Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Here's what we know for sure: Comey, and many others in the Obama Administration, falsely swore out a FISA warrant against a US Citizen and illegally ran Orwellian surveillance on him in a Failed attempt at a coup. Mueller has proven that there was absolutely no reasonable basis upon which the FISA warrants should have been asked for or granted in the first place.

Before it's over, 2019 will go down as big a year in American history as 1776

Right up there with McCarthy's HUAC. :)

Remember when McCarthy got all those Hollywood writers banned, and Zero Mostel too!

Oh I sure do. That was right after the Democratic Party created the Klan so it would have candidates to run against. :thup:

You do know the Klan was created by Democrats to terrorize black Republicans out of Congress, no?

A lot of people voted for the Republican black guys. They got elected and were doing good, until the Democrat KKK.

That ↑ was a joke that flew right over your hood.

Inasmuch as the Klan was founded 12/24/1865, before there was any "Republicans" or "voting" for anything or "political parties" in a place that was not even part of the United States, the punch line to that joke is "linear time'.

Everybody knows that. Well except maybe Joe McCarthy. But you go ahead and have fun spinning your myths, I got plenty of mock to go around.
If your date of the Klan's foundation is correct,
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Also take your maga clown hat off for a moment and read this latest from the DOJ, and I hope you unAmerican Russian/tRump puppets pour a river of sweat and anxiety attacks: Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Of course they will. The democrap Party is as un American as you can get. They are globalists, and a strong America weakens their positions. That's why they will continue to fling poo until the election hoping that some will stick and prevent a trump reelection.

This is all about politics. Nothing more.

""The democrap Party is as un American as you can get" "This is all about politics."

Irony ^^^

"Lock her up" Is that all about justice?

You and the rest of the tumpanzess are as Un-American as can be.

quote: "You and the rest of the tumpanzess are as Un-American as can be"​

Your party just spent my tax money on a wtich hunt they knew from the start was a witch hunt, and you bought the farm.

Don't blame us for your naivety. Shumer, Pelosi, and Feinstein had you eating the cowpies right out of their leftist hands. And you still negate reality in lockstep with the gooniest birds who ever perched themselves in Congress based on lies.
Mens Rea wasn't required for someone to be guilty, douchebag.

Mens rea: "an evil intent, a guilty mind"
Ballentine's Law Dictionary, pg. 791

Your poor education and lack of knowledge on the issue of law is so apparent I thought you need edification, thus:

Note: This link is from the Federalist Society.

REad the statute, moron. Mens Rea isn't required. Only gross negligence. If Hillary intended to break the law, then it wouldn't be negligence. However, we all know she did intend to break the law. She is supposed to know that what she did was illegal.

What statute, post it. Read the link I posted, and then STFU.

He has probably been searching for hours trying to find out what a rea is and why men want one.

Why would I bother wasting my time searching for that when you so stubbornly insist on remaining ignorant? The "mens rea" claim has been debunked 10,000 times in this forum. It's horseshit.

"Mens Rea refers to criminal intent. The literal translation from Latin is "guilty mind." The plural of mens rea is mentes reae. A mens rea refers to the state of mind statutorily required in order to convict a particular defendant of a particular crime."

You and the others who echo in word or deed, "lock her up" reject the American Principles of Jurisprudence to fit their / your agenda.

Mens Rea

"The mens rea requirement is premised upon the idea that one must possess a guilty state of mind and be aware of his or her misconduct; however, a defendant need not know that their conduct is illegal to be guilty of a crime. Rather, the defendant must be conscious of the “facts that make his conduct fit the definition of the offense.”"

Furthermore, Consciousness of Guilt:

"It refers to a powerful and highly incriminating inference that a judge or jury may draw from the statements or conduct of a defendant (accused) after a crime has been committed suggesting that the defendant knows he or she is guilty of the charged crime."
I said all along I would accept Muellers conclusions
If Mueller investigated and said he saw no evidence of collusion, I believe him

Now, if the report is so good, why can’t we see it?

For the very reason it's not damaging. Would you want your innocent dealings made public for a group of people that hate someone so much they scream at the sky over him? You do know, I'm sure, that people other than Trump are likely to be in that report.

If you're willing to accept Mueller's conclusions, why do you want to see the details?
I see the leftist have taken the results of the Mueller report only a tiny iota better than Hillary's loss.

