Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

I can go with that.

So you no longer have a scumread on Cafe then? This morning you said you did.

I'm still scum reading Cafe. But Grandma's team goes along with the proposed plan I put forth. Two people from Team 1 and two new people. I think by having overlapping people it will be easier to figure out who's scum.
Can you explain why you are getting a scum read from Cafe?

I will note that Cafe seems to be asking a lot of questions but entirely avoids answering questions posed to her - something that is unusual from Cafe. That is making me wonder if she is scum as well.

Did I not answer a question you posed to me? As far as I know I have answered everyone. I am asking question to get people to play, to try and get reads. The lack of posts and or input is making this game different IMO.
Wolf, yes, I'm OK with both Arden and Cafe going in order to analyze the votes and mission success or failure.

FA, my Cafe read is mostly gut at the moment. She seems almost tenative in playing this game, if that makes sense.

Tentative? Hummm I think I have been the most outgoing of the entire group of players. This reminds me of you last game where you threw out reads which really had no bearing on the state of the game at all. But please point out these tentative posts TIA.

Something is amiss, here. You are willing to vote a go mission on your two top scum reads when it goes against our wincon? I won't vote for a group to go on a mission which I believe has scum on it. What I believe I am seeing here are seeds of doubt being planted because you might possibly KNOW there is scum on that list and if the mission fails you can say, Oh look, I said I thought they were scum... all the while the person who may be the real scum is overlooked. My two cents on that.

At all, How do you all feel about Shai wanting to send her top two scum picks on a mission?
I won't be voting to approve this mission. Just an FYI. As I said early in the game Arden's posts are off and given Shai mentioned Arden and Myself, I believe there is a scum who was not mentioned in that group and I am leaning Grandma.
Team Josh, Cafe, Arden and me has been submitted to Scarlet.

Send your approve/disapprove votes to her now, please.
Wolf, yes, I'm OK with both Arden and Cafe going in order to analyze the votes and mission success or failure.

FA, my Cafe read is mostly gut at the moment. She seems almost tenative in playing this game, if that makes sense.

Tentative? Hummm I think I have been the most outgoing of the entire group of players. This reminds me of you last game where you threw out reads which really had no bearing on the state of the game at all. But please point out these tentative posts TIA.

Something is amiss, here. You are willing to vote a go mission on your two top scum reads when it goes against our wincon? I won't vote for a group to go on a mission which I believe has scum on it. What I believe I am seeing here are seeds of doubt being planted because you might possibly KNOW there is scum on that list and if the mission fails you can say, Oh look, I said I thought they were scum... all the while the person who may be the real scum is overlooked. My two cents on that.

At all, How do you all feel about Shai wanting to send her top two scum picks on a mission?

Cafe, we have to have 3 successful missions. Gathering info from the missions, whether they pass or not is one of the ways to do it. Yes, two of my scum reads are on this mission. If it fails, I will vote against you and Arden every time you are included on a team. If it passes, then I will re-evaluate whether I am correct in my scum reads. Is it really that hard to understand?
Since you are here Arden, what do you think of a plan to send two scum choices on a mission as Shai said she wanted to do?
I actually think it's ridiculous and way too self-destructive if she were actually scum. It looks more like town with bad judgment because the majority of me wants to say "no way scum is that forward".
Wolf, yes, I'm OK with both Arden and Cafe going in order to analyze the votes and mission success or failure.

FA, my Cafe read is mostly gut at the moment. She seems almost tenative in playing this game, if that makes sense.

CaféAuLait This is the post where I stated my read on you is mostly gut. I'm struggling to put into words why I feel that way so no, I can't point to a specific post just yet. It's your overall posts.
Since you are here Arden, what do you think of a plan to send two scum choices on a mission as Shai said she wanted to do?
I actually think it's ridiculous and way too self-destructive if she were actually scum. It looks more like town with bad judgment because the majority of me wants to say "no way scum is that forward".

See, this is the way I see it. Pick a townie read them as scum ( "Cafe is tentative in postings" Shai scum read on me) already knowing the mission will fail because the real scum was not revealed/mentioned, therefore giving the real scum a pass for the next mission.
Then how do you propose to win the game? The same thing is going to happen if we try to send an all town team. Everyone agrees that all the people on the mission are town and then it fails. So who's the scum?
Wolf, yes, I'm OK with both Arden and Cafe going in order to analyze the votes and mission success or failure.

FA, my Cafe read is mostly gut at the moment. She seems almost tenative in playing this game, if that makes sense.

Tentative? Hummm I think I have been the most outgoing of the entire group of players. This reminds me of you last game where you threw out reads which really had no bearing on the state of the game at all. But please point out these tentative posts TIA.

Something is amiss, here. You are willing to vote a go mission on your two top scum reads when it goes against our wincon? I won't vote for a group to go on a mission which I believe has scum on it. What I believe I am seeing here are seeds of doubt being planted because you might possibly KNOW there is scum on that list and if the mission fails you can say, Oh look, I said I thought they were scum... all the while the person who may be the real scum is overlooked. My two cents on that.

At all, How do you all feel about Shai wanting to send her top two scum picks on a mission?

Cafe, we have to have 3 successful missions. Gathering info from the missions, whether they pass or not is one of the ways to do it. Yes, two of my scum reads are on this mission. If it fails, I will vote against you and Arden every time you are included on a team. If it passes, then I will re-evaluate whether I am correct in my scum reads. Is it really that hard to understand?

So you surmise I passed the first mission and believe I am scum and picked yourself and Grandma as cover of some sort?

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