Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

★Arden Josh_B Moonglow Wake FA_Q2 Grandma Avatar4321 CaféAuLait Shaitra

Please PM SR your acceptance or rejection of the mission based on the party of Cafe, Grandma, and Shaitra ASAP.

This stalling of the game is a perfect environment for apathy which is exactly what scum would want.

Been there done that, I was wondering if it was Wake given his responses above and not having time...

I intend to find out who is stalling things.


Is it you? Are you scum holding this up? Why are all your posts IIoA?

I think we should have less time to decide who is going and less time allowed to vote. If you don't vote in 24 hours, your vote is forfeit. @ everyone when the team is decided.

Regarding pass or fail, same thing only SR does that privately via PM.
Grandma I noticed you are posting in your game at the main site? Got anything to add to this one or is it smooth sailing now that you are in the first mission?


Why did you pick Grandma again?
I accepted long ago, in case nobody read it. :/ Still not pleased that Grandma's on it instead of me, but you can't win them all. The first mission is very likely to go through any way it's arranged because of the only-three member thing; I'm just worried about what's happening next.

By the way, can someone finally explain to me what "the main site" is?
I have nothing to add to this game at this point.

I have no clue who's Town and who's Scum, other than to wonder why the hell Avatar's tunneling me. I think he's Scum trying to knock me out of the way.

I sent my vote to Scarlet, btw. Twice. Just to be sure.
^ ^ ^ Wolf's quote belongs with the previous post.

Grandma I noticed you are posting in your game at the main site? Got anything to add to this one or is it smooth sailing now that you are in the first mission?

I accepted long ago, in case nobody read it. :/ Still not pleased that Grandma's on it instead of me, but you can't win them all. The first mission is very likely to go through any way it's arranged because of the only-three member thing; I'm just worried about what's happening next.

By the way, can someone finally explain to me what "the main site" is?

The main site is , also referred to as MS.

I thought you wanted me on this mission?
I accepted long ago, in case nobody read it. :/ Still not pleased that Grandma's on it instead of me, but you can't win them all. The first mission is very likely to go through any way it's arranged because of the only-three member thing; I'm just worried about what's happening next.

By the way, can someone finally explain to me what "the main site" is?

The main site is , also referred to as MS.

I thought you wanted me on this mission?
Sorry, I mixed you up with Shaitra for some reason. Those -a names, probably.

And MafiaScum? Okay then. I was thinking it was some other political forum that this was an offshoot "colony" of.
Cafe - 1st and current Leader
Grandma - 2nd and next Leader
???, preferably Arden - likely town player
Grandma I noticed you are posting in your game at the main site? Got anything to add to this one or is it smooth sailing now that you are in the first mission?


Why did you pick Grandma again?

I don't think I ever said why I picked grandma, in fact, I actually
Grandma I noticed you are posting in your game at the main site? Got anything to add to this one or is it smooth sailing now that you are in the first mission?


Why did you pick Grandma again?

I don't think I ever gave a reason for picking Grandma (I really had/have no read on her) and the only thing I could do was not chose anyone I thought maybe scum (given the set up, there are terribly small amount of posts, it is almost impossible to get any reads). So, I picked the next in line as was suggested by Arden. I then went back and forth on who was a stronger town read between FA and then Shai and asked if anyone had any objections. You said you were fine with said choices as did several others. In fact, in post 133 you suggest you would be good with Grandma going- before I ever proposed Grandma in post 147. I believe there was only one person who objected to my suggestions -Josh, and went I with those choices.

Anything else Wolfsister77 ?

How about why I picked Shaitra? If you are wondering see above.

I think it is strange you did not ask about Shai too. But, Ill just keep watching.
Wolfsister what's your user name on Grandma- same question.

I've already sent the mission to pass.

Wolfsister why are you tunneling so hard on Wake? Is there something that you are expecting from him?

Wake, so far the game is pretty simple and I think you might be thinking about it too hard. every round suggest three players that you think are town. If the leader picks people that you think are town, accept the mission. If the leader picks people that you think are not town, reject the mission.
I intend to find out who is stalling things.


Is it you? Are you scum holding this up? Why are all your posts IIoA?

I think we should have less time to decide who is going and less time allowed to vote. If you don't vote in 24 hours, your vote is forfeit. @ everyone when the team is decided.

Regarding pass or fail, same thing only SR does that privately via PM.

Stalling in Mafia is a deliberate act. Being busy and wrapped up in life's responsibilities isn't stalling. I could enclose in a spoiler what's been going on, but it'd have no real bearing on the game itself.

If I understand things correctly, I can approve publicly of this team. I say go for it. It's the only way to start getting some sort of usable information.

I'd much rather go on the mission myself, since I'm a member of Town, but I do understand why some would oppose this. :coffee:
Wolfsister what's your user name on Grandma- same question.

I've already sent the mission to pass.

Wolfsister why are you tunneling so hard on Wake? Is there something that you are expecting from him?

