Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Trump introduced Russia-born Alex Ovechkin, the Washington Capitals’ star. “Where's Ivanka? She's a friend. And she's a tremendous fan. Alexander the Great they call him,” Trump said.
What were they served?
pizza fries burgers
You do realize that we don't vote by acre, right?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?

You are talking states. Your map isn't about states.

I am glad there are stupid Moon Bats like you that don't understand the electoral process here in the US.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat. Why did you vote for an idiot that didn't understand that the EC picks the Presidential candidate? That was really stupid of you to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary, wasn't it?

Let me guess you also voted for that worthless asshole affirmative action Muslim piece of shit, Obama, didn't you?

You have a terrible record of voting, don't you? You voted for the worst President this country ever had and the most corrupt. Let me take another guess, you also voted for Slick Willy and Al "Nutcase" Gore? LOL!

Didn't vote for Bill Clinton. Voted for McCain in the primary. I guaran-fucking-tee I would never ever vote for a piece of shit like Donald Trump.

Lets see where Trump lands on the list of rest Presidents compared to Obama.
They can release the whole thing, they just have to blank out sensitive information like the names of agents and informers and other information that may pose a threat to them, or a threat to future/ongoing investigations.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.
Neal Katyal, who helped draft the special counsel rules as a Justice Department lawyer in the late 1990s, said Friday that Attorney General William Barr can and should release special counsel Robert Mueller's final report.

Katyal, in an op-ed in The Washington Post, wrote that there are no regulations preventing Barr from publicizing Mueller’s findings, which were delivered to Barr late Friday afternoon.

“The public has every right to see Robert S. Mueller III's conclusions. Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public. Indeed, the relevant sources of law give Attorney General P. William Barr all the latitude in the world to make it public,” Katyal wrote. "

Lawyer who helped write special counsel rules says Mueller report can be released

Now whart? Has Barr already lied?
You do realize that we don't vote by acre, right?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?

You are talking states. Your map isn't about states.

I am glad there are stupid Moon Bats like you that don't understand the electoral process here in the US.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat. Why did you vote for an idiot that didn't understand that the EC picks the Presidential candidate? That was really stupid of you to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary, wasn't it?

Let me guess you also voted for that worthless asshole affirmative action Muslim piece of shit, Obama, didn't you?

You have a terrible record of voting, don't you? You voted for the worst President this country ever had and the most corrupt. Let me take another guess, you also voted for Slick Willy and Al "Nutcase" Gore? LOL!

Didn't vote for Bill Clinton. Voted for McCain in the primary. I guaran-fucking-tee I would never ever vote for a piece of shit like Donald Trump.

Lets see where Trump lands on the list of rest Presidents compared to Obama.

Stop being so butthurt you confused TDS afflicted Moon Bat.

Crooked Hillary lost because she was a corrupt asshole and everybody knew it.

Too bad your girl lost. Grow the fuck up.

Too bad the Moon Bat agenda to make the US a socialist shithole has been put on hold. Get over it.
You do realize that we don't vote by acre, right?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?

You are talking states. Your map isn't about states.

I am glad there are stupid Moon Bats like you that don't understand the electoral process here in the US.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat. Why did you vote for an idiot that didn't understand that the EC picks the Presidential candidate? That was really stupid of you to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary, wasn't it?

Let me guess you also voted for that worthless asshole affirmative action Muslim piece of shit, Obama, didn't you?

You have a terrible record of voting, don't you? You voted for the worst President this country ever had and the most corrupt. Let me take another guess, you also voted for Slick Willy and Al "Nutcase" Gore? LOL!

Didn't vote for Bill Clinton. Voted for McCain in the primary. I guaran-fucking-tee I would never ever vote for a piece of shit like Donald Trump.

Lets see where Trump lands on the list of rest Presidents compared to Obama.
Yet you voted for true pieces of shit like Obama and Clinton. Hummmmmm I suppose that makes you a connisuer of shit. Just not the right shit or good shit, just plain old crap.
You do realize that we don't vote by acre, right?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?

You are talking states. Your map isn't about states.

I am glad there are stupid Moon Bats like you that don't understand the electoral process here in the US.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat. Why did you vote for an idiot that didn't understand that the EC picks the Presidential candidate? That was really stupid of you to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary, wasn't it?

Let me guess you also voted for that worthless asshole affirmative action Muslim piece of shit, Obama, didn't you?

You have a terrible record of voting, don't you? You voted for the worst President this country ever had and the most corrupt. Let me take another guess, you also voted for Slick Willy and Al "Nutcase" Gore? LOL!

Didn't vote for Bill Clinton. Voted for McCain in the primary. I guaran-fucking-tee I would never ever vote for a piece of shit like Donald Trump.

Lets see where Trump lands on the list of rest Presidents compared to Obama.
Yet you voted for true pieces of shit like Obama and Clinton. Hummmmmm I suppose that makes you a connisuer of shit. Just not the right shit or good shit, just plain old crap.
The real scumbags are Trump his family and ass holes like you who support the scum
brothers and sisters: Member of Congress and the American people deserve to view the full Mueller report. Not its interpretation through the eyes of the president's hand-picked Attorney General.
"TRUMP RAGES: People Have Done 'Evil Things, Very Bad Things ... Treasonous Things Against Our Country'"
Financial Times: Trump's relief could be shortlived. His presidency and business empire are still threatened by other investigations being carried out by an array of state and federal prosecutors.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?

You are talking states. Your map isn't about states.

I am glad there are stupid Moon Bats like you that don't understand the electoral process here in the US.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat. Why did you vote for an idiot that didn't understand that the EC picks the Presidential candidate? That was really stupid of you to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary, wasn't it?

Let me guess you also voted for that worthless asshole affirmative action Muslim piece of shit, Obama, didn't you?

You have a terrible record of voting, don't you? You voted for the worst President this country ever had and the most corrupt. Let me take another guess, you also voted for Slick Willy and Al "Nutcase" Gore? LOL!

Didn't vote for Bill Clinton. Voted for McCain in the primary. I guaran-fucking-tee I would never ever vote for a piece of shit like Donald Trump.

Lets see where Trump lands on the list of rest Presidents compared to Obama.
Yet you voted for true pieces of shit like Obama and Clinton. Hummmmmm I suppose that makes you a connisuer of shit. Just not the right shit or good shit, just plain old crap.
The real scumbags are Trump his family and ass holes like you who support the scum

You are confused Moon Bat.

The scumbags were in the Obama administration that fucked up this country real bad and the Democrats now that are suffering from the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump is planning a rally for Thursday. He is going to cram this TDS shit up the lying Democrat's ass.

Nobody will ever take the Democrats serious again.
I will repeat the Mueller report says CLEARLY that there was NO COLLUSION NONE NADA ZIPPO, so now one of you BRAIN DEAD lefties explain how or why Trump obstructed Justice when he did NOTHING wrong to begin with. I will REPEAT for AMAZINGLY STUPID a Sitting President may fire a director of the FBI at ANY TIME for ANY REASON or NO reason at all. Further he fired him on the recommendation of the Assistant Attorney General.
ask mueller about NO EXONERATION you fn dumb trump ah

PFC Eddiew
He STATED No Collusion and no verifiable proof of Obstruction either dumb ass. So answer the question.... If Trump did NOT COLLUDE why would he have obstructed an investigation that would clear him again? Further be specific and tell us how Comey being fired did ANYTHING to the investigation.....
Trump being Putin’s useful idiot is just as scary as him willfully colluding with Russia: Ex-FBI agent Clint Watts


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