. When you click on some Internet videos, it may open up in a separate window. For these videos you must go to the URL box at top of the window and copy that URL. However, this does not always work. Some videos, you just can't transfer.

I've tried to embed Youtube videos a number of times but only one attempt worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

I've found that simply posting the video url will make it show up in the post. I don't click on any icons.
In my experience, copying the URL, just puts the text of the URL in the post as a link. That works fine if that's that's what you want.

I've tried to embed Youtube videos a number of times but only one attempt worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

I've found that simply posting the video url will make it show up in the post. I don't click on any icons.
In my experience, copying the URL, just puts the text of the URL in the post as a link. That works fine if that's that's what you want.
That is true but in the reply box there is a small icon that looks like a piece of film stip that opens a box you past your link in (2 to the right of the smilies icon). That is the simplest method. Basically it just adds the syntax around the url that needs to be there for you.

I've tried to embed Youtube videos a number of times but only one attempt worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

I've found that simply posting the video url will make it show up in the post. I don't click on any icons.
In my experience, copying the URL, just puts the text of the URL in the post as a link. That works fine if that's that's what you want.
That is true but in the reply box there is a small icon that looks like a piece of film stip that opens a box you past your link in (2 to the right of the smilies icon). That is the simplest method. Basically it just adds the syntax around the url that needs to be there for you.

My problem is that I don't have any kind of BB code editor on the reply boxes at USMB except when I access through AOL when I use this computer. If I use Google or Firefox or IE or DuckDuckGo, all I get is an empty reply box with no way to use the quote feature or add a photo or whatever unless I physically type the bb code myself. And I don't know how to fix that. It doesn't happen on my laptop or at any other message board site. Everything works perfectly if I use AOL to access the board.

I would really like to know how to fix the problem. It is very annoying and makes the board less fun. And AOL has been so wonky lately that I hate using it all the time when other browsers are so much faster.

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