So.. Mueller did not find exculpatory evidence?
How does that change the fact the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice?
And, when did Democrats change their minds on obstruction rising to the level of an impeachable offense?
Reminds me of when Comey said Hillary didn’t commit a prosecutable crime
Unfortunately for your delusions, they did.
Here's what we know for sure: Comey, and many others in the Obama Administration, falsely swore out a FISA warrant against a US Citizen and illegally ran Orwellian surveillance on him in a Failed attempt at a coup. Mueller has proven that there was absolutely no reasonable basis upon which the FISA warrants should have been asked for or granted in the first place.

Before it's over, 2019 will go down as big a year in American history as 1776

Right up there with McCarthy's HUAC. :)

HUAC had nothing to do with McCarthy, moron. HUAC was in the House. That's what the 'H' stands for. McCarty was a Senator.

The difference is that McCarthy was talking about people who were actually communists.
Remember when McCarthy got all those Hollywood writers banned, and Zero Mostel too!

Oh I sure do. That was right after the Democratic Party created the Klan so it would have candidates to run against. :thup:

You do know the Klan was created by Democrats to terrorize black Republicans out of Congress, no?

A lot of people voted for the Republican black guys. They got elected and were doing good, until the Democrat KKK.

That ↑ was a joke that flew right over your hood.

Inasmuch as the Klan was founded 12/24/1865, before there was any "Republicans" or "voting" for anything or "political parties" in a place that was not even part of the United States, the punch line to that joke is "linear time'.

Everybody knows that. Well except maybe Joe McCarthy. But you go ahead and have fun spinning your myths, I got plenty of mock to go around.

Ku Klux Klan A Terrorist Group Murdering Republican Blacks And Whites Was Started By Democrats

"The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English “circle”; “Klan” was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867."

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

STFU and stop spreading misinformation, Pogo-ass.

A blog called "wall builders live". Be still, my history book.

Sorry, recorded history calls bullshit. Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Maj. Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski, 1865 not '66. Recorded history, nothing your fake blogs can do about it. No political affiliations for any of them, and Tennessee had no political parties anyway. Number one it wasn't part of the United States having seceded in 1861, and number two while it was part of the CSA that country deliberately HAD NO political parties.


Again, nuttin' you can do about that.

I shouldn't have posted a joke that readers are too goddam stupid to understand. Lesson learned.

"Wall Builders Live". Holy SHIT.

History book says 1866 as well in Pulaski, Tenn., Pogo.

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Right up there with McCarthy's HUAC. :)

Remember when McCarthy got all those Hollywood writers banned, and Zero Mostel too!

Oh I sure do. That was right after the Democratic Party created the Klan so it would have candidates to run against. :thup:

Glad you finally agree that "McCarthyism" was actually Joe's somewhat understated and underestimated warning of the extent to which "Uncle Joe" was running the democrat White Houses of FDR and Truman and had absolutely nothing to do with the HUAC or Communist writers and actors in Hollywood

Actually that was your theory Frank. I still remember it, that's why I keep satirizing it.

My theory? That's what's taught in schools! The NYTimes had a crossword answer that HUAC was McCarty's. Much like Russian collusion, there's no Joe McCarthy in McCarthyism

Well Frank all I can say is if you're using a crossword puzzle as a history book you ain't doing it right.

Look what just happened to Maid Marion with his "Wall Builders" blog.

As far as McCarthyism, I like Ike's term -- "McCarthywasism".

I did a whole thread on "Blacklisted" - seems to have vanished

Uncle Joe poofed it. Buried it with Zero Mostel.

We joke about this but it's serious. People suffered and died due to this 1950s version of PC-gone-wild. People like this guy. A reminder of the price of mob mentality, which is what McCarthy exploited.

(/off tropic)
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Also take your maga clown hat off for a moment and read this latest from the DOJ, and I hope you unAmerican Russian/tRump puppets pour a river of sweat and anxiety attacks: Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Of course they will. The democrap Party is as un American as you can get. They are globalists, and a strong America weakens their positions. That's why they will continue to fling poo until the election hoping that some will stick and prevent a trump reelection.

This is all about politics. Nothing more.

""The democrap Party is as un American as you can get" "This is all about politics."

Irony ^^^

"Lock her up" Is that all about justice?

You and the rest of the tumpanzess are as Un-American as can be.
You lapped up all the lies you were spoon fed by your masters, hook...line...and sinker, wry.
Now it's damage control with you. Sometimes it's better if you just remain silent
and move on to the next debate.
Oh I sure do. That was right after the Democratic Party created the Klan so it would have candidates to run against. :thup:

You do know the Klan was created by Democrats to terrorize black Republicans out of Congress, no?

