Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Special counsel Robert Mueller will not be recommending any further indictments in his Russia investigation, a senior Justice Department official said on Friday.

The revelation answered one of the major questions that remained about Mueller's probe into Russian election meddling, which has already indicted 34 people, including several individuals in President Donald Trump's inner circle. "

Mueller won't recommend further Russia probe indictments
This is what's going to happen. About 50 more people are going to start threads about Mueller completing his investigation. Everyone is going to respond with a mindlessly partisan talking point. There will be lots of speculation about tea leaves.

But the report will never see the light of day. And everyone will insist they know the real identity of the person on the grassy knoll.

This will all go down in history as a great example of how people in a divided country believe whatever they want. Meanwhile, Russia will be laughing all the way to the bank.
What will Russia be withdrawing?
No indictments...impeachment off the table..,.how stupid do the “we got him now” clowns feel now?
They aren't intelligent enough to feel stupid. They will continue to throw false accusations at him, because they don't care if it's real or not, they will do anything to destroy our country and overthrow our president.

I expect they will start trying to kill him next. The democrats have already encouraged the shit out of everybody, though they've laid off somewhat. But their goons among antifa and the illegals and the LBGTFUCKYOU are still stirring that particular pot of shit.
I'll be waiting to hear if Barr placed any constraints on Mueller's investigation.
HAHAHA and now the fools who we're using the Trump Russia Hoax as their main hate against Trump... Has turned into them deflecting it and just saying they hate Trump with no substance. Jokes on the collusion truthers.
Democrats hopes for a bombshell against Trump at 5:00 PM eastern time.
The talking heads on MSDNC are grasping at straws to find something on Trump. Too fucking bad. Now Barr gets to do his investigation into the deep state coup.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?
Because if there was anything to this witch hunt the report would have been released Monday so you traitors, along with the traitor media, could hammer on it all week. Instead all it will prove is that your kind are the biggest pack of fools of all time.
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I'll be waiting to hear if Barr placed any constraints on Mueller's investigation.
Didn't you hear?

He already did.

He said, and I quote, "Bob, you can only tell the truth, understand?"

To which Bob was heard to reply, "My face is NOT as long as J. Kerry's!"
The liberal desperation about this reminds me of something no doubt some of you recall:

Flashback: Buzzfeed's Jason Leopold Was Source for 2006 Fake News Karl Rove Indictment Story

I just got off the uphone with Jason Leopold who clarified something for me that is pretty damned important. In his article, he said: "During the course of that meeting, Fitzgerald served attorneys for former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove with an indictment charging the embattled White House official with perjury and lying to investigators related to his role in the CIA leak case, and instructed one of the attorneys to tell Rove that he has 24 hours to get his affairs in order, high level sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said Saturday morning."

In point of fact, those 24 hours are "business hours," i.e. starting on Monday.

The talking heads on MSDNC are grasping at straws to find something on Trump. Too fucking bad. Now Barr gets to do his investigation into the deep state coup.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?
You were certain for over a year that Trump would be crushed. NO MORE INDICTMENTS! It’s over. Give it up.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?
Because if there was anything to this witch hunt the report would have been released Monday so you traitors, along with the traitor media, could hammer on it all week. Instead all it will prove and that your kind are the biggest pack of fools of all time.
Whatever, If it says Trump didn't collude with Russia you will totally believe it. If ut says he did collude you will not believe a word of it. I am willing to accept the results whatever it says.

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