Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Trump may have obstructed justice. He may have suborned perjury. He may have conspired to violate campaign finance laws. He may have laundered money. He may have defrauded insurance companies and filed false tax returns.

Mueller would not indict him for any of those crimes, but the House could decide to impeach him.

Have to wait and see.
Trump may have broken the law of gravity. Trump may have been Jack the Ripper. Trump may have sacked Gaul. Trump may have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

We just don't know.
It's done ...over done in fact

"Now that Special Counsel Mueller has submitted his report to the Attorney General, it is imperative for Mr. Barr to make the full report public and provide its underlying documentation and findings to Congress. Attorney General Barr must not give President Trump, his lawyers or his staff any ‘sneak preview’ of Special Counsel Mueller's findings or evidence, and the White House must not be allowed to interfere in decisions about what parts of those findings or evidence are made public.
The Special Counsel’s investigation focused on questions that go to the integrity of our democracy itself: whether foreign powers corruptly interfered in our elections, and whether unlawful means were used to hinder that investigation. The American people have a right to the truth. The watchword is transparency." - Cryin Chuck And Fancy Nancy
Hillary Clinton allowed for her campaign to be compromised.
It's time for a nice refreshing pint of bitter Liberal Tears.

This hoax has dragged on way too long, while the swamp democrats continue to get away with crimes. Mueller could soon be replaced even quicker than I thought!
Adam Schitt: "the evidence is in plain sight... really....seriously....uh, nevermind.

Trump now has precedent to kill the House never ending investigations. He can now point to this and take them to court as impeding executive powers. Watch what happens to the Heir' Nadler and his investigate everyone associated with Trump. He could be held civilly liable now for criminal defamation and unwarranted (criminal misconduct) investigation.
The talking heads on MSDNC are grasping at straws to find something on Trump. Too fucking bad. Now Barr gets to do his investigation into the deep state coup.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
”Oh no! It’s another conspiracy!” :laughing0301:
HAHAHA and now the fools who we're using the Trump Russia Hoax as their main hate against Trump... Has turned into them deflecting it and just saying they hate Trump with no substance. Jokes on the collusion truthers.

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