Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Mission 2: The Chamber of Commerce

Grandma gathers the team after their first success. Her task is to get the four mafia aligned chairs of the chamber to step down and support the town. They have a meeting soon.

If this mission works, the small businesses of the town can thrive and get a much more efficent economy going.

Grandma has 72 hours to nominate 4 players. If any vote fail, the mission will fail.

The scote sits at Town 1, Mafia 0. First to 3 wins
Please add me next, with the last three.

As Town I can be a force to be reckoned with.

Once you confirm me, I will prove to you how useful I can be.

I have nothing to hide, and you have everything to gain

So... even though the mission passed one or more of them could be Scum.

Yeah, that's scary. There's no way I can rule anyone out.

one passed. Not bad. Let's see if we can get two done. We need to grow town businesses if we want to beat the scum.

so lets get mission two underway. Seems like odds are good that we have a town group. Let's get another win.
one passed. Not bad. Let's see if we can get two done. We need to grow town businesses if we want to beat the scum.

so lets get mission two underway. Seems like odds are good that we have a town group. Let's get another win.


Success, but for how long?
We can maybe find out after mission 2 but I'd like different people on the team than the first...
one passed. Not bad. Let's see if we can get two done. We need to grow town businesses if we want to beat the scum.

so lets get mission two underway. Seems like odds are good that we have a town group. Let's get another win.

If there is scum in the group, Avatar is scum. And I think town and scum unanimously approving the mission participants means there's scum there.

I think I no longer want to go through with my original plan.
one passed. Not bad. Let's see if we can get two done. We need to grow town businesses if we want to beat the scum.

so lets get mission two underway. Seems like odds are good that we have a town group. Let's get another win.

I don't like this post at all. First, he assumes the group is all town because it passed which is not true at all. Scum could pass the mission easily here. Second, the part about the odds being we have a town group make no sense. How would he know that?

If Grandma wants to nominate herself, that's to be expected, but I would like some new people for the other slots and not send Cafe and Shaitra again. The best way to figure out who the scum are is to analyze missions that have fail votes on them.
I have no problem if everyone wants different members for the next mission. I agree with Wolfie that the best way to figure out scum will be to have different people on each mission and then analyze.
I agree, let's try 3 other players.

How about me, Wake, Moonglow, and ... I dunno.
I have no problem if everyone wants different members for the next mission. I agree with Wolfie that the best way to figure out scum will be to have different people on each mission and then analyze.

I don't care if different people go or not. But I don't get how we are going to analyze when the reason for voting for different people is we think scum may be on the team I picked, which may be the case, I honestly have no clue. So, lets pretend Grandma send two different people on the mission and it fails. We think there is scum on my team and no we know for a fact there is on Grandma's team. So, we just don't pick those three again and move on, hoping we don't pick the possibly 3 remaining scum and somehow not repeating the last team members without hitting scum?
Can't agree to a Wake vote, I have had a scum read on him for sometime now. So I will not approve that mission, FYI.

Would you please clarify in detail on why, Cafe?

I believe I have already said why earlier. You came back and repeated game set up, something which was discussed the first page or two, and seem to be leaving empty posts or repeating what has been said already, instead of contributing. That is what I see anyway.
how am I scum in a group I didn't go in?

we can't know if scum were in the group unless they go again.

if I were scum and town just successfully completed a mission with no scum, id be wanting a change as well.
Not Wake or Avatar. Me and/or Wolf. Strongest townreads. Sorry I'm pressed for time.

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