Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

BTW, what is it exactly that the collusion was going to do? Anyone have any information on what the collusion did?
We know Russia interfered. The charge was that the Trump campaign directed and or otherwise helped that effort.
As the report states:
[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated
with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
We don't know what the actual report said at all.
The actual report said exactly that, as Barr drew the direct quote from same:
T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated
with the Russian government in its election interference activities
BTW, what is it exactly that the collusion was going to do? Anyone have any information on what the collusion did?
We know Russia interfered. The charge was that the Trump campaign directed and or otherwise helped that effort.
As the report states:
[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated
with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
We don't know what the actual report said at all.
oh bullshit. enough of it is out to where we get the jist of it.

if it had said "trump should be indicted" you'd stop giving a shit about it there and just scream INDICT til you couldn't scream anymore.
2) Just because Trump did not get caught does nit make him innocent in the wake of his numerous lies he & his campaign members told about it.
Translation: You refuse to accept anything that does not confirm your chosen narrative.

I'm waiting for the Report. But you keep thinking guilty people never get found not guilty.
you keep thinking your hating them makes them guilty.
since day one when there was absolutely nothing like now.
So if Jussie Smollett is facing years in prison for falsely accusing someone of a crime... What is the penalty for falsely accusing a President of treason?
There is a difference between accusing someone because you have reason to believe that a crime was committed- and making shit up and paying people to stage a crime. Give me a fucking break with your false equivalency logical fallacy

You mean how the shrilary and the DNC paid Steele to concoct a false dossier?

Are you truly this blind?
Why is it that you people can never defend T-Rump without deflecting the discussion to something about Clinton or Obama?

Why is it you are so partisan that you ignore illegal activities from your side while demanding the death penalty for those on the other side?

Hypocrisy is not a virtue, dude.
So if Jussie Smollett is facing years in prison for falsely accusing someone of a crime... What is the penalty for falsely accusing a President of treason?
There is a difference between accusing someone because you have reason to believe that a crime was committed- and making shit up and paying people to stage a crime. Give me a fucking break with your false equivalency logical fallacy

You mean how the shrilary and the DNC paid Steele to concoct a false dossier?

Are you truly this blind?
Why is it that you people can never defend T-Rump without deflecting the discussion to something about Clinton or Obama?

Why is it you are so partisan that you ignore illegal activities from your side while demanding the death penalty for those on the other side?

Hypocrisy is not a virtue, dude.
But, what about Hillary?
So if Jussie Smollett is facing years in prison for falsely accusing someone of a crime... What is the penalty for falsely accusing a President of treason?
There is a difference between accusing someone because you have reason to believe that a crime was committed- and making shit up and paying people to stage a crime. Give me a fucking break with your false equivalency logical fallacy

You mean how the shrilary and the DNC paid Steele to concoct a false dossier?

Are you truly this blind?
Why is it that you people can never defend T-Rump without deflecting the discussion to something about Clinton or Obama?

Why is it you are so partisan that you ignore illegal activities from your side while demanding the death penalty for those on the other side?

Hypocrisy is not a virtue, dude.

I see the village idiot has chimed in with his obligatory emoji in lieu of anything cogent to say. Sad...
About the same for pussy grabbing
Clinton was impeached because of that.
actually for lying under oath about it.
Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction, both federal felonies, committed while in office.
The Democrats never once denied the charges, only that they do not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.
Apparently, they have since changes their minds.
We all saw the evidence.

So why cabn't we see the Mueller Report & that evidence?

Don't you trust Mueller's conclusions?
They were Barrs conclusions ,,,,funny hadit that 465 pages for a blow job and 4 pages for this republican white wash
Your OWN damn link proved my FACTS are correct and your lies are lies!

I am clearly saying Barr is in pocket of The Rat, Russian Agent Tramp, and you are a stupid SUCKER!

