Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

FA cafe and shaitra are my top town reads right now

I was thinking of subbing Shai into my list, and maybe even you. I would remove either FA or Grandma. The fact Wolf reads FA as town concerns me. Not that I got scum off of FA (yet), but the fact I get a slight scum read off of Wolf. This is not her "rah rah go town" meta, demanding reads or game input. I also read from some of the scum hunting sites, those offering excuses as to why they are not posting ( when not asked and or inquired of especially) may be scum.

Wow, I mention that I'm sick and give you reads when you ask for them and that makes me scum? OK, I see that you are going to fabricate scum reads and deny info. that can be useful for discussion. I guess I'll do what your townreads do and say I don't have a read on anyone and I'll keep my illness to myself since you didn't ask.

By the way, your team looks fine to me. The first mission is going to pass no matter who you send because it would be smart scum strategy to pass it regardless due to the small number of people on it.
FA cafe and shaitra are my top town reads right now

I was thinking of subbing Shai into my list, and maybe even you. I would remove either FA or Grandma. The fact Wolf reads FA as town concerns me. Not that I got scum off of FA (yet), but the fact I get a slight scum read off of Wolf. This is not her "rah rah go town" meta, demanding reads or game input. I also read from some of the scum hunting sites, those offering excuses as to why they are not posting ( when not asked and or inquired of especially) may be scum.

Wow, I mention that I'm sick and give you reads when you ask for them and that makes me scum? OK, I see that you are going to fabricate scum reads and deny info. that can be useful for discussion. I guess I'll do what your townreads do and say I don't have a read on anyone and I'll keep my illness to myself since you didn't ask.

By the way, your team looks fine to me. The first mission is going to pass no matter who you send because it would be smart scum strategy to pass it regardless due to the small number of people on it.

You mentioned your lack of posting and why you were not several times on the thread. It has nothing to do with you saying you were ill. I do hope you feel better though.
Cafe has submitted himself, Grandma and Shaitra as the team for mission 1. You have 48 hours from this post to submit your approvals or rejections via PM. I will reveal all answers at the same time.

Do I vote on this too ScarletRage or am I exempt, given I proposed the team?
You vote. Sometimes leaders propose a bad team to see who votes for it.
FA cafe and shaitra are my top town reads right now

I was thinking of subbing Shai into my list, and maybe even you. I would remove either FA or Grandma. The fact Wolf reads FA as town concerns me. Not that I got scum off of FA (yet), but the fact I get a slight scum read off of Wolf. This is not her "rah rah go town" meta, demanding reads or game input. I also read from some of the scum hunting sites, those offering excuses as to why they are not posting ( when not asked and or inquired of especially) may be scum.

Wow, I mention that I'm sick and give you reads when you ask for them and that makes me scum? OK, I see that you are going to fabricate scum reads and deny info. that can be useful for discussion. I guess I'll do what your townreads do and say I don't have a read on anyone and I'll keep my illness to myself since you didn't ask.

By the way, your team looks fine to me. The first mission is going to pass no matter who you send because it would be smart scum strategy to pass it regardless due to the small number of people on it.

You mentioned your lack of posting and why you were not several times on the thread. It has nothing to do with you saying you were ill. I do hope you feel better though.

I mentioned that I didn't want to crab and whine at everyone due to being sick and that this would be a more difficult set up to post in and why. That's called talking and providing info. I think if you count posts, you'll see I posted more than a lot of people here.

I'll PM SR my acceptance of the mission then.
Fine, but only because this follows most of my plan.

I'm accepting only on the condition that the rest of my plan be carried out as closely as possible if this passes.
So, I went and looked for the several times Cafe has said that I made excuses for not posting, which isn't true BTW and here's what I found. 2 times I mentioned it and they were in direct response to someone mentioning slowness and apathy. So I was not throwing this info. out there for no reason but making discussion.

Using everyone else's passiveness and apathy about the first mission selection, which by the way is what scum is using to hide right now, to call me scum? I feel like I'm the only one actually trying to solve this logically and because of that, I'm suddenly getting scumread. That's all total bs.

