Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

The Trumpettes are saying the Mueller Report says no collusion.
Look at you, marching in lock-step with the MSNBC taking points.

It's over.
You rolled the dice and lost.

Eat it and smile.

I didn't roll anything.

The report does not prove Trump didn't do it. Report - lets see the real thing.
Nothing proves that you haven't molested the kid living down the block.
Ask the kid,
Kids lie about stuff like that.
Of all investigators, Mueller is said to be one of the most thorough, plus President Trump needled him often about trying to find dirt, when he knew he was innocent. Every time I mentioned that all indications Mueller had made were those of not finding any collusion on President Trump's part since the President did no such thing.

I'm glad Mueller did his job. His findings themselves vindicated President Trump from the charges of the wagging tongued Democrats who cheerfully spent Thirty-five million tax dollars and growing as receipts roll in they are forcing the Americans to pay for their folly. Someday they will have to pay a price for making the people pay their price.
You know his findings?
The Trumpettes are saying the Mueller Report says no collusion.
Look at you, marching in lock-step with the MSNBC taking points.

It's over.
You rolled the dice and lost.

Eat it and smile.

I didn't roll anything.

The report does not prove Trump didn't do it. Report - lets see the real thing.
They can't release the full report because of laws in place. But you lying scum keep on calling for that just to start more trouble.
Show it to Congress.

I mean you assfucks really don't us to believe Trump or anyone he appointed do you?
They can release the whole thing, they just have to blank out sensitive information like the names of agents and informers and other information that may pose a threat to them, or a threat to future/ongoing investigations.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
You do realize that we don't vote by acre, right?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?
Well Frank all I can say is if you're using a crossword puzzle as a history book you ain't doing it right.

Look what just happened to Maid Marion with his "Wall Builders" blog.

As far as McCarthyism, I like Ike's term -- "McCarthywasism".

Uncle Joe poofed it. Buried it with Zero Mostel.

We joke about this but it's serious. People suffered and died due to this 1950s version of PC-gone-wild. People like this guy. A reminder of the price of mob mentality, which is what McCarthy exploited.

(/off tropic)
Who died? Who suffered who wasn't a communist working in a sensitive position in our government?

It's linked, Fingerboi. Get your teacher to explain what a "link" is.
In other words, McCarthy had nothing to do with it. He didn't testify or take the 5th in McCarthy's Senate hearings.

Loeb was listed as a communist in the private publication "Counter Attack." It's quite a stretch to blame McCarthy for that. Fear of communists was quite widespread at the time and well justified.

It sure is funny watching all you Russian Collusion conspiratorialists whine about McCarthyism. What could be closer to McCarthyism than your absolutely baseless jihad against Trump and everyone associated with him? During the McCarthy ere, there were actual Soviet spies infiltrated into our government. The "Russia Collusion" hoax is based on totally on nothing.

It sure is funny to watch illiterates like you dig yourself into holes because you can't read.

I didn't blame Loeb's suicide on "McCarthy". I blamed it on the mob mentality you're trying to slob the knob of right here as if it's some kind of positive. Which (AGAIN) McCarthy exploited for his own gain because he was a dishonest hack.

Go lurn two reed.
"Exploiting" must be the Dim euphemism meaning to address the legitimate concerns of the voters.

Your use of the term implies you don't believe the USA was threatened in any way by Soviet expansionism. You just self-identified as a moron.

Check your own avatar and tell the class all about "self-identifying" Dumbass.
The Trumpettes are saying the Mueller Report says no collusion.
Look at you, marching in lock-step with the MSNBC taking points.

It's over.
You rolled the dice and lost.

Eat it and smile.

I didn't roll anything.

The report does not prove Trump didn't do it. Report - lets see the real thing.
They can't release the full report because of laws in place. But you lying scum keep on calling for that just to start more trouble.
Show it to Congress.
I mean you assfucks really don't us to believe Trump or anyone he appointed do you?
Like it will matter to you. Or them.
You do realize that we don't vote by acre, right?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?

You are talking states. Your map isn't about states.
Look at you, marching in lock-step with the MSNBC taking points.

It's over.
You rolled the dice and lost.

Eat it and smile.

I didn't roll anything.

The report does not prove Trump didn't do it. Report - lets see the real thing.
They can't release the full report because of laws in place. But you lying scum keep on calling for that just to start more trouble.
Show it to Congress.

I mean you assfucks really don't us to believe Trump or anyone he appointed do you?
They can release the whole thing, they just have to blank out sensitive information like the names of agents and informers and other information that may pose a threat to them, or a threat to future/ongoing investigations.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
Who died? Who suffered who wasn't a communist working in a sensitive position in our government?

It's linked, Fingerboi. Get your teacher to explain what a "link" is.
In other words, McCarthy had nothing to do with it. He didn't testify or take the 5th in McCarthy's Senate hearings.

