Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Suicide hotlines manned and ready, no indictments.

Mueller delivers report to Justice, ending investigation
Unless we see a copy not altered by this administration, it is worthless.
You have us confused with someone who gives a flying fuck about your opinion.

I am jit confused at all about your lack of intelligence.

You are 'jit' be it....LOL BTW there is more evidence that Obama was not a citizen than Trump was a Russian operative.....:21:
There's more evidence for fucking bigfoot!

Ya that too!!

1. Mueller did not indict Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, or other people whose purported legal jeopardy was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

2. Mueller did not charge anyone in the Trump campaign or circle with conspiring with Russia to fix the 2016 election, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

3. Mueller did not subpoena the president, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

4. The president did not fire Mueller, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

5. The president did not interfere with the Mueller investigation, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. In his letter to Congress, Barr noted the requirement that he notify lawmakers if top Justice Department officials ever interfered with the Mueller investigation. "There were no such instances," Barr wrote.

Byron York: Five things that didn't happen in the Mueller investigation

Thus, the hopes and dreams of the left have been quashed.

I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here

Trump will remain your President until at least January 2021 and there's nothing you can do about it.

You haven't received the report, or looked at it, but you're really grasping at straws here.
hell some bitch at the new york times has said it doesnt matter whats in the report hes guilty.

thats, the left for ya.
1. Mueller did not indict Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, or other people whose purported legal jeopardy was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

2. Mueller did not charge anyone in the Trump campaign or circle with conspiring with Russia to fix the 2016 election, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

3. Mueller did not subpoena the president, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

4. The president did not fire Mueller, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

5. The president did not interfere with the Mueller investigation, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. In his letter to Congress, Barr noted the requirement that he notify lawmakers if top Justice Department officials ever interfered with the Mueller investigation. "There were no such instances," Barr wrote.

Byron York: Five things that didn't happen in the Mueller investigation

Thus, the hopes and dreams of the left have been quashed.

I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here

Trump will remain your President until at least January 2021 and there's nothing you can do about it.

You haven't received the report, or looked at it, but you're really grasping at straws here.
It's a tRumpkin thing. Declare victory first, worry about facts never.
must be a dumbass thing. nyt doesnt care about the report or 2 years of investigations.


feel like you said something stupid yet?

Opinion | We Don’t Need to Read the Mueller Report
Even with the release of the report, it will not change peoples minds. Most people have already reached a conclusion.

Still the full report has to be released so that people with an open mind can judge for themselves

It will be political with Rep pointing to things that support their view
and Demos likewise

still it is the full report in its complete context that will tell us what was discovered

This is only the first quarter with the release of the investigation.

We still have 3 more to go to determine the final score

Yeah in principle I agree with you but, this is politics and everything in that report will be characterized as damning for Trump (by the MSM) or totally exculpable for Trump by Fox News, most radio talk shows and conservative pundits like Hannity and Rush and most loyal Republicans especially if the whole transcript is released. Bottom line.....investigation for Russian collusion..... no indictments for that at all. Case closed....Juicy details in the transcript of the investigation that can be used for political ammo clearly possible. The Democrats still can't believe the the coronation of Hillary got cut off at the pass by Trump. :abgg2q.jpg:

Well any indictment has to go through and be done by a grand jury and it must be presented to them by the federal government who will process the case.

Mueller has done the police investigation.

Trump is the president and the HR will determine wheter he can be prosecuted, like I said this is the 1st quarter.

HR will have legal beagles to determine if the case should be prosecuted.

Russian collusion is only the tip of the iceberg, there are other things that still exposes trump to legal problems.
Imagine being a Democrat right now.

They actually need to believe it's possible to beat Trump and take the presidency from him.

The OIC finished it's report. The WH is still being investigated by the House. Next episode in a continuing saga.
Ahhh, yes, the oh-so-credible Democrat House, where Trump's guilt was determined on Election Day; guilty of Winning The Election Despite The Fact It Was Hillary's Turn.

