Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Okay. I'm kinda sorta leaning Town for Wake, but I'll not choose him as there are objections. I'm definitely not picking Avi, call it OMGUS if you want, but his calling me Scum without good reason is scummy.

I didn't call you scum until after you omgused. I questioned how we would know whether you or cafe was scum or not and you flipped out.
I'm tending to think wake is town just from the sheer number opposing him for missions.

grandma passing the mission makes her town in my book until I have a reason to believe otherwise. Same with café and shaitra.

Arden and wolf are setting off scumdar at the moment. Wolf pushing to choose a new team when our original team is doing well. Arden for pushing for a new team when her plan was to do the exact opposite until this team was successful.

sounds like the scum didn't like the prior team. Now they want to change it
I agree, let's try 3 other players.

How about me, Wake, Moonglow, and ... I dunno.
I would say no to Wake. I get a scum read from him. So far the only think he has posted is filler and asking why people have read him as scum even though it has been explained.

Not to comfortable with Avatar either. Not getting a scum read from him but also not getting a town read.

Why moonglow? I don't get any reading from him at all. He has said nothing helpful to point to being town. That seems like an outright gamble tbh. Why not go with someone that has a town read rather than a wild card?

I get town reads from Josh and Arden. So far, Arden has been trying to come up with a logical plan here - something that I don't really see many others doing. I am not so sure that choosing another team is a good idea though - I don't know what that is supposed to gain for town. I would select the same team and throw someone I thought was town on as the fourth (such as myself :D ).

and yet Arden is going against her own plan.

and what was wrong with my plan? Seems odd to find her town because of the plan she is now ignoring and completely ignoring the one I proposed
I think it's odd that you are so set on keep the same people on the mission and assuming they are town without even looking at other possibilities. Especially when you are the one who said you were worried about the quick acceptance of the mission meaning there was possible scum on it. I'm not really reading Wake as anything other than null. There have been enough objections, that I feel it would be wasting time for Grandma to put either him or you on the mission. I think since she is running short on time according to SR, that she should pick who she thinks is best and let us vote on it.
IMO, the way to figure it all out is to have a controlled replacement plan. I would take 2 people from the first mission and add two new ones for the next mission. That will give us 2 data points on two people in addition to what they post in the thread and 1 data point on 3 other people. We evaluate after each mission to see if we have figured out scum.
Between Shaitra, Arden, and Grandma, which one of them most makes your gut feel their posts are feigned, and why? Wolfsister77
I think it's odd that you are so set on keep the same people on the mission and assuming they are town without even looking at other possibilities. Especially when you are the one who said you were worried about the quick acceptance of the mission meaning there was possible scum on it. I'm not really reading Wake as anything other than null. There have been enough objections, that I feel it would be wasting time for Grandma to put either him or you on the mission. I think since she is running short on time according to SR, that she should pick who she thinks is best and let us vote on it.

You should never interpret my time updates as me commenting on the game. They are meant as deadline updates vcs would normally provide.
I felt the best reason for new members on a team would at least allow for any scum to surface, since us townies are 1 and scum is 0..
I think it's odd that you are so set on keep the same people on the mission and assuming they are town without even looking at other possibilities. Especially when you are the one who said you were worried about the quick acceptance of the mission meaning there was possible scum on it. I'm not really reading Wake as anything other than null. There have been enough objections, that I feel it would be wasting time for Grandma to put either him or you on the mission. I think since she is running short on time according to SR, that she should pick who she thinks is best and let us vote on it.

You should never interpret my time updates as me commenting on the game. They are meant as deadline updates vcs would normally provide.

No, I meant you were commenting on the time, not anything related to the game.
Between Shaitra, Arden, and Grandma, which one of them most makes your gut feel their posts are feigned, and why? Wolfsister77

Feigned-none of them.

You feel none of them are feigned? I guess fake would be a suitable word as well.

How about Avatar, FA_QT, and Cafe?

Who's faking their posts? I have no clue. That's not really what I am using to base reads on here. I'm looking for difference in playstyles like Cafe showed, contradictory posting like Avi showed, or IIoA like you showed, or asking questions without providing answers like you showed.
Bottom line, the best way to find scum in this set-up is to look at the voting on the missions and the pass/fail votes on the missions. Without this info. to analyze, we are just guessing based on very little to go on.

Grandma should pick a team she likes and ask us what we think.

Do you all have any reads?


Other than the town read you have on Wake and the comment above about Avatar. any reads?

For me, this is a hard game to get reads on people. I'm reading Wolf, Grandma, and Josh as town. Avatar, Wake, Moon, and FA are null. I'm leaning scum on Cafe and Arden.

I agree the game is very hard to get reads on. I do find it strange you read me as scum when according to your own reads I picked town to go on the first mission- that is if you and Grandma are town. So, given your second post, 346 above, you are suggesting Grandma choose yourself for the next mission.
I agree with a scum lean on Cafe. She's my only true scumread atm.

I asked this very question of you and in post 340 above you said, No, you did not think I was scum, you just wanted new people for the mission. What changed in a total of 5 posts? You jumping on Shai's scum read of me?

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