Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Then how do you propose to win the game? The same thing is going to happen if we try to send an all town team. Everyone agrees that all the people on the mission are town and then it fails. So who's the scum?

Well I am trying to go by reads. This game is almost impossible since many seem to be lurking and playing. This is why I have been asking questions to draw people into the game. I would send my towniest reads, not scummiest- my first go was hard, there was nothing to read except Wolf's game seemed to be off big time and Wake seemed to post a lot of empty posts. I had a null on Grandma and at the time I thought you may be townish. I did not send anyone who I thought to be scum.

I wonder if leaders should propose several different picks (we get three before scum gets a point, right) and then see how the vote for proposed members of the mission goes.
I am going to send in my approval. I think we need something to analyze. Too many rejections gives a point to scum. This is the best way I see to find scum. Cafe, you are being unusually defensive over this. My game is off everywhere because I'm busy in RL and this game is not a typical game for me. Anyway, I'm voting to accept the choices Grandma submitted.
I am going to send in my approval. I think we need something to analyze. Too many rejections gives a point to scum. This is the best way I see to find scum. Cafe, you are being unusually defensive over this. My game is off everywhere because I'm busy in RL and this game is not a typical game for me. Anyway, I'm voting to accept the choices Grandma submitted.

Defensive over what? Refusing to approve people I believe proposed for a mission I believe scum are on? Not understanding why someone would vote to send their strongest scum reads, given if this mission fails ( with suspected scum on it) and we fail one more mission we lose, right? A few posts ago (388) said you said you don't care anymore and apathy had set in for you. I still care, and will continue to scum hunt.
I am going to send in my approval. I think we need something to analyze. Too many rejections gives a point to scum. This is the best way I see to find scum. Cafe, you are being unusually defensive over this. My game is off everywhere because I'm busy in RL and this game is not a typical game for me. Anyway, I'm voting to accept the choices Grandma submitted.

Defensive over what? Refusing to approve people I believe proposed for a mission I believe scum are on? Not understanding why someone would vote to send their strongest scum reads, given if this mission fails ( with suspected scum on it) and we fail one more mission we lose, right? A few posts ago (388) said you said you don't care anymore and apathy had set in for you. I still care, and will continue to scum hunt.

Sorry, I was in a shit mood yesterday and should of not posted at all. I would like something to analyze. If the mission fails we can figure out if there are scum on it and possibly narrow down who they are. Then have a higher chance of getting an all town team for the next missions and still pull off a town win. If we keep rejecting missions, we are only going to be guessing and like I said, too many rejected missions gives a point to scum-I forget how many. I'm trying to look at all possible scenarios here because scum hunting in the thread, with how people are posting is difficult at best. I'm trying to game solve. I'm open to ideas.
OK, Just checked-5 rejected missions give scum a point. So looking at who's rejecting multiple missions is another way to scum hunt besides looking at fail votes.
I am going to send in my approval. I think we need something to analyze. Too many rejections gives a point to scum. This is the best way I see to find scum. Cafe, you are being unusually defensive over this. My game is off everywhere because I'm busy in RL and this game is not a typical game for me. Anyway, I'm voting to accept the choices Grandma submitted.

Defensive over what? Refusing to approve people I believe proposed for a mission I believe scum are on? Not understanding why someone would vote to send their strongest scum reads, given if this mission fails ( with suspected scum on it) and we fail one more mission we lose, right? A few posts ago (388) said you said you don't care anymore and apathy had set in for you. I still care, and will continue to scum hunt.

Sorry, I was in a shit mood yesterday and should of not posted at all. I would like something to analyze. If the mission fails we can figure out if there are scum on it and possibly narrow down who they are. Then have a higher chance of getting an all town team for the next missions and still pull off a town win. If we keep rejecting missions, we are only going to be guessing and like I said, too many rejected missions gives a point to scum-I forget how many. I'm trying to look at all possible scenarios here because scum hunting in the thread, with how people are posting is difficult at best. I'm trying to game solve. I'm open to ideas.

( emphasis added)

Yes, I mentioned that above, however I thought it was three and not your most recent post of 5, which is much better. This means to me anyway, that is in place for a reason, not just because of scum but to give us ideas on who each leader picks. There has yet to be a rejected mission and give we have 5 chances this may give us a lot of information if we has each leader submit a few different people, twice maybe, three times so we don't get close to giving scum a point.
Josh Arden Cafe and Grandma is Grandma's submission. Please wait until I confirm the submission before voting to reject or approve in the future. For this time, I will accept all votes submitted after Grandma's answer but remind you that you are welcome to change until all votes are submitted.
Post 426 should read: rejected mission proposal ( people chosen) not rejected mission.
I am going to send in my approval. I think we need something to analyze. Too many rejections gives a point to scum. This is the best way I see to find scum. Cafe, you are being unusually defensive over this. My game is off everywhere because I'm busy in RL and this game is not a typical game for me. Anyway, I'm voting to accept the choices Grandma submitted.