This is the thing about you DittoTards, even after your lies are proven to be lies you are still STUPID enough to mindlessly parrot more lies from your same lying scum sources without question.

so now Barr is a Russian plant working with Trump and Putin to destroy the USA? Do you have idea how stupid that is?

You guys lost, Clinton is a criminal, you just keep piling on and making your shit pile deeper

There is no level of proof or evidence that will ever satisfy the rabid Trump hater. Just like all good little conspiracy believers, all evidence contrary to their belief is faked and everyone who presents it is a part of the conspiracy, and every tidbit that agrees with their belief, no matter how unsubstantiated, is granted absolute gospel truth status.

Years from now, they will still be saying the same things.
So you agree Hillary should not be locked up and OJ didn't do it.

Of course she shouldn't be locked up unless she's convicted of a crime. That would be an injustice. I think there's a double standard at play that allows her to get away with things for which an ordinary person would be facing serious prison time, but that's just my opinion. As for OJ, he was found liable for the deaths using a lower standard of proof, so I can't say absolutely either way. I believe he did it, but again, that's my opinion, and in neither case does my opinion put anyone in prison. Why do you ask, just trolling, hoping to pin me in a corner, what?
So, your opinion is that of a Hillaryhater, right?

And you believe OJ did it.

So you believe that the results of investigations do not always find the needed proof but it does not mean the people were innocent.

So why Am I a Trump hater because:

1) I want to see the entire Muller report or at least have the Democrat leadership see it.
2) Just because Trump did not get caught does nit make him innocent in the wake of his numerous lies he & his campaign members told about it.

Are you in fact a rabid Trump hater that will never be satisfied no matter what evidence is presented? I believe OJ did it, but I'm not pounding the keyboard on debate boards insisting that he be locked up for it and that everyone who decided he didn't do it is part of a massive conspiracy. I can also believe Hillary is guilty of doing things that would get a normal civilian locked up, but I'm also not pounding the keyboard demanding that the universe align with my wishes so I can watch her doing the perp stumble. Now if further investigation should reveal that, as I suspect, those in power at the time decided she would not see the inside of a hail cell no matter what, (something I predicted at the time) then I would like to see them suffer the consequences as well as her.

But note that I accepted the results of the OJ trial and the Hillary investigations without demanding ever more evidence that they were guilty. I didn't, for example, insist that I had to see the emails that she claimed were personal.
Clinton was impeached because of that.
actually for lying under oath about it.
Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction, both federal felonies, committed while in office.
The Democrats never once denied the charges, only that they do not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.
Apparently, they have since changes their minds.
We all saw the evidence.

So why cabn't we see the Mueller Report & that evidence?

Don't you trust Mueller's conclusions?
They were Barrs conclusions ,,,,funny hadit that 465 pages for a blow job and 4 pages for this republican white wash

Did Mueller recommend further indictments or not? And what does Bubba have to do with anything?
So if Jussie Smollett is facing years in prison for falsely accusing someone of a crime... What is the penalty for falsely accusing a President of treason?
There is a difference between accusing someone because you have reason to believe that a crime was committed- and making shit up and paying people to stage a crime. Give me a fucking break with your false equivalency logical fallacy

You mean how the shrilary and the DNC paid Steele to concoct a false dossier?

Are you truly this blind?
Why is it that you people can never defend T-Rump without deflecting the discussion to something about Clinton or Obama?

Why is it you are so partisan that you ignore illegal activities from your side while demanding the death penalty for those on the other side?

Hypocrisy is not a virtue, dude.
But, what about Hillary?

Where would you like to start?
Clinton was impeached because of that.
actually for lying under oath about it.
Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction, both federal felonies, committed while in office.
The Democrats never once denied the charges, only that they do not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.
Apparently, they have since changes their minds.
We all saw the evidence.

So why cabn't we see the Mueller Report & that evidence?

Don't you trust Mueller's conclusions?
They were Barrs conclusions ,,,,funny hadit that 465 pages for a blow job and 4 pages for this republican white wash
evidence of one that closes ones eyes. Pinata anyone?
so now Barr is a Russian plant working with Trump and Putin to destroy the USA? Do you have idea how stupid that is?