A lot of people voted for the Republican black guys. They got elected and were doing good, until the Democrat KKK.

That ↑ was a joke that flew right over your hood.

Inasmuch as the Klan was founded 12/24/1865, before there was any "Republicans" or "voting" for anything or "political parties" in a place that was not even part of the United States, the punch line to that joke is "linear time'.

Everybody knows that. Well except maybe Joe McCarthy. But you go ahead and have fun spinning your myths, I got plenty of mock to go around.

Ku Klux Klan A Terrorist Group Murdering Republican Blacks And Whites Was Started By Democrats

"The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English “circle”; “Klan” was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867."

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

STFU and stop spreading misinformation, Pogo-ass.

A blog called "wall builders live". Be still, my history book.

Sorry, recorded history calls bullshit. Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Maj. Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski, 1865 not '66. Recorded history, nothing your fake blogs can do about it. No political affiliations for any of them, and Tennessee had no political parties anyway. Number one it wasn't part of the United States having seceded in 1861, and number two while it was part of the CSA that country deliberately HAD NO political parties.


Again, nuttin' you can do about that.

I shouldn't have posted a joke that readers are too goddam stupid to understand. Lesson learned.

"Wall Builders Live". Holy SHIT.

History book says 1866 as well in Pulaski, Tenn., Pogo.

Not a legitimate one, no.

This just in --- anybody can put up a blog saying anything they want. I could put up a blog page right now saying Jesus Christ drives a Triumph TR-4 to the local 7-11 ever Tuesday. Doesn't make it into a real thing.
Funny, the ones fanning the faux flames of 'Russian Conspirators' were the ones actually conspiring with the Russians...
Here's what we know for sure: Comey, and many others in the Obama Administration, falsely swore out a FISA warrant against a US Citizen and illegally ran Orwellian surveillance on him in a Failed attempt at a coup. Mueller has proven that there was absolutely no reasonable basis upon which the FISA warrants should have been asked for or granted in the first place.

Before it's over, 2019 will go down as big a year in American history as 1776

Right up there with McCarthy's HUAC. :)

HUAC had nothing to do with McCarthy, moron. HUAC was in the House. That's what the 'H' stands for. McCarty was a Senator.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. I'm ragging on Frank because he once posted a thread to that effect. It kinda follows him around just like the trolley tracks in Wisconsin follow you around. The difference is I think Frank knew he was posting satire. I think.
Here's what we know for sure: Comey, and many others in the Obama Administration, falsely swore out a FISA warrant against a US Citizen and illegally ran Orwellian surveillance on him in a Failed attempt at a coup. Mueller has proven that there was absolutely no reasonable basis upon which the FISA warrants should have been asked for or granted in the first place.

Before it's over, 2019 will go down as big a year in American history as 1776

Right up there with McCarthy's HUAC. :)

HUAC had nothing to do with McCarthy, moron. HUAC was in the House. That's what the 'H' stands for. McCarty was a Senator.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. I'm ragging on Frank because he once posted a thread to that effect. It kinda follows him around just like the trolley tracks in Wisconsin follow you around. The difference is I think Frank knew he was posting satire. I think.

Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy -- M Stanton Evans

Pogo is referring to this
Mens rea: "an evil intent, a guilty mind"
Ballentine's Law Dictionary, pg. 791

Your poor education and lack of knowledge on the issue of law is so apparent I thought you need edification, thus:

Note: This link is from the Federalist Society.

REad the statute, moron. Mens Rea isn't required. Only gross negligence. If Hillary intended to break the law, then it wouldn't be negligence. However, we all know she did intend to break the law. She is supposed to know that what she did was illegal.

What statute, post it. Read the link I posted, and then STFU.

He has probably been searching for hours trying to find out what a rea is and why men want one.

Why would I bother wasting my time searching for that when you so stubbornly insist on remaining ignorant? The "mens rea" claim has been debunked 10,000 times in this forum. It's horseshit.

"Mens Rea refers to criminal intent. The literal translation from Latin is "guilty mind." The plural of mens rea is mentes reae. A mens rea refers to the state of mind statutorily required in order to convict a particular defendant of a particular crime."

You and the others who echo in word or deed, "lock her up" reject the American Principles of Jurisprudence to fit their / your agenda.

Mens Rea

"The mens rea requirement is premised upon the idea that one must possess a guilty state of mind and be aware of his or her misconduct; however, a defendant need not know that their conduct is illegal to be guilty of a crime. Rather, the defendant must be conscious of the “facts that make his conduct fit the definition of the offense.”"

