Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Once again, I've already said I think Wolf is town. That's the strongest read I have right now. Oddly enough I have more scumreads than townreads in the form of Wake and Avatar, but I think it makes sense because of the super high ratio of scum to town.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I feel like this is throwing off my game a lot. I'm used to having a lot of town and not nearly as much scum, so it leaves a lot of room for error with my townreads. I think I'm being a lot more cautious here with who I trust but I haven't decided yet if it's a good or bad thing. :/

Have you found in past game it is this hard to read? Or is there more participation or do we chat too much here and my expectations are too high?
I think when we are talking about the missions, we need to be specific about which vote we are talking about. As I'm reading I find myself getting a bit confused over which vote people mean. Everyone voted for mission approval, but only the team members vote for mission success.

I do agree with Arden about the number of scum in the game. Even if we managed to pick an all town team for mission 1, chances are we will have scum on the second mission.
Avatar made where he assumed everyone was town kind made me take pause as well.

Yeah I'm not really sure what to think about him. I kind of thought the first mission would pass regardless but I'm going to be a little more picky as far as giving an honest vote on the missions going forward. With this being Grandma's second mission, and your suspicion of her are you going to reject it?
At this point, the game is moving so slow, with so many, saying so little, that true apathy has set in on my part.

I don't care any more. Send your team Grandma. Let's see if the mission passes or fails so we have something to analyze.

I need a drink.
The scum read tactics seem to be of little value...The ability to backstab and overtly lie has been voided..until later rounds...
This is probably a bad idea to have but I'm ok with it just because I'm on it. I'm shallow. Oops.
Unless someone has a major problem and a better suggestion, I'll be submitting this team late tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.

Me, Josh, Cafe, and Arden.
Unless someone has a major problem and a better suggestion, I'll be submitting this team late tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.

Me, Josh, Cafe, and Arden.

As I have said earlier I am leaning town towards Josh now, no issue there, but why me and Arden? Just asking. Are you not getting town reads from Shai? And I know you are wary of Avatar, I think ( just mentioning him since that was Arden's plan earlier, to skip Avatar going down the line). Anyway just looking for some feedback here.
As I have said earlier I am leaning town towards Josh now, no issue there, but why me and Arden? Just asking. Are you not getting town reads from Shai? And I know you are wary of Avatar, I think ( just mentioning him since that was Arden's plan earlier, to skip Avatar going down the line). Anyway just looking for some feedback here.

While breakable, Arden's plan was logical.
Both Arden and Shai are null reads for me.
You and Josh seem Town to me.
I getting a Town vibe from Moonglow, but others aren't liking him.
Wake is null, others have objections.
FA is null.
Avatar's my only real scumread.
Given there is no official submission, I'm not counting the vote I received yet.
I don't know how I really feel about Grandma, because while I want to say I'm leaning town on her, I don't want to make that "official" because I'm not sure just how much of that is just me being subconsciously flattered by her including me on the mission. Basically I'm wary of my personal bias.

As for Josh, I think he should be town- he was saying some things early Day 1 that I think I agreed with (I think relating to my plan), but it's dropped off a bit. Haven't bothered much lately.

Cafe is like the same as yet opposite of my Grandma read, because she leans very slightly scum to me but I'm not sure

And, well, I'm probably town. 55% sure.
I can go with that.

So you no longer have a scumread on Cafe then? This morning you said you did.

I'm still scum reading Cafe. But Grandma's team goes along with the proposed plan I put forth. Two people from Team 1 and two new people. I think by having overlapping people it will be easier to figure out who's scum.

Do you still read Arden as scum also and are o.k. with 2 scumreads going on the mission so you can analyze the votes? I'm leaning this way also despite my feelings on Cafe. I think the best way to go forward is to analyze who objects to missions and if they pass/fail and how many votes. Then the next mission we can have more info. to determine who the scum are.
I can go with that.

So you no longer have a scumread on Cafe then? This morning you said you did.

I'm still scum reading Cafe. But Grandma's team goes along with the proposed plan I put forth. Two people from Team 1 and two new people. I think by having overlapping people it will be easier to figure out who's scum.
Can you explain why you are getting a scum read from Cafe?

I will note that Cafe seems to be asking a lot of questions but entirely avoids answering questions posed to her - something that is unusual from Cafe. That is making me wonder if she is scum as well.
Wolf, yes, I'm OK with both Arden and Cafe going in order to analyze the votes and mission success or failure.

FA, my Cafe read is mostly gut at the moment. She seems almost tenative in playing this game, if that makes sense.

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