I'm not feeling apathy so much as I feel the best way to get information in this game is to see what happens when the first team is selected. Plus, I've been sick and crabby because of it and I thought I'd spare you guys my whining. :wink:

I had hoped a little more discussion would have been generated by my proposed list. Seems like the game is moving slower than I had imagined.

Well Cafe, it's slow for 2 reasons.

1) We haven't played a game like this so it makes it harder to figure out strategy and discussion.

2) We have very little information to go on for the first mission and we can't get it the regular way-with voting and wagons and so forth.

The best way to discuss things is to see what happens on the first mission. If someone rejects it or if there is a fail vote cast, then we have something to analyze and discuss.

Also, on a personal note, not feeling well means I'm likely to crab at people so I'm going to lay low

So yes Cafe, this is fabricating a scumread and the fact that Grandma was so quick to agree with you and give no reads of her own makes me wonder about her as well.
Sorry, my above quote is messed up and I can't figure out how to fix it. But the bottom part about the fabricated scumread and Grandma's agreement is from me, not Cafe.
So is that how it works in these games? I'm only town if I get pissed off?

LOL-going to bed now. I hope that is not considered an excuse for not posting any more tonight. [/sarcasm]
Sorry, my above quote is messed up and I can't figure out how to fix it. But the bottom part about the fabricated scumread and Grandma's agreement is from me, not Cafe.

You are usually "go town", instead you are reserved and are answering or offering answers to things which were really not addressed to you and or are stating things out of the blue, which I read on mafia scum were to get in front of possible issues which may be thrown at you in the future. I said I had a SLIGHT scum read on you due to my reading the main site and both things I mentioned, please don't take it out of context. Again, I hope you feel better as I said earlier.
Sorry, my above quote is messed up and I can't figure out how to fix it. But the bottom part about the fabricated scumread and Grandma's agreement is from me, not Cafe.

You are usually "go town", instead you are reserved and are answering or offering answers to things which were really not addressed to you and or are stating things out of the blue, which I read on mafia scum were to get in front of possible issues which may be thrown at you in the future. I said I had a SLIGHT scum read on you due to my reading the main site and both things I mentioned, please don't take it out of context. Again, I hope you feel better as I said earlier.

Yeah, you are exaggerating big time. When a few comments where made about there being quiet or apathy or slowness, I tried to get the conversation going. Then you lied and said I interjected reasons for not posting when no one asked when that isn't what happened. If you look at the quotes I provided you can see that it is complete and utterly not true. I provided game related content and points for discussion when specific comments were made about how it is going slow.

This isn't a regular mafia game so I have no idea how to get the conversation going when no missions have been completed yet, many are barely posting, and we can't vote people.

I had no idea we were only supposed to talk when things were addressed to us directly. Is that some new rule now that makes you scum because some website told you it did?

You know what else that website tells you? That scum will be afraid to interact directly with a person they are scumreading due to being nervous about messing up or having their "scumread" torn apart. I noticed you asked for reads. I gave you some and instead of asking me directly about them, you told Avi you had a slight scumread on me and why instead of asking me about my reads or my comments in the thread and why I made them. Why wouldn't you question me directly if you are town?

And one of the top things that website will tell you about scum is since they know who is scum and who is town, if they want to scumread a townie, they are going to have to try to come up with a believable reason for doing so. And going to the website and looking for reasons to call a person scum is fabricating a scumread and something I can see coming a lot more from scum than town.

Regardless of the mission passing or failing, I will object to you being on the next one.

And yep, I'm still awake. My daughter is sick too so I've been sitting up with her until she feels well enough to sleep. Hope that's not sharing too much unasked for information that might make me scum due to what you read somewhere. [/sarcasm]
Okay, Wolf object to me on a mission, I am town.

As an aside:

We've been playing this game for many games now, I know you have scum read people to others on many occasions in past games. In fact, you have already pointed out things to watch for in this game, and not to that individual specifically, but to others or agreeing someone seems off or suspicious or have questioned if he was "playing scum or derp Wake". I was not the only one to see a difference in your posting style, as evidenced by the posts in the thread. I am not arguing the point with you. I stated what I felt was going on, and I am moving on now.
Wolf is definitely town.

And I'm going to be really bitter if I have to find out that we started with a scum leader from the very beginning.

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