Official State of the Union Thread

Democrats, unlike their uber-partisan and unAmerican counterparts on the right, are able to clap, and clap wholeheartedly for things the President with another letter behind his name than is behind their names.

So much so that even ze Trumpenfuher himself had to exclaim, "You weren't supposed to clap!"

You know why? Because they love America more than they love their party.

Yes, and they show their love for us every single day they fight the wall. Speaking of which......

Trump said we need to put Coyotes, drug smugglers and human traffickers out of business. Republicans stood up and applauded while Democrats just sat there. Gee, I wonder which side they are on? I guess my signature pretty much spells it out.

And what was Nancy doing with those big cards anyway? Looked like the bimbo was at a Bingo game for senior citizens. Did they have pictures for her to understand what was going on?
Most drugs come in at checkpoints inside legal items.

Everyone knows that.
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."
The more likely scenario is that the cartel member tells Pedro that if he DOESN'T turn over those drugs to Jose, then his family in Mexico will be tortured and die.
Or a cult following.

I couldn't figure that out either. White?? Why??

because it stands out, you cannot help but notice it.

Another poster says its to honor the suffragette movement back when woman got the right to vote.

Oh and it stands out all right.

that was the stated purpose. It is not uncommon...even happens at college football games where they do a "white out" to show support for the home team.

I still do not get how people see a white suit and think "KKK"... why is KKK the first thing that comes to mind?
You can read more if you like:

Mr. Trump said that America is the largest crude oil producer in the world and that production has hit a record high.

This is true.

The United States has been the largest producer of oil and gas in the world since 2013, a trend that began under the Obama administration thanks in large part to advances in shale drilling techniques.

Mr. Trump claimed nearly 5 million people have been lifted off food stamps.

This is exaggerated.

The number of Americans in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program decreased by more than 3.5 million between February 2017 — Mr. Trump’s first full month in office — to September 2018, according to the latest available data. By comparison, the number of people receiving the aid decreased by 5 million from June 2015 to January 2017.

Mr. Trump said that Ralph Northam, the embattled governor of Virginia, said he would execute a baby after it was born.

This is false.

In an interview last month, Governor Northam said that he supported a late-term abortion bill that would loosen restrictions on the procedure, and allow women to consult with a doctor on an abortion up to, but not including, the time of birth.

The governor, a pediatric neurologist, also talked about some of the dangerous medical emergencies that pregnant women could face, such as carrying a nonviable fetus. He said that in such a case, the mother would deliver the infant and then, “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” While Mr. Northam was talking about an end-of-life care discussion in the case of a child that would not live, Republicans seized on his remarks as evidence that Mr. Northam supported killing babies after their birth.

Mr. Trump said his administration is holding talks with several groups in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American forces last month killed one of the leaders of the 2000 bombing of the naval destroyer Cole.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American troops have been “fighting in the Middle East for almost 19 years.”

This is false.

American troops deployed to Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, to begin Operation Enduring Freedom — the American military and NATO mission to rid Afghanistan of Al Qaeda. But Afghanistan is not technically considered part of the Middle East — it is in southwest Asia. The United States invaded Iraq, which is in the Middle East, in March 2003 — nearly 16 years ago.

Mr. Trump said that lawmakers in New York cheered the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.

This is misleading.

On Jan. 22, the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat of New York, signed the Reproductive Health Act, which ensures a woman’s right to an abortion in New York if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned. It does not broadly allow abortions until shortly before birth, as Mr. Trump suggested. Instead, it will allow for an abortion after 24 weeks to protect the mother’s health or if the fetus is not viable. Under the prior law, abortions were allowed after 24 weeks only if the woman’s life was in jeopardy.

Fact Checking the 2019 State of the Union Address

Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
We are talking about a non viable infant being cared for
Oh bullshit, liberals are evil. The mother could dislike the hair color of the baby and liberals would kill it.
Or a cult following.

I couldn't figure that out either. White?? Why??

because it stands out, you cannot help but notice it.

Another poster says its to honor the suffragette movement back when woman got the right to vote.

Oh and it stands out all right.

that was the stated purpose. It is not uncommon...even happens at college football games where they do a "white out" to show support for the home team.

I still do not get how people see a white suit and think "KKK"... why is KKK the first thing that comes to mind?

I agree. I didn't see them as emulating the KKK. I was just wondering why the white??

Peggy Noonan


And good natured with the white jackets, who I see some on twitter are calling the straight jackets. AOC had a rare bad night, looking not spirited, warm and original as usual but sullen, teenaged and at a loss.

OAC as a Bitter Loser Replies

"Why should I be “spirited and warm” for this embarrassment of a #SOTU? Tonight was an unsettling night for our country. The president failed to offer any plan, any vision at all, for our future. We’re flying without a pilot. And I‘m not here to comfort anyone about that fact," she wrote.
Trump's SOTU speech included a long list of lies and misrepresentations, and every fact checking source is busy sorting through them and presenting the facts to show just how wrong he was. I was particularly irked by his claim that El Paso was a very dangerous place, and that fence quickly turned it into one of the safest places in the US. El Paso was a very safe place long before any fence.

What do you think his biggest lies were?

His hair..
You can read more if you like:

Mr. Trump said that America is the largest crude oil producer in the world and that production has hit a record high.

This is true.

The United States has been the largest producer of oil and gas in the world since 2013, a trend that began under the Obama administration thanks in large part to advances in shale drilling techniques.