Furthermore, Consciousness of Guilt:

"It refers to a powerful and highly incriminating inference that a judge or jury may draw from the statements or conduct of a defendant (accused) after a crime has been committed suggesting that the defendant knows he or she is guilty of the charged crime."
Mens Rea doesn't apply, moron. You've been told that at least 10,000 times already.

Military Prosecutions Show That a Gross Negligence Prosecution Would Not Unfairly Single Out Mrs. Clinton | National Review

In McGuinness, the U.S. Court of Military Appeals rejected the defendant’s claim, and it did so in a way that is instructive for our purposes. The judges explained that in Section 793 (part of the codification of the Espionage Act of 1917), Congress sought to establish a sliding scale of violations involving the mishandling of classified information. The first subsection – Sec. 793(a) – requires proof of “intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation.” Subsequent subsections – Sec. 793(d) and (e) – “require only that the accused act ‘willfully’” (i.e., in violation of a known legal duty, but not necessarily with intent to harm the U.S.). Finally, the court turned to the subsection at issue in Mrs. Clinton’s case: “Section 793(f) has an even lower threshold, punishing loss of classified materials through ‘gross negligence’ and punishing failing to promptly report a loss of classified materials.” (Emphasis added.)​
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Here's what we know for sure: Comey, and many others in the Obama Administration, falsely swore out a FISA warrant against a US Citizen and illegally ran Orwellian surveillance on him in a Failed attempt at a coup. Mueller has proven that there was absolutely no reasonable basis upon which the FISA warrants should have been asked for or granted in the first place.

Before it's over, 2019 will go down as big a year in American history as 1776

Right up there with McCarthy's HUAC. :)

HUAC had nothing to do with McCarthy, moron. HUAC was in the House. That's what the 'H' stands for. McCarty was a Senator.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. I'm ragging on Frank because he once posted a thread to that effect. It kinda follows him around just like the trolley tracks in Wisconsin follow you around. The difference is I think Frank knew he was posting satire. I think.

Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy -- M Stanton Evans

Pogo is referring to this

No, not that one. That one is OLD, even before I got here.
Apparently you pulled this Frank Prank more than once?
The Trumpettes are saying the Mueller Report says no collusion.
Look at you, marching in lock-step with the MSNBC taking points.

It's over.
You rolled the dice and lost.

Eat it and smile.

I didn't roll anything.

The report does not prove Trump didn't do it. Report - lets see the real thing.
They can't release the full report because of laws in place. But you lying scum keep on calling for that just to start more trouble.
You do know the Klan was created by Democrats to terrorize black Republicans out of Congress, no?

A lot of people voted for the Republican black guys. They got elected and were doing good, until the Democrat KKK.

That ↑ was a joke that flew right over your hood.

Inasmuch as the Klan was founded 12/24/1865, before there was any "Republicans" or "voting" for anything or "political parties" in a place that was not even part of the United States, the punch line to that joke is "linear time'.

Everybody knows that. Well except maybe Joe McCarthy. But you go ahead and have fun spinning your myths, I got plenty of mock to go around.

Ku Klux Klan A Terrorist Group Murdering Republican Blacks And Whites Was Started By Democrats

"The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English “circle”; “Klan” was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867."

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

STFU and stop spreading misinformation, Pogo-ass.

A blog called "wall builders live". Be still, my history book.

Sorry, recorded history calls bullshit. Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Maj. Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski, 1865 not '66. Recorded history, nothing your fake blogs can do about it. No political affiliations for any of them, and Tennessee had no political parties anyway. Number one it wasn't part of the United States having seceded in 1861, and number two while it was part of the CSA that country deliberately HAD NO political parties.


Again, nuttin' you can do about that.

I shouldn't have posted a joke that readers are too goddam stupid to understand. Lesson learned.

"Wall Builders Live". Holy SHIT.

History book says 1866 as well in Pulaski, Tenn., Pogo.

Not a legitimate one, no.

This just in --- anybody can put up a blog saying anything they want. I could put up a blog page right now saying Jesus Christ drives a Triumph TR-4 to the local 7-11 ever Tuesday. Doesn't make it into a real thing.

Encyclopedia Britannica isn't legit? I think you're what's not legit here. :1peleas:

It is a reference book, unlike Pogo posts. :rolleyes:

I took a pic of the page for proof. :)

Anybody can make a plaque, but only Brittanica publishes their reference books.


What I posted is from a book that's in the Library of Congress, boy. What you posted was bullshit.

Just because the 1st internet reference I grabbed says the same thing from a different source, doesn't make it any less true.
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