Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Wolfsister what's your user name on Grandma- same question.
I'm Klingoncelt over there.

I'm in my first Game, Noob 1544, since it's ongoing I can't elaborate.

Josh_B - is that your name over there?

Grandma hasn't said much but I noticed her posting in her other game. I always find that behavior odd so that's why I asked. I hate the attitude of most here, that they have nothing to add. I guess we are just going to guess on every mission and hope there is no scum on it.

I honestly don't have anything to add here. There's less for us to go on than in Day 1 of a regular game. And since Mission #1 usually passes, there won't be any info until Mission #2 gets started.

Over there I'm being addressed directly and indirectly, so I need to respond.

Yes. It's kind of funny. I just noticed that you and Wolfsister are located in the same place.
"where the wolfs howl/under a raging moon" and I lol'd
Wolfsister what's your user name on Grandma- same question.
I'm Klingoncelt over there.

I'm in my first Game, Noob 1544, since it's ongoing I can't elaborate.

Josh_B - is that your name over there?

Grandma hasn't said much but I noticed her posting in her other game. I always find that behavior odd so that's why I asked. I hate the attitude of most here, that they have nothing to add. I guess we are just going to guess on every mission and hope there is no scum on it.

I honestly don't have anything to add here. There's less for us to go on than in Day 1 of a regular game. And since Mission #1 usually passes, there won't be any info until Mission #2 gets started.

Over there I'm being addressed directly and indirectly, so I need to respond.

Yes. It's kind of funny. I just noticed that you and Wolfsister are located in the same place.
"where the wolfs howl/under a raging moon" and I lol'd

LOL-That's hilarious!! Where wolves howl and under a raging moon. :biggrin:
I'm hardly tunneling Wake. You should see me when I really tunnel someone. Especially if they turn out to be scum. Wake is a complete unknown to me so he's harder to figure out than the others so I am going to ask him more questions. Is there some reason you are coming to his defense and immediately suggested him for the first mission?

This has nothing to do with Wake, and what it does have to do with Wake I've already explained. He's not the only one I suggested and he's not even the first person I suggested. And even though I suggested him, he's not on this mission. Your obsession with him is curious, especially when I'm seeing shinier things being thrown at you. Speaking of that.

Cafe why does Wolfsister have to get into arguments in order for you to think she's town? Didn't we talk about how "anti-game" it was to get into personal arguments during the last game? It seems kind of antagonistic of you.[/QUOTE]

Where did I say anything like this?
I'm hardly tunneling Wake. You should see me when I really tunnel someone. Especially if they turn out to be scum. Wake is a complete unknown to me so he's harder to figure out than the others so I am going to ask him more questions. Is there some reason you are coming to his defense and immediately suggested him for the first mission?

This has nothing to do with Wake, and what it does have to do with Wake I've already explained. He's not the only one I suggested and he's not even the first person I suggested. And even though I suggested him, he's not on this mission. Your obsession with him is curious, especially when I'm seeing shinier things being thrown at you. Speaking of that.

Cafe why does Wolfsister have to get into arguments in order for you to think she's town? Didn't we talk about how "anti-game" it was to get into personal arguments during the last game? It seems kind of antagonistic of you.[/QUOTE]

Where did I say anything like this?

Dammit. I put my quote in yours Josh_B

Where did I say anything like this?
I said Wolf is usually "rah, rah go town" and seemed to be anticipating future questions by offering information which was not asked for. When I said this, she had not been posting as she usually does. I am pretty sure it was Grandma or Wolf who said what you just said. Not me.
I'm hardly tunneling Wake. You should see me when I really tunnel someone. Especially if they turn out to be scum. Wake is a complete unknown to me so he's harder to figure out than the others so I am going to ask him more questions. Is there some reason you are coming to his defense and immediately suggested him for the first mission?

This has nothing to do with Wake, and what it does have to do with Wake I've already explained. He's not the only one I suggested and he's not even the first person I suggested. And even though I suggested him, he's not on this mission. Your obsession with him is curious, especially when I'm seeing shinier things being thrown at you. Speaking of that.

Cafe why does Wolfsister have to get into arguments in order for you to think she's town? Didn't we talk about how "anti-game" it was to get into personal arguments during the last game? It seems kind of antagonistic of you.

Oh, I don't like Cafe's comments towards me and I had it out with her over them.

And OK, OK, I'll stop being obsessed with Wake. :wink:
I said Wolf is usually "rah, rah go town" and seemed to be anticipating future questions by offering information which was not asked for. When I said this, she had not been posting as she usually does. I am pretty sure it was Grandma or Wolf who said what you just said. Not me.

I'm sorry if I have mistaken who said it. There aren't a lot of pages, I'll try to find it. Someone said something to the effect that WS isn't town unless she's getting into arguments.
I said Wolf is usually "rah, rah go town" and seemed to be anticipating future questions by offering information which was not asked for. When I said this, she had not been posting as she usually does. I am pretty sure it was Grandma or Wolf who said what you just said. Not me.

I'm sorry if I have mistaken who said it. There aren't a lot of pages, I'll try to find it. Someone said something to the effect that WS isn't town unless she's getting into arguments.

I think that was Wolf.
I said Wolf is usually "rah, rah go town" and seemed to be anticipating future questions by offering information which was not asked for. When I said this, she had not been posting as she usually does. I am pretty sure it was Grandma or Wolf who said what you just said. Not me.

Regarding being rah, rah, go town, I don't know what you expect of me in a game like this that I have never played before. Providing information, asked for or not, should be a good thing and not considered scummy as long as it is information that can further the game and help game solve.

I believe Grandma jokingly said I'm only town if I get pissed off and Avi said I need to get in a blowout fight with someone to be town. The problem with this is, I've had major discussions with several people about this and it is something I need to control. It's terrible for the game and for myself. So I'm trying to keep my arguing all game related.