Wake, so far the game is pretty simple and I think you might be thinking about it too hard. every round suggest three players that you think are town. If the leader picks people that you think are town, accept the mission. If the leader picks people that you think are not town, reject the mission.

I noted her behavior during its inception this game. The basis behind it is yet to be determined.

Maybe I'm slow. Maybe not. I just really want to lynch people and read flips. It's like having played football for six years, and suddenly now you have to dribble the football instead. I have some time today, thankfully, so here goes nothing.
Wake, you have to PM SR on your acceptance of the mission. I pm'ed my acceptance yesterday and even checked late last night to make sure I had sent it.
Wolfsister what's your user name on Grandma- same question.

I've already sent the mission to pass.

Wolfsister why are you tunneling so hard on Wake? Is there something that you are expecting from him?

Wake, so far the game is pretty simple and I think you might be thinking about it too hard. every round suggest three players that you think are town. If the leader picks people that you think are town, accept the mission. If the leader picks people that you think are not town, reject the mission.

I noted her behavior during its inception this game. The basis behind it is yet to be determined.

Maybe I'm slow. Maybe not. I just really want to lynch people and read flips. It's like having played football for six years, and suddenly now you have to dribble the football instead. I have some time today, thankfully, so here goes nothing.

If you play Australian Rules Football, you do have to "dribble" the ball. When you are running with the ball, it has to touch the ground every 15 yards. :biggrin:
If you play Australian Rules Football, you do have to "dribble" the ball. When you are running with the ball, it has to touch the ground every 15 yards. :biggrin:


That's why I don't play Australian football. I'd probably break something. :p
Wolfsister what's your user name on Grandma- same question.

I've already sent the mission to pass.

Wolfsister why are you tunneling so hard on Wake? Is there something that you are expecting from him?

Wake, so far the game is pretty simple and I think you might be thinking about it too hard. every round suggest three players that you think are town. If the leader picks people that you think are town, accept the mission. If the leader picks people that you think are not town, reject the mission.

My user name over there is SilverWolf. Hope to be in a game with you sometime. I'm in a couple that are ongoing so I won't say anything about them but Newbie 1532 is completed and that was my first game there-town won, I was town tracker.

I'm hardly tunneling Wake. You should see me when I really tunnel someone. Especially if they turn out to be scum. Wake is a complete unknown to me so he's harder to figure out than the others so I am going to ask him more questions. Is there some reason you are coming to his defense and immediately suggested him for the first mission?

Wake Nope, you can't accept here. You have to PM SR to accept.
If you wish, I am available and ready to answer any and all questions on your mind as I am able, Wolfie. :)
Grandma I noticed you are posting in your game at the main site? Got anything to add to this one or is it smooth sailing now that you are in the first mission?


Why did you pick Grandma again?

I don't think I ever said why I picked grandma, in fact, I actually
Grandma I noticed you are posting in your game at the main site? Got anything to add to this one or is it smooth sailing now that you are in the first mission?


Why did you pick Grandma again?

I don't think I ever gave a reason for picking Grandma (I really had/have no read on her) and the only thing I could do was not chose anyone I thought maybe scum (given the set up, there are terribly small amount of posts, it is almost impossible to get any reads). So, I picked the next in line as was suggested by Arden. I then went back and forth on who was a stronger town read between FA and then Shai and asked if anyone had any objections. You said you were fine with said choices as did several others. In fact, in post 133 you suggest you would be good with Grandma going- before I ever proposed Grandma in post 147. I believe there was only one person who objected to my suggestions -Josh, and went I with those choices.

Anything else Wolfsister77 ?

How about why I picked Shaitra? If you are wondering see above.

I think it is strange you did not ask about Shai too. But, Ill just keep watching.

Grandma hasn't said much but I noticed her posting in her other game. I always find that behavior odd so that's why I asked. I hate the attitude of most here, that they have nothing to add. I guess we are just going to guess on every mission and hope there is no scum on it.

I didn't object to FA or Shaitra because I'm pretty good at figuring out if they are scum based on Rebels and have not seen anything suspicious enough to object to.

The pressure I was referring to with you was our little discussion/argument the other day which I'm hoping will be enough for you and the other 2 to pass the mission or understand they will be under extreme scrutiny if they do not.
His 34 suggests that if we get a Scum-free team the game is essentially over, because those three can continue to be picked over and over again. However, some of the missions require more than 3 players. I consider this an innocent mistake on his part, which is one I would probably make myself. Null read there.

43 feels like paranoia from a Townie. He is quite right to be wary of my actions. Now that I understand both Town and Scum wish to be on missions, I can see my error there. 46 smacks of being a helpful Townie. As for 93 and 94, I do believe an explanation is in order. I don't have any misgivings regarding FA's 94. Ellipsis aside (I hate them), his 144 is fine. 192 isn't swaying me either way.

I have a slight Townread on FA_Q2, pending his answers for the bolded part.

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