Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

it also seems like if you want to act like if grandma is in the first mission and it fails that we shouldn't at all question whether her being in the second one is a good idea. What's the point of the game if we just put the same people on missions that fail with absolutely no considerations.

the fact that grandma already has multiple people fighting for her should make her extremely suspect. And the fact that there have been no objections whatsoever so far should add to the suspicion.

if everyone agrees on a team than it's almost certain we have scum on it

Avi, I'm Town. Really.
I'm moving slowly in this game. It is far different than what I've been playing the last 6 years. Tomorrow I've got 16 hours to work, but there may be some time during the evening to play.
I can agree to a Cafe, Shaitra, Arden team. No one has voiced any objections to any of them that I can see in the thread and I don't see anything suspicious in their posts.

So yeah, that seems good. Now, I'm going to go lay down. Having a daughter in Kindergarten means mom gets all the germs she picks up and brings home. Yay me.

its the lack of objection that has me worried. If they were safe town choices I would think the scum would object
And out themselves right out of the gate? I don't know. As has been pointed out, scum might just vote to pass the first mission to hide because of the small selection.

It is also likely that at least one of the three we send on the mission will end up being scum. Considering that 2/3 of the players are town (approximately 2/3 is close enough to 60%) a random selection would likely end up with one scum. This round is pretty much the equivalent RVS in the normal game play.
Cafe, any thoughts on how you are going to choose your team?

I second. Any thoughts on who you are picking cafe.

and wolf, several object to me going because they know I'm town.

I believe I have a firm Idea on one person but I am unsure if I should name them or continue to watch their posting before I announce a name, unless everyone thinks I should announce a name off the bat.
What are your ideas on the team you are going to select. You really have not expounded on who you may or may not select...
Cafe, any thoughts on how you are going to choose your team?

I second. Any thoughts on who you are picking cafe.

and wolf, several object to me going because they know I'm town.

I believe I have a firm Idea on one person but I am unsure if I should name them or continue to watch their posting before I announce a name, unless everyone thinks I should announce a name off the bat.
What are your ideas on the team you are going to select. You really have not expounded on who you may or may not select...

I realize that, this is what I was wondering about above. As I said, I have one person I am 99 percent sure I am going to send.

I guess people can argue the point and tell me if they agree or not. I've seen many suggestions on who to send, some overlap others do not. Arden's idea comes across as one which may make sense, but not sure if I agree or not TBH. Perhaps she can explain her reasoning a bit more.
I honestly don't know what else to say at this point. The first mission is like D1 in regular mafia. There is very little info. to go on. It seems that this group isn't going to be very active and that's likely because we have not played a game like this before. I feel like the first mission should be approved unless someone is on it that made a really scummy move. I only saw some slightly suspicious things with Josh and Wake but nothing to say for sure scum. I will likely approve any mission for the first one since it looks like scum will likely pass it regardless anyway. I see no reason not to tell us who you want to send or what ideas you are looking at for who you want to send so we have something to discuss. Arden's plan looks as good as any I have seen so far.
Is this whether we vote to approve it or not? Are the votes public or PMes to Scarlet?
You pm me and I reveal all at once.

Of course, Cafe's nom is not final.

Request from obs. Mission 4 needs two failures.
Discussing the role distribution makes me just keep coming back to thinking about how part of the reason I'm so glad I'm town this time is because while the video didn't present it well, it's surprisingly easy to get an easy role- and event-based system going for "confirming" people as town. The video kind of came close with talking about Allison's role in the approves/rejects, but the point is that even though the scum:town ratio is higher than normal mafia, the way the game is played makes process of elimination so much easier and more fruitful.

CaféAuLait: I don't understand what specifically you don't understand about my plan. I thought I was incredibly clear about it- nominate yourself, the next leader, and someone who is most likely town (remember, Arden is most likely town! ;)). Then, you add the next most likely town (the reason we're nominating the next leader this time instead of the next round is because they'll be a part of it eventually anyway and it's best to wait to get both the two townier people after the first mission since a. results and b. more time for reads).

Basically, my plan in short is trap potential scum in groups that amp up the pressure to not reject, while simultaneously providing a path to if we're lucky pseudo-confirm small blocs of town players.