Be that as it may...
Y'all don't want justice. You want revenge.

Not true....
It's very true. It's undeniable.
Doesn't the lack of indictments mean that there wasn't a "witch hunt", by the way?
The OIC finished it's report. The WH is still being investigated by the House. Next episode in a continuing saga.
Ahhh, yes, the oh-so-credible Democrat House, where Trump's guilt was determined on Election Day; guilty of Winning The Election Despite The Fact It Was Hillary's Turn.

Be that as it may...
Y'all don't want justice. You want revenge.

Not true....
It's very true. It's undeniable.

If that were the case, wouldn't there have been an indictment?
It's official.

There was never any evidence of Russian Collusion.



It s always s lie. Always Fake News.

Always. Period.
So, if there was no collusion, then Russia just helped Trump win because they 100% knew he was stupid and narcissistic enough to manipulate when he got the job.

Your desperation is duly noted! Your predictable reaction is duly noted too! Keep up the good work!

Michael Flynn and Robert Gates have not been sentenced yet. Their cooperation is still on going. I would imagine the SDNY or Eastern District of Virginia are putting finishing touches on indictments.

Trump organizations are still under investigation. progressives are all such a bunch of suckers. Have said it in here a million times in the past two years! Fell for the loose association crap dozens of times! Fascinating to me!!
Time to pass legislation to protect Robert Mueller so he can finish his investigation.

Watch how the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left reacts to Mueller's report to the AG. Madcow is weeping on TV. This is going to be a popcorn weekend....
It's official.

There was never any evidence of Russian Collusion.



It s always s lie. Always Fake News.

Always. Period.
So, if there was no collusion, then Russia just helped Trump win because they 100% knew he was stupid and narcissistic enough to manipulate when he got the job.

Your desperation is duly noted! Your predictable reaction is duly noted too! Keep up the good work!

Michael Flynn and Robert Gates have not been sentenced yet. Their cooperation is still on going. I would imagine the SDNY or Eastern District of Virginia are putting finishing touches on indictments.

Trump organizations are still under investigation.

Ditto for Cohen.

Mueller concludes Russia-Trump probe with no new indictments
Ahhh, yes, the oh-so-credible Democrat House, where Trump's guilt was determined on Election Day; guilty of Winning The Election Despite The Fact It Was Hillary's Turn.

Be that as it may...
Y'all don't want justice. You want revenge.

Not true....
It's very true. It's undeniable.

If that were the case, wouldn't there have been an indictment?
Mueller has at least a modicum of sense. There's obviously nothing that would merit an indictment.

But most of the rest of the left never has moved on after the 2016 election. Hillary was supposed to be coronated. Bad Orange Man took the throne away from her.

Like Reagan defeating the USSR, the left will never forgive him for it.
It's official.

There was never any evidence of Russian Collusion.



It s always s lie. Always Fake News.

Always. Period.
So, if there was no collusion, then Russia just helped Trump win because they 100% knew he was stupid and narcissistic enough to manipulate when he got the job.

Your desperation is duly noted! Your predictable reaction is duly noted too! Keep up the good work!

Michael Flynn and Robert Gates have not been sentenced yet. Their cooperation is still on going. I would imagine the SDNY or Eastern District of Virginia are putting finishing touches on indictments.

Trump organizations are still under investigation.
Any minute now.
Be that as it may...
Y'all don't want justice. You want revenge.

Not true....
It's very true. It's undeniable.

If that were the case, wouldn't there have been an indictment?
Mueller has at least a modicum of sense. There's obviously nothing that would merit an indictment.

But most of the rest of the left never has moved on after the 2016 election. Hillary was supposed to be coronated. Bad Orange Man took the throne away from her.

Like Reagan defeating the USSR, the left will never forgive him for it.

Now you're just being stupid.

All of the sudden the guy that has been called every name in the book is an honest broker and has sense.

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