Official Thread for Denial of GreenHouse Effect and Radiative Physics.

That explains tons that the alarmists are not able to explain. For instance. Where is the actual proof that we are headed to doom? They say in around 10 more years. They said a couple years back it was 12 years. Where is the proof? I post videos not to be a denier, but to inform the public who is pulling the wool over their eyes. I believe very honestly that posters who keep claiming Richard Lindzen is a punk ass denier are flat out lying to you. If they knew about Richard Lindzen, they would call him an honest scientist. And appreciate his warning us we are being scammed. Gore now is worth an estimated 300 million dollars off his scam. So no doubt alarmists can get pretty damned rich. I think some posters who call us names are in the group making a killing off being an alarmist.
That explains tons that the alarmists are not able to explain. For instance. Where is the actual proof that we are headed to doom? They say in around 10 more years. They said a couple years back it was 12 years. Where is the proof? I post videos not to be a denier, but to inform the public who is pulling the wool over their eyes. I believe very honestly that posters who keep claiming Richard Lindzen is a punk ass denier are flat out lying to you. If they knew about Richard Lindzen, they would call him an honest scientist. And appreciate his warning us we are being scammed. Gore now is worth an estimated 300 million dollars off his scam. So no doubt alarmists can get pretty damned rich. I think some posters who call us names are in the group making a killing off being an alarmist.
Exactly my point since day one. what is the problem? Look up my user name and what is the problem.
Exactly my point since day one. what is the problem? Look up my user name and what is the problem.

I'd settle for a demonstration ... something that shows conclusively that carbon dioxide has extraordinary radiative reactivity ... because 150 ppm should only have 150 ppm effect ... nevermind the fourth root effect ...

1ºC doesn't change weather ... so it doesn't change average weather, i.e. climate ...
I'd settle for a demonstration ... something that shows conclusively that carbon dioxide has extraordinary radiative reactivity ... because 150 ppm should only have 150 ppm effect ... nevermind the fourth root effect ...

1ºC doesn't change weather ... so it doesn't change average weather, i.e. climate ...
Questions asked zero answers provided
Remember when it used to actually snow? Feet of snow several times during the winter? In the spring and fall now and then? No plowing last year. Never really snowed at all. Not here.
Remember when it used to actually snow? Feet of snow several times during the winter? In the spring and fall now and then? No plowing last year. Never really snowed at all. Not here.

Weather ... you'd think snowplow drivers would rejoice if no snow falls ... they don't ... they gripe and moan and pick fights with their wives all winter long ...

No snow means no pay ... I'd be grumpy too ...
Weather ... you'd think snowplow drivers would rejoice if no snow falls ... they don't ... they gripe and moan and pick fights with their wives all winter long ...

No snow means no pay ... I'd be grumpy too ...
Warming. Climate. Change. When no longer deniable you'd think adults would accept responsibility for their contribution and gladly work together to prevent a potentially irreversible, runaway condition for the sake of their progeny if nothing else.
The amount of future warming Earth will experience depends on how much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases we emit in coming decades. Today, our activities—burning fossil fuels and clearing forests—add about 11 billion metric tons of carbon (equivalent to a little over 40 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide) to the atmosphere each year. Because that is more carbon than natural processes can remove, atmospheric carbon dioxide increases each year.
Oh, and some more old news..
Warming. Climate. Change. When no longer deniable you'd think adults would accept responsibility for their contribution and gladly work together to prevent a potentially irreversible, runaway condition for the sake of their progeny if nothing else.

Oh, and some more old news..

Where has climate changed? ... Iowa corn farmers still get adequate rainfall in summer to grow their crops ... and California corn farmers do not ... same as 100 years ago ... same as it will be 100 years from now ... temperatures are up a bit, that just makes a longer growing season ...

Most scientists in the field now dismiss any potential for a "runaway greenhouse effect" ... it's never happened before even with much much higher carbon dioxide concentrations ... it's not been demonstrated in the lab ... so we can largely dismiss the possibility and focus on what can be demonstrated ... Hypercanes and Hockey Sticks are fictions, invented to sell you products ...

Don't sell your snowplows ... this time a year ago, we were talking about cutting off Arizona's water supply ... 6 months ago we had 12 foot walls of snow along the California 89 ... and now we have Tulare Lake ... you know ... weather ...
Where has climate changed?
Tried asking any search engine, did ya? Really?
Most scientists in the field now dismiss any potential for a "runaway greenhouse effect"
Your words, clown. I said, "a potentially irreversible, runaway condition", simply meaning too deadly to sustain anything like our current quality of life.. as in our "progeny if nothing else" due to our collective neglect. Regardless, fact is
Most scientists believe that a runaway greenhouse effect is inevitable in the long term
... it's never happened before
You were expecting multiple Industrial Revolutions?

I specified "adults" above for a reason. Don't care? Don't read. Don't comment. Don't lie.
I said, "a potentially irreversible, runaway condition", simply meaning too deadly to sustain anything like our current quality of life..

That would be awful for our children and grandchildren.
To prevent a decline in the quality of life in the future, we
must destroy our quality of life now!

No more cheap, reliable fossil fuels!!!
We must only use expensive, unreliable "green" energy.
For the children!
That would be awful for our children and grandchildren.
To prevent a decline in the quality of life in the future, we
must destroy our quality of life now!

No more cheap, reliable fossil fuels!!!
We must only use expensive, unreliable "green" energy.
For the children!

Great-great-great-grandchildren ... any measurable change is 100's of years out ... maybe cheap fossil fuels ain't no more ...
I got the same results as you ... nothing ... where has climate changed ... latitude and longitude please ...

Not answering is an answer in itself ...
I can't turn on TV to watch programs about nature that they do not claim humans manage climate. But hold on, they deny humans manage climate actually. They want it both ways in other words.
I can't turn on TV to watch programs about nature that they do not claim humans manage climate. But hold on, they deny humans manage climate actually. They want it both ways in other words.

Climate change has a roll in every catastrophe these days ... climate change causes steel to be weaker, why we have railroad derailments now ... never before have we seen so many railroad accidents ... West Palentine, South Sussex, Minneapolis ... climate change is causing concrete buildings in Florida to buckle and fall down ...

Watch .. French Bed Bugs are caused by climate change ...
Climate change has a roll in every catastrophe these days ... climate change causes steel to be weaker, why we have railroad derailments now ... never before have we seen so many railroad accidents ... West Palentine, South Sussex, Minneapolis ... climate change is causing concrete buildings in Florida to buckle and fall down ...

Watch .. French Bed Bugs are caused by climate change ...
Also patients die in hospitals due to climate change.
I got the same results as you ... nothing ... where has climate changed ... latitude and longitude please ...

Not answering is an answer in itself ...
Sure, sure :sigh2:
Remember when it used to actually snow? Feet of snow several times during the winter? In the spring and fall now and then?
Weather ...
No, silly,
Climate characterizes the average weather conditions for a particular location over a long period of time.
In fact, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — the United Nations body established to assess the science related to climate change — modern humans have never before seen the observed changes in our global climate, and some of these changes are irreversible over the next hundreds to thousands of years.

Scientists have high confidence that global temperatures will continue to rise for many decades, mainly due to greenhouse gases produced by human activities.

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