And normally, how Day 1 of this game goes is randomly. Don't tell me this plan is worse than that. If you're town please be rational.
Discussing the role distribution makes me just keep coming back to thinking about how part of the reason I'm so glad I'm town this time is because while the video didn't present it well, it's surprisingly easy to get an easy role- and event-based system going for "confirming" people as town. The video kind of came close with talking about Allison's role in the approves/rejects, but the point is that even though the scum:town ratio is higher than normal mafia, the way the game is played makes process of elimination so much easier and more fruitful.

CaféAuLait: I don't understand what specifically you don't understand about my plan. I thought I was incredibly clear about it- nominate yourself, the next leader, and someone who is most likely town (remember, Arden is most likely town! ;)). Then, you add the next most likely town (the reason we're nominating the next leader this time instead of the next round is because they'll be a part of it eventually anyway and it's best to wait to get both the two townier people after the first mission since a. results and b. more time for reads).

Basically, my plan in short is trap potential scum in groups that amp up the pressure to not reject, while simultaneously providing a path to if we're lucky pseudo-confirm small blocs of town players.

And normally, how Day 1 of this game goes is randomly. Don't tell me this plan is worse than that. If you're town please be rational.

I'm not sure how it can catch scum, I understood your proposal.
Do you have a better proposal? I'm suggesting something based on all we have to go off of. And for this run of the game since it's not just a quick real-time party version, I'd rather not go with random or "I think these people are town based on their responses in this short amount of time".

The plan is based off of what we have, and by that I mean it takes into account the leader list (admittedly with me in there because of personal knowledge but it's myp lan anyway so whatever).

The progression I've suggested from mission 1 to mission 2 is the best plan in order to establish consistency and a controlled... group, for lack of a better word. I suppose you could call it scientific, like we're trying to change only one variable in order to see how it not only affects the end result but also the other variables already in the mix.
I'm not sure why you seem to want to argue the point. I don't have any ideas. I said when I first read your proposal, I did not understand how it would catch scum.

I get we can hope to pick those who are town but the fact remains, the leaders are stacked and we have no choice if a possible scum goes next. That was where I did not understand how it would work.

For example, I pick grandma, you and shai our mission is a success because I may have managed to pick all town,( or one is scum and they allow the first mission to succeed) and so on. Somewhere scum must be scattered as leaders/ person who picks those who go on the mission, they are going to pick their scum partners, I am having an issue how we get past that.
I'm not sure why you seem to want to argue the point. I don't have any ideas. I said when I first read your proposal, I did not understand how it would catch scum.

I get we can hope to pick those who are town but the fact remains, the leaders are stacked and we have no choice if a possible scum goes next. That was where I did not understand how it would work.

For example, I pick grandma, you and shai our mission is a success because I may have managed to pick all town,( or one is scum and they allow the first mission to succeed) and so on. Somewhere scum must be scattered as leaders/ person who picks those who go on the mission, they are going to pick their scum partners, I am having an issue how we get past that.

It's pretty much going to rely on PoE.
Actually, based on my past experiences with the game and with seeing how others played it in the video, I think I can say that today's mission is almost guaranteed to go through whether Cafe and whoever else she picks are scum or not. Scum almost never has the balls to reject in a small mission (and me saying they don't isn't going to magically make them stick their necks out for little reward which is why I feel comfortable with it).

  1. CafeAuLait
  2. Grandma
  3. Avatar4321
  4. Arden
  5. Wolfsister77
  6. Wake
  7. FA_Q2
  8. Shaitra
  9. Moonglow
  10. Josh_B
I think this is the best plan, I've used it before and I think it'll still work in this large of a game:

1) Today's (Cafe's) team: <Cafe, Arden(me), Grandma>
2) Assuming pass, tomorrow's (Grandma's) team: <Cafe, Arden(me), Grandma, [most town person]>

This way if there are scum in the original group that were too scared to reject, they're trapped when we add our [second] towniest player to the equation. At the very least, best+likely scenario is that we get two passing missions AND get a better feel for the team.

To me, this sounds like someone pushing an agenda. I know I am town. Not so sure about Arden now.

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