Mr. Trump claimed nearly 5 million people have been lifted off food stamps.

This is exaggerated.

The number of Americans in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program decreased by more than 3.5 million between February 2017 — Mr. Trump’s first full month in office — to September 2018, according to the latest available data. By comparison, the number of people receiving the aid decreased by 5 million from June 2015 to January 2017.

Mr. Trump said that Ralph Northam, the embattled governor of Virginia, said he would execute a baby after it was born.

This is false.

In an interview last month, Governor Northam said that he supported a late-term abortion bill that would loosen restrictions on the procedure, and allow women to consult with a doctor on an abortion up to, but not including, the time of birth.

The governor, a pediatric neurologist, also talked about some of the dangerous medical emergencies that pregnant women could face, such as carrying a nonviable fetus. He said that in such a case, the mother would deliver the infant and then, “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” While Mr. Northam was talking about an end-of-life care discussion in the case of a child that would not live, Republicans seized on his remarks as evidence that Mr. Northam supported killing babies after their birth.

Mr. Trump said his administration is holding talks with several groups in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American forces last month killed one of the leaders of the 2000 bombing of the naval destroyer Cole.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American troops have been “fighting in the Middle East for almost 19 years.”

This is false.

American troops deployed to Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, to begin Operation Enduring Freedom — the American military and NATO mission to rid Afghanistan of Al Qaeda. But Afghanistan is not technically considered part of the Middle East — it is in southwest Asia. The United States invaded Iraq, which is in the Middle East, in March 2003 — nearly 16 years ago.

Mr. Trump said that lawmakers in New York cheered the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.

This is misleading.

On Jan. 22, the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat of New York, signed the Reproductive Health Act, which ensures a woman’s right to an abortion in New York if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned. It does not broadly allow abortions until shortly before birth, as Mr. Trump suggested. Instead, it will allow for an abortion after 24 weeks to protect the mother’s health or if the fetus is not viable. Under the prior law, abortions were allowed after 24 weeks only if the woman’s life was in jeopardy.

Fact Checking the 2019 State of the Union Address

Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
We are talking about a non viable infant being cared for
Oh bullshit, liberals are evil. The mother could dislike the hair color of the baby and liberals would kill it.
I have 4 kids all with slightly different colored hair yet I killed not a one..Which dear sire makes you a liar....

and the fun part is that InfoWars readers are so stupid they will think this is a real picture.

It is real. They just left their hoods home as I'm sure they aren't allowed in the Capital. A clever photoshopper added the hoods back in.

and then you prove me correct about the intelligence of the InfoWars readers...thanks!

Democrats are the ones that started the Klan. Just sayin... lol
Mr. Trump said that Ralph Northam, the embattled governor of Virginia, said he would execute a baby after it was born.

At least his speechwriter was smart enough not to call it an after birth abortion like the idiots on this message board.
You can read more if you like:

Mr. Trump said that America is the largest crude oil producer in the world and that production has hit a record high.

This is true.

The United States has been the largest producer of oil and gas in the world since 2013, a trend that began under the Obama administration thanks in large part to advances in shale drilling techniques.

Mr. Trump claimed nearly 5 million people have been lifted off food stamps.

This is exaggerated.

The number of Americans in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program decreased by more than 3.5 million between February 2017 — Mr. Trump’s first full month in office — to September 2018, according to the latest available data. By comparison, the number of people receiving the aid decreased by 5 million from June 2015 to January 2017.

Mr. Trump said that Ralph Northam, the embattled governor of Virginia, said he would execute a baby after it was born.

This is false.

In an interview last month, Governor Northam said that he supported a late-term abortion bill that would loosen restrictions on the procedure, and allow women to consult with a doctor on an abortion up to, but not including, the time of birth.

The governor, a pediatric neurologist, also talked about some of the dangerous medical emergencies that pregnant women could face, such as carrying a nonviable fetus. He said that in such a case, the mother would deliver the infant and then, “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” While Mr. Northam was talking about an end-of-life care discussion in the case of a child that would not live, Republicans seized on his remarks as evidence that Mr. Northam supported killing babies after their birth.

Mr. Trump said his administration is holding talks with several groups in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American forces last month killed one of the leaders of the 2000 bombing of the naval destroyer Cole.

This is true.

Mr. Trump said that American troops have been “fighting in the Middle East for almost 19 years.”

This is false.

American troops deployed to Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, to begin Operation Enduring Freedom — the American military and NATO mission to rid Afghanistan of Al Qaeda. But Afghanistan is not technically considered part of the Middle East — it is in southwest Asia. The United States invaded Iraq, which is in the Middle East, in March 2003 — nearly 16 years ago.

Mr. Trump said that lawmakers in New York cheered the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.

This is misleading.

On Jan. 22, the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat of New York, signed the Reproductive Health Act, which ensures a woman’s right to an abortion in New York if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned. It does not broadly allow abortions until shortly before birth, as Mr. Trump suggested. Instead, it will allow for an abortion after 24 weeks to protect the mother’s health or if the fetus is not viable. Under the prior law, abortions were allowed after 24 weeks only if the woman’s life was in jeopardy.

Fact Checking the 2019 State of the Union Address

Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."
We are talking about a non viable infant being cared for
Oh bullshit, liberals are evil. The mother could dislike the hair color of the baby and liberals would kill it.
I have 4 kids all with slightly different colored hair yet I killed not a one..Which dear sire makes you a liar....
Infanticide wasn't legal then. So we really don't know what you would do.

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