Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

No republicans around, just Trumpublicans. No honor, or love for this country just greed.
This weekend will go down in history. The market response on Monday morning can be nothing but interesting as the risk adjustment takes effect.
The talking heads on MSDNC are grasping at straws to find something on Trump. Too fucking bad. Now Barr gets to do his investigation into the deep state coup.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?

Why were you acting so certain for two years over something that was totally bogus and made up?
Oh I thought when you referenced "The Rapist" you were referencing the president.

You were just referencing the guy who was actually criminally investigated for rape, and who actually was a rapist.

Carry on!
Inasmuch as i'd love to see Trump take it in the a**, it won't amount to a hill of beans

Now a 'Trump Recession', all prearranged for 2020 i'm told, definitely will slow the buffoon down

Doesn’t matter. All that investigation gave ammunition to states attorneys general that Trump just can’t run from.

Doesn't matter if he's guilty as sin either Dean

The elites of this country are immune

Doesn't matter if he's guilty as sin either Dean

The elites of this country are immune
Trump has been "too big to jail" since his financial difficulties in the early '90s largely due to an accident of birth

"Those who believe in the power of Trump’s survival skills to protect him from even this unprecedented threat draw an analogy between the Republican Party—its members of Congress and especially the Senate—and the institutions that have enabled him in the past.

"'The banks were heavily invested in Trump, and they couldn’t have him go down,' former Trump campaign staffer Sam Nunberg told me, 'and the Republican Party can’t have him go down....'"

"After weeks of negotiations, the cluster of 70-some-odd banks that had loaned him billions of dollars gave him an additional $65 million loan. It was the first in a yearslong sequence of bailouts and extensions and breathing-room reprieves.

"They had loaned him so much money, it was no longer only his problem—it was theirs.

"He all but dared them to take him down. 'He has a good bit of leverage over the institutions,' a Harvard Business School finance professor told the Boston Globe at the time.

"'His adjusted net worth is minus several hundred million dollars, by my estimate, and he is alive only because his bankers are too red-faced to pull the plug on his life-support system,' the chairman of a money management firm wrote in the New York Post. 'The most important thing,' an official in the office of one of his lenders said in The American Banker, 'is to make Trump survive.'"

Can Trump Survive Mueller?

Are Republicans in 2019 in the same place with Trump as major Wall Street banks were thirty years ago? Whatever happens next it seems likely to me Trump will benefit from his accident of birth at least one more time in his rich, white and privileged life.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?

Why were you acting so certain for two years over something that was totally bogus and made up?
Because he was told to.
A lot quicker than the never ending Benghazi witch-hunt y’all loved so much .
One of my ideas after an economic collapse and people are impoverished and this is very possible is to have nasty programs dealing with all of us. For you a Benghazi reproduction in full living high definition color. Begging for your life. The ratings will be high I tell you. People screw up. I get it. Its just Hillary is the sartest woman in the world . And these things do not happen in te era of women controlling everything in the West. The East Asians are laughing also.
Fox news and foxbusiness on YouTube have a live feed awaiting barr's response. Maybe they know something.
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?
Because if there was anything to this witch hunt the report would have been released Monday so you traitors, along with the traitor media, could hammer on it all week. Instead all it will prove and that your kind are the biggest pack of fools of all time.
Whatever, If it says Trump didn't collude with Russia you will totally believe it. If ut says he did collude you will not believe a word of it. I am willing to accept the results whatever it says.
Awwww, let the butthurt flow boy. You idiots wont stop lying and trolling for 6 more years.
Its Over... The final report has been delivered. No Further indictments are recommended..

Imagine that NO COLLISION, No Obstruction or criminal connections to Trump.. That's going to leave a mark.
MORON Mueller caught plenty of witches ,,all working for the crook Trump And the SDNY will find more

Not a single indictment for an American colluding with the Russians. Imagine that. Is it time for a new scandal so we can pretend this never happened?
Time to go after Strok and Page. Let the backlash begin.
Mueller's report handed off to DOJ; won't recommend any further indictments: Source
“Someone needs to fix this shit!”

Mueller has indicted everyone he can indict. He can't indict the President, so just because Mueller isn't indicting anyone else does not mean Trump is off the hook yet. There may be information in the report which can provide a basis for impeachment by the House.

Have to wait and see.

Don't you mean hope desperately?
Okay, who here is going to read it for us once it's released? g5000? I'm sure not reading the whole thing but we're in for a LOT of spin, folks. Spin and spit flying.
I pre-ordered it on Amazon a few days ago. Don't know how long it will be until it is delivered.

I intend to read all of it. I'll probably be the only person on this forum who will, as usual.

Of course, the pseuedocons will never read it because it is longer than a tweet. They will just parrot what Hannity and Rush and "Individual 1" tell them to parrot. As usual.

I expect at least a hundred "BOMBSHELL" topics, half of them by easyt65, with a lot of manufactured bullshit.
Trump Backs Public Release Of Mueller Report
Now why would he do that, if there's anything damning in there?

As I've said -- there's no "there" there. Sorry, kids -- no perp walk for Trump. No impeachment. Trump won't leave office until January of 2025.
A lot quicker than the never ending Benghazi witch-hunt y’all loved so much .
/——/ As we’ve patiently exaplained to you Timmy, Benghazi happened, Americans died. The Trump witch hunt was 100% bogus. But you are a sloooooooow learner.
We are finally at the very beginning.

Everything so far was just the initial investigation.

With Democrats in control of the house you can bet this report will be made public.

It may take a while and they can run but they can’t hide.
Trump wants it made public, too.

Can you grasp what that means?

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