Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Honestly I have no clear reads at this point.

Avatar's negativity towards me has me thinking he might be scum. Might be.

I just don't know.
I have a mild scum read on Wake. Mostly gut. I have a mild town read on FA and Moonglow. That's about it at this point.
FA cafe and shaitra are my top town reads right now

I was thinking of subbing Shai into my list, and maybe even you. I would remove either FA or Grandma. The fact Wolf reads FA as town concerns me. Not that I got scum off of FA (yet), but the fact I get a slight scum read off of Wolf. This is not her "rah rah go town" meta, demanding reads or game input. I also read from some of the scum hunting sites, those offering excuses as to why they are not posting ( when not asked and or inquired of especially) may be scum.
Actually, based on my past experiences with the game and with seeing how others played it in the video, I think I can say that today's mission is almost guaranteed to go through whether Cafe and whoever else she picks are scum or not. Scum almost never has the balls to reject in a small mission (and me saying they don't isn't going to magically make them stick their necks out for little reward which is why I feel comfortable with it).

  1. CafeAuLait
  2. Grandma
  3. Avatar4321
  4. Arden
  5. Wolfsister77
  6. Wake
  7. FA_Q2
  8. Shaitra
  9. Moonglow
  10. Josh_B
I think this is the best plan, I've used it before and I think it'll still work in this large of a game:

1) Today's (Cafe's) team: <Cafe, Arden(me), Grandma>
2) Assuming pass, tomorrow's (Grandma's) team: <Cafe, Arden(me), Grandma, [most town person]>

This way if there are scum in the original group that were too scared to reject, they're trapped when we add our [second] towniest player to the equation. At the very least, best+likely scenario is that we get two passing missions AND get a better feel for the team.

To me, this sounds like someone pushing an agenda. I know I am town. Not so sure about Arden now.

Are you kidding me? "Pushing an agenda"?

How else do you expect town to get anything done if we don't present ideas about what to do?

Using everyone else's passiveness and apathy about the first mission selection, which by the way is what scum is using to hide right now, to call me scum? I feel like I'm the only one actually trying to solve this logically and because of that, I'm suddenly getting scumread. That's all total bs.

You're off my mission list, no question. Congrats, you managed to incriminate yourself on the sixth page of the game- everyone, please take note!

This post bothers me, not so much your suggestion at how to play the game or strategy. BUT the fact you seem to be defensive here and the OMGUS at Shai. Last game we played in, you really did not seem to react at people suggesting you were scum. In fact you came in with some pretty sound reasoning and game suggestions and did not react to being called scum or even if people poo-pooed your ideas. Just my two cents here.
I understand. I'm not reading wolf as scum or town yet. She hasn't gotten into a blowout fight yet so it doesn't feel like her town game but she hasn't really done anything scummy either and this game varies enough from mafia that it's difficult to know if metas are going to be similar as in mafia

Who are your biggest town reads?




I don't have many real reads at this point considering that we are still in RVS as far as I am concerned.

Shaitra seems town. Shiatra always seems town though.

I am leaning to scum for Wake so far but not all that strong. No real experience with Wake as a player so reading him is rather difficult.

Not sure about Arden. he is pushing pretty hard and that seems rather unusual. He is the only one that actually has come up with a plan so far though and it seems pretty darn solid. Hard to peg the most useful player so far as scum...

Leaning town for Avatar4321 atm.

Grandma, Wolfsister77, Josh_B, CafeAuLait and Moonglow are all complete nulls for me. There just is not enough there to peg any of them one way or another.

And of course I am town :D
Cafe, I'm good with whoever you want to send. This being the first mission, it's all guesswork.
Actually, based on my past experiences with the game and with seeing how others played it in the video, I think I can say that today's mission is almost guaranteed to go through whether Cafe and whoever else she picks are scum or not. Scum almost never has the balls to reject in a small mission (and me saying they don't isn't going to magically make them stick their necks out for little reward which is why I feel comfortable with it).

  1. CafeAuLait
  2. Grandma
  3. Avatar4321
  4. Arden
  5. Wolfsister77
  6. Wake
  7. FA_Q2
  8. Shaitra
  9. Moonglow
  10. Josh_B
I think this is the best plan, I've used it before and I think it'll still work in this large of a game:

1) Today's (Cafe's) team: <Cafe, Arden(me), Grandma>
2) Assuming pass, tomorrow's (Grandma's) team: <Cafe, Arden(me), Grandma, [most town person]>

This way if there are scum in the original group that were too scared to reject, they're trapped when we add our [second] towniest player to the equation. At the very least, best+likely scenario is that we get two passing missions AND get a better feel for the team.

To me, this sounds like someone pushing an agenda. I know I am town. Not so sure about Arden now.

Are you kidding me? "Pushing an agenda"?

How else do you expect town to get anything done if we don't present ideas about what to do?

Using everyone else's passiveness and apathy about the first mission selection, which by the way is what scum is using to hide right now, to call me scum? I feel like I'm the only one actually trying to solve this logically and because of that, I'm suddenly getting scumread. That's all total bs.

You're off my mission list, no question. Congrats, you managed to incriminate yourself on the sixth page of the game- everyone, please take note!

Wow, talk about over reaction. Everyone else was discussing things, trying to get a handle on the others. So yes, when you come in and post something that looks like you are trying to take over, I'm going to give you a long hard look.
Cafe has submitted himself, Grandma and Shaitra as the team for mission 1. You have 48 hours from this post to submit your approvals or rejections via PM. I will reveal all answers at the same time.

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