Loeb was listed as a communist in the private publication "Counter Attack." It's quite a stretch to blame McCarthy for that. Fear of communists was quite widespread at the time and well justified.

It sure is funny watching all you Russian Collusion conspiratorialists whine about McCarthyism. What could be closer to McCarthyism than your absolutely baseless jihad against Trump and everyone associated with him? During the McCarthy ere, there were actual Soviet spies infiltrated into our government. The "Russia Collusion" hoax is based on totally on nothing.

It sure is funny to watch illiterates like you dig yourself into holes because you can't read.

I didn't blame Loeb's suicide on "McCarthy". I blamed it on the mob mentality you're trying to slob the knob of right here as if it's some kind of positive. Which (AGAIN) McCarthy exploited for his own gain because he was a dishonest hack.

Go lurn two reed.
"Exploiting" must be the Dim euphemism meaning to address the legitimate concerns of the voters.

Your use of the term implies you don't believe the USA was threatened in any way by Soviet expansionism. You just self-identified as a moron.

Check your own avatar and tell the class all about "self-identifying" Dumbass.
1. Mueller did not indict Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, or other people whose purported legal jeopardy was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

2. Mueller did not charge anyone in the Trump campaign or circle with conspiring with Russia to fix the 2016 election, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

3. Mueller did not subpoena the president, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

4. The president did not fire Mueller, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

5. The president did not interfere with the Mueller investigation, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. In his letter to Congress, Barr noted the requirement that he notify lawmakers if top Justice Department officials ever interfered with the Mueller investigation. "There were no such instances," Barr wrote.

Byron York: Five things that didn't happen in the Mueller investigation

Thus, the hopes and dreams of the left have been quashed.

I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here

Trump will remain your President until at least January 2021 and there's nothing you can do about it.

You haven't received the report, or looked at it, but you're really grasping at straws here.
It's a tRumpkin thing. Declare victory first, worry about facts never.
what facts are those?
I didn't roll anything.

The report does not prove Trump didn't do it. Report - lets see the real thing.
They can't release the full report because of laws in place. But you lying scum keep on calling for that just to start more trouble.
Show it to Congress.

I mean you assfucks really don't us to believe Trump or anyone he appointed do you?
They can release the whole thing, they just have to blank out sensitive information like the names of agents and informers and other information that may pose a threat to them, or a threat to future/ongoing investigations.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
They can't release the full report because of laws in place. But you lying scum keep on calling for that just to start more trouble.
Show it to Congress.

I mean you assfucks really don't us to believe Trump or anyone he appointed do you?
They can release the whole thing, they just have to blank out sensitive information like the names of agents and informers and other information that may pose a threat to them, or a threat to future/ongoing investigations.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
Look at you, marching in lock-step with the MSNBC taking points.

It's over.
You rolled the dice and lost.

Eat it and smile.

I didn't roll anything.

The report does not prove Trump didn't do it. Report - lets see the real thing.
They can't release the full report because of laws in place. But you lying scum keep on calling for that just to start more trouble.
Show it to Congress.

I mean you assfucks really don't us to believe Trump or anyone he appointed do you?
They can release the whole thing, they just have to blank out sensitive information like the names of agents and informers and other information that may pose a threat to them, or a threat to future/ongoing investigations.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
It is not Grand Jury testimony

If it was, a jury of the people would review it.... not a Trump appointee
Show it to Congress.

I mean you assfucks really don't us to believe Trump or anyone he appointed do you?
They can release the whole thing, they just have to blank out sensitive information like the names of agents and informers and other information that may pose a threat to them, or a threat to future/ongoing investigations.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.
You do realize that we don't vote by acre, right?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?

You are talking states. Your map isn't about states.

I am glad there are stupid Moon Bats like you that don't understand the electoral process here in the US.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat. Why did you vote for an idiot that didn't understand that the EC picks the Presidential candidate? That was really stupid of you to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary, wasn't it?

Let me guess you also voted for that worthless asshole affirmative action Muslim piece of shit, Obama, didn't you?

You have a terrible record of voting, don't you? You voted for the worst President this country ever had and the most corrupt. Let me take another guess, you also voted for Slick Willy and Al "Nutcase" Gore? LOL!
Trump introduced Russia-born Alex Ovechkin, the Washington Capitals’ star. “Where's Ivanka? She's a friend. And she's a tremendous fan. Alexander the Great they call him,” Trump said.
You do realize that we don't vote by acre, right?
You do realize our President is elected by the electoral college, right?

No shit Sherlock. The Electoral College is by STATE. Do you see States on thaw map? Of course not because you're as fucking stupid as he is.

The purpose of that map was to dupe dumbasses into thinking that many Americans support Trump.

"US" refers to PEOPLE.

The reality is your "US" lost to Hillary Clinton by 3 million votes.

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