You guys lost, Clinton is a criminal, you just keep piling on and making your shit pile deeper

There is no level of proof or evidence that will ever satisfy the rabid Trump hater. Just like all good little conspiracy believers, all evidence contrary to their belief is faked and everyone who presents it is a part of the conspiracy, and every tidbit that agrees with their belief, no matter how unsubstantiated, is granted absolute gospel truth status.

Years from now, they will still be saying the same things.
So you agree Hillary should not be locked up and OJ didn't do it.

Of course she shouldn't be locked up unless she's convicted of a crime. That would be an injustice. I think there's a double standard at play that allows her to get away with things for which an ordinary person would be facing serious prison time, but that's just my opinion. As for OJ, he was found liable for the deaths using a lower standard of proof, so I can't say absolutely either way. I believe he did it, but again, that's my opinion, and in neither case does my opinion put anyone in prison. Why do you ask, just trolling, hoping to pin me in a corner, what?
So, your opinion is that of a Hillaryhater, right?

And you believe OJ did it.

So you believe that the results of investigations do not always find the needed proof but it does not mean the people were innocent.

So why Am I a Trump hater because:

1) I want to see the entire Muller report or at least have the Democrat leadership see it.
2) Just because Trump did not get caught does nit make him innocent in the wake of his numerous lies he & his campaign members told about it.

Are you in fact a rabid Trump hater that will never be satisfied no matter what evidence is presented? I believe OJ did it, but I'm not pounding the keyboard on debate boards insisting that he be locked up for it and that everyone who decided he didn't do it is part of a massive conspiracy. I can also believe Hillary is guilty of doing things that would get a normal civilian locked up, but I'm also not pounding the keyboard demanding that the universe align with my wishes so I can watch her doing the perp stumble. Now if further investigation should reveal that, as I suspect, those in power at the time decided she would not see the inside of a hail cell no matter what, (something I predicted at the time) then I would like to see them suffer the consequences as well as her.

But note that I accepted the results of the OJ trial and the Hillary investigations without demanding ever more evidence that they were guilty. I didn't, for example, insist that I had to see the emails that she claimed were personal.
Then Mr Hadit you're exceptional ,,,but you stand alone
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right?
Will you expect Trump to testify under oath in such an investigation?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Because he occupies the center of the most corrupt US administration since Warren Harding's.

Everyone Who’s Been Charged in Investigations Related to the 2016 Election
and yet, not one charge had anything to do with the campaign. ain't that a kick?

Not one!
and yet, not one charge had anything to do with the campaign. ain't that a kick?

Not one!
Why did Manafort lie about the details of sharing Trump campaign polling data with Konstantin Kilimnik in August of 2016 when Manafort was chairman of Trump's campaign, a pardon maybe?

Are you really surprised when a long time Republican hack like William Barr covers up for Trump the same way he did for HW Bush 38 years ago?

HoltesThoughts: Iran Contra and Bill Barr
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right?
Will you expect Trump to testify under oath in such an investigation?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Because he occupies the center of the most corrupt US administration since Warren Harding's.

Everyone Who’s Been Charged in Investigations Related to the 2016 Election
and yet, not one charge had anything to do with the campaign. ain't that a kick?

Not one!
and yet, not one charge had anything to do with the campaign. ain't that a kick?

Not one!
Why did Manafort lie about the details of sharing Trump campaign polling data with Konstantin Kilimnik in August of 2016 when Manafort was chairman of Trump's campaign, a pardon maybe?

Are you really surprised when a long time Republican hack like William Barr covers up for Trump the same way he did for HW Bush 38 years ago?

HoltesThoughts: Iran Contra and Bill Barr
can't make it up anymore. It just rolls right off the left's fingers. amazing shit here indeed. tell me what he was guilty of. Why was John Podesta needed if it was during the campaign? Podesta was Hitlery's man. oops

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