And as a side note, anyone mentioning RL issues, should be given the benefit of the doubt and not considered scummy or making up excuses not to post. I can see scum using V/LA as an excuse or lurking while posting elsewhere but I just want to assume we are decent enough human beings not to lie about RL or accuse others of doing so.
I'm hardly tunneling Wake. You should see me when I really tunnel someone. Especially if they turn out to be scum. Wake is a complete unknown to me so he's harder to figure out than the others so I am going to ask him more questions. Is there some reason you are coming to his defense and immediately suggested him for the first mission?

This has nothing to do with Wake, and what it does have to do with Wake I've already explained. He's not the only one I suggested and he's not even the first person I suggested. And even though I suggested him, he's not on this mission. Your obsession with him is curious, especially when I'm seeing shinier things being thrown at you. Speaking of that.

Cafe why does Wolfsister have to get into arguments in order for you to think she's town? Didn't we talk about how "anti-game" it was to get into personal arguments during the last game? It seems kind of antagonistic of you.

Oh, I don't like Cafe's comments towards me and I had it out with her over them.

And OK, OK, I'll stop being obsessed with Wake. :wink:

( emphasis added)

I never said that at all. You or Grandma did.
I believe Grandma jokingly said I'm only town if I get pissed off and Avi said I need to get in a blowout fight with someone to be town. The problem with this is, I've had major discussions with several people about this and it is something I need to control. It's terrible for the game and for myself. So I'm trying to keep my arguing all game related.

That was it. sometimes the threads all run together. Thanks for the respect on Wake, it seems like you really are trying up your game and not be so abrasive.

:biggrin: :beer:

I will still probably piss people off and get pissed off myself but it is going to be as game related as I can keep it cuz the personal stuff sucks big time. And there is no guarantee that I won't lose my cool again but I will try to keep it to the game. The last few games have really drained me and I just don't have the energy for that any more.

Plus, I outright said if I make a personal attack, I should be PL'd regardless.
Yes. It's kind of funny. I just noticed that you and Wolfsister are located in the same place.
"where the wolfs howl/under a raging moon" and I lol'd

Oh, wow, I didn't know about that. It's a neat coincidence. I got my location from this song about the late Who drummer Keith Moon :

Finale drummers in order of appearance:
Martin Chambers
Roger Taylor (Queen)
Cozy Powell
Stewart Copeland
Zak Starkey
Carl Palmer
Mark Brzezicki
Mark Brzezicki and Zak Starkey -- outro
I will say I am playing very reservedly, and with kid gloves. Not saying that to brag, seriously. I've never played a Mafia game without lynching, so I'm trying to be very, very careful with how I play, because we practically only have Wifom without any flips. It's just... unfamiliar. If this were a basic Mafia game you would see something very... different. That's not saying this game sucks: it doesn't, but is fascinating. I just don't have the luxury of intensely playing to my strengths this game. If I were Scum I'd be loving this game. As Town, eh, I can't get anything to really work with. Part of my gameplay sometimes involves violently pinning players down utilizing every faint scrap of workable information, which gets stronger as the body count increases. No one dies here. No workable evidence. No pinning players down violently. It's true I could create a maelstrom of activity with wifom, but without known evidence that increases the likelihood of mislynching Town, which I absolutely hate doing.

This game feels very Scumsided to me. If I were Scum, well, I would would love this game so much. Yeesh.
Cafe, Shaitra and Grandma gather outside the courthouse. Cafe delegated submissions to each. Cafe, being the leader, had the task of burning the blackmail photos in front of the judge.

Grandma's job was to hold the mafia blackmail agents up at her shop. Shaitra had to swap the directions for the judge with the blackmail photos so the judge would know the mafia scum had nothing on him.

The mafia entered the coffee shop to get their regular drink of coffee before heading out. Grandma, being a Grandma, had many stories of the old country. The mafia were captivated in their seats while waiting for coffee that took a really long time to make, because Grandma was too busy talking.

Shaitra meanwhile stealthily approaches the mafia members. They had the photos clutched hard in their hands. Shaitra couldn't overpower them in a full cafe. Four versus 1 is untenable. Instead, Shaitra caused a loud noise on the other side of the case. It worked, the mafia let go of the envelope to attend to their car alarm. Someone (read Shaitra) had smashed the car window with a dart.

After attending to the car, the mob decided to fuck the coffee and dash off to met their person at the rendezvous point. Due to recon, Cafe knew it was a different person every week.

Cafe had to find the mafia member at the courthouse. They would meet at the undergound secret judges's entranve. The judge had about 10 under judges. He had to eliminate those to find the mob leader.

Cafe convinces the mob leader to go off camera with her and knocks him out. He hurriedly changes into the mob guys clothes.

The mob rush in looking for their monthly leader at this time. They find Cafe. "Aren't you a little young and female?"

"If we always send old white guys, they would stick out like sore thumbs. I have been with the company for quite awhile." Cafe's response causes the guard to hand over the packet.

Cafe opens it. It was the blackmail photos. She represses a smile.

The judge then joins them. He drags his feet. The pain is clear. The judge is surprised when Cafe shows him the instructions that are not his instructions at all.

"There will be a bug in your office, to ensure compliance. If the bug is not activated, there will be negative consequences." Cafe winks at the judge. The judge looks in the packet to find a lighter with a piece of tape on it reading "the bug".

"We also left a special note for you." The note told him some townsfolk were fighting mob control and the town had his back.

The mob went their separate ways.One went back to the coffee shop to get the coffee Grandma just finished.

Cafe Grandma and Shaitra all voted success so the mission passed. If one had voted fail, the flavor would not indicate who.

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