Defensive over what? Refusing to approve people I believe proposed for a mission I believe scum are on? Not understanding why someone would vote to send their strongest scum reads, given if this mission fails ( with suspected scum on it) and we fail one more mission we lose, right? A few posts ago (388) said you said you don't care anymore and apathy had set in for you. I still care, and will continue to scum hunt.

Sorry, I was in a shit mood yesterday and should of not posted at all. I would like something to analyze. If the mission fails we can figure out if there are scum on it and possibly narrow down who they are. Then have a higher chance of getting an all town team for the next missions and still pull off a town win. If we keep rejecting missions, we are only going to be guessing and like I said, too many rejected missions gives a point to scum-I forget how many. I'm trying to look at all possible scenarios here because scum hunting in the thread, with how people are posting is difficult at best. I'm trying to game solve. I'm open to ideas.

( emphasis added)

Yes, I mentioned that above, however I thought it was three and not your most recent post of 5, which is much better. This means to me anyway, that is in place for a reason, not just because of scum but to give us ideas on who each leader picks. There has yet to be a rejected mission and give we have 5 chances this may give us a lot of information if we has each leader submit a few different people, twice maybe, three times so we don't get close to giving scum a point.

You do realize that if we go through each leader and have them pick different people that we have a real good chance of getting those 5 rejections and giving scum a point don't you? The odds are high there will be a mission with scum on it. Without enough info. to analyze-meaning no fail votes-we have a higher chance of sending scum on missions. The 4th one needs two fail votes. I'd like to have better info. on who the scum are before we get to that point so there is less chance of sending two scum. I'm thinking bigger picture here.
The Wifom is very thick in this game. Ergo I post very little.

If memory serves first faction to complete/derail 5 missions wins.

Without flips and associative tells the game becomes tough...
The WIFOM is ridiculous.

I'm having a hell of a time. One minute someone seems fairly Town, the next they're majorly Scum.
Without anything concrete, we only have our suppositions.

This is more challenging than even Mountainous gameplay.
The Wifom is very thick in this game. Ergo I post very little.

If memory serves first faction to complete/derail 5 missions wins.

Without flips and associative tells the game becomes tough...

No. Best of 5 points wins. If 5 missions in a row are rejected by the group, scum get a point not autowin.
I am going to send in my approval. I think we need something to analyze. Too many rejections gives a point to scum. This is the best way I see to find scum. Cafe, you are being unusually defensive over this. My game is off everywhere because I'm busy in RL and this game is not a typical game for me. Anyway, I'm voting to accept the choices Grandma submitted.

Defensive over what? Refusing to approve people I believe proposed for a mission I believe scum are on? Not understanding why someone would vote to send their strongest scum reads, given if this mission fails ( with suspected scum on it) and we fail one more mission we lose, right? A few posts ago (388) said you said you don't care anymore and apathy had set in for you. I still care, and will continue to scum hunt.

Sorry, I was in a shit mood yesterday and should of not posted at all. I would like something to analyze. If the mission fails we can figure out if there are scum on it and possibly narrow down who they are. Then have a higher chance of getting an all town team for the next missions and still pull off a town win. If we keep rejecting missions, we are only going to be guessing and like I said, too many rejected missions gives a point to scum-I forget how many. I'm trying to look at all possible scenarios here because scum hunting in the thread, with how people are posting is difficult at best. I'm trying to game solve. I'm open to ideas.

( emphasis added)

Yes, I mentioned that above, however I thought it was three and not your most recent post of 5, which is much better. This means to me anyway, that is in place for a reason, not just because of scum but to give us ideas on who each leader picks. There has yet to be a rejected mission and give we have 5 chances this may give us a lot of information if we has each leader submit a few different people, twice maybe, three times so we don't get close to giving scum a point.

You do realize that if we go through each leader and have them pick different people that we have a real good chance of getting those 5 rejections and giving scum a point don't you? The odds are high there will be a mission with scum on it. Without enough info. to analyze-meaning no fail votes-we have a higher chance of sending scum on missions. The 4th one needs two fail votes. I'd like to have better info. on who the scum are before we get to that point so there is less chance of sending two scum. I'm thinking bigger picture here.

I thought when you said that, Grandma or each leader could propose up to 5 teams before scum got a point. I misunderstood what you were saying.
The Wifom is very thick in this game. Ergo I post very little.

If memory serves first faction to complete/derail 5 missions wins.

Without flips and associative tells the game becomes tough...

We are in WiFom City after all. :p Not posting is not helping the game though IMO. If people just want to throw out names and vote yea without figuring is scum is put up for a mission so be it. That is how scum will win IMO.
The Wifom is very thick in this game. Ergo I post very little.

If memory serves first faction to complete/derail 5 missions wins.

Without flips and associative tells the game becomes tough...

No. Best of 5 points wins. If 5 missions in a row are rejected by the group, scum get a point not autowin.

(emphasis added)

5 missions in a row? Can you clarify this? Let's pretend grandma first mission is rejected as are her 2,3, and 4th. but the 5 is accepted, does the counter start over for Avatar's suggestions?
I think this game would be easier the way the video showed it where you can see expressions and do the whole game in about 1/2 hour. This way is tough.

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