Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Is anyone playing this game except Cafe and myself?

I'm reading you guys' convo and have nothing to add to it.

I think scum was on the first mission Wolf and I'm town.

I also think we need to try and do some semblance of reads lists.

At this point I am still leaning scum on Grandma, and Arden.

I'm Town. 100%. You're usually better at guessing than this.

I agree, reads lists would be great. I'd post one myself if I weren't buried in WIFOM.

I make mistakes all the time when reading town or scum, I have found though every time I read back to my 1st scum reads list it is usually pretty accurate, I usually get messed up because I deviate from that list during the game as it progresses. But, since this is the second time in minutes you (and Wake earlier) have mentioned WIFOM, and Wolf agrees about wifom, Ill stop posting and come in a post once every 24-48 hours or so, if I miss a vote feel free to @me.

Wake (?)
Wolf or Shai
Okay, then what about Shai as scum Grandma. Scum do not have a QT this time and I can't imagine all 4, without coordination, voted a go for my mission if I chose all town, to confuse us.

The first mission usually passes. Being noobs to the game, Scum probably just automatically agreed to the team.

It's possible you got lucky and chose all Town. Maybe, maybe not, but again, if there were Scum on your team they'd automatically vote to let the 1st mission succeed.

Now we're looking at the 2nd Team. If it's passed or rejected, I expect to learn something. If the mission passes or fails, I'll learn more.
Okay, then what about Shai as scum Grandma. Scum do not have a QT this time and I can't imagine all 4, without coordination, voted a go for my mission if I chose all town, to confuse us.

The first mission usually passes. Being noobs to the game, Scum probably just automatically agreed to the team.

It's possible you got lucky and chose all Town. Maybe, maybe not, but again, if there were Scum on your team they'd automatically vote to let the 1st mission succeed.

Now we're looking at the 2nd Team. If it's passed or rejected, I expect to learn something. If the mission passes or fails, I'll learn more.

This has pretty much been what I've been saying all along, that the first mission usually passes regardless of whether or not scum is on the mission due to the smaller number of people on it. Everyone voting to pass it likely means scum were on it because like Cafe said they can't coordinate to decide to all let it pass. It could be an all town team but I'm not running with that assumption because it could give scum a pass.
In addition to the above, I doubt if scum are on the second mission, they will let it pass. This will give us much more to analyze which is why I voted to let it go forward.
I make mistakes all the time when reading town or scum, I have found though every time I read back to my 1st scum reads list it is usually pretty accurate, I usually get messed up because I deviate from that list during the game as it progresses. But, since this is the second time in minutes you (and Wake earlier) have mentioned WIFOM, and Wolf agrees about wifom, Ill stop posting and come in a post once every 24-48 hours or so, if I miss a vote feel free to @me.

Are you upset because we are having trouble giving concrete reads at this point in the game? If this was a regular game, I would have done that by now. I've told you quite a few times I need more information before saying who I think the scum are. I will give more definitive reads when I am able. I think you are expecting too much from people at this point in the game. Not posting as often might help you feel less frustrated.
Also, if you can call scum if your very 1st reads list, you are better than 99% of the people who play the game. You are just expecting too much is all I can say to you.
The Wifom is very thick in this game. Ergo I post very little.

If memory serves first faction to complete/derail 5 missions wins.

Without flips and associative tells the game becomes tough...

No. Best of 5 points wins. If 5 missions in a row are rejected by the group, scum get a point not autowin.

(emphasis added)

5 missions in a row? Can you clarify this? Let's pretend grandma first mission is rejected as are her 2,3, and 4th. but the 5 is accepted, does the counter start over for Avatar's suggestions?

I will use mission 1 as an example so no one things I am talking about the actual game or alignments.

Let's suppose the group rejected your mission 1. Leadership passes to Grandma who tries to propose a team. If Grandma gets rejected, leadership passes to the next person to put an acceptable team together..

If you as a group reject 5 mission teams in a row, the mission is cancelled and scum are treated as succeeding that mission.
I just kind of skimmed through the last couple of pages to catch up from yesterday.
Cafe I have no idea what you're talking about, but you're making my computer smoke by how hard you're thinking about this. My processor has figuratively went caput translating everything you've written so far into a complete thought.

From your nervousness about this mission going forward, I'm thinking that there are two scum on this mission, and you already know it. Which is fine for me, you two can cross fail this mission and out yourselves for all I care. That's going to give a lot more info on who is scum and who isn't.

You're acting like this mission has already failed when it hasn't. That's a big red flag for me. If the mission fails we can decide what to do, but until then all we can do is speculate. We still have three more missions with the fifth mission being the most critical if any of the next three fail.

I think we keep going back and forth on which plan we're going to follow, which sucks because every plan I've seen so far has scum utility. So for me, until a mission fails, I'm going to keep my big ideas in my pants.
"every plan I've seen so far has scum utility. So for me, until a mission fails, I'm going to keep my big ideas in my pants."

Josh_B Of course they do. There's always going to be that chance that scum is on a mission and always going to be that chance that scum will fail it. You just have to make the best of what you have. And I don't see how the fact that you don't like the plans presented so far leads into you not wanting to give your own plan- do you really have to wait for scum to get a point to contribute something? Are you anticipating that this plan is going to fail?

Also Cafe keeps calling me scum and I feel like she isn't even reading my responses. It's like she's determined to keep her read on me a scumread.
I make mistakes all the time when reading town or scum, I have found though every time I read back to my 1st scum reads list it is usually pretty accurate, I usually get messed up because I deviate from that list during the game as it progresses. But, since this is the second time in minutes you (and Wake earlier) have mentioned WIFOM, and Wolf agrees about wifom, Ill stop posting and come in a post once every 24-48 hours or so, if I miss a vote feel free to @me.

Are you upset because we are having trouble giving concrete reads at this point in the game? If this was a regular game, I would have done that by now. I've told you quite a few times I need more information before saying who I think the scum are. I will give more definitive reads when I am able. I think you are expecting too much from people at this point in the game. Not posting as often might help you feel less frustrated.

I'm not upset at all Wolf. Three people said in a row they could not look for scum because of WIFOM. I was not WIFOMIng though. I simply misunderstood the rules and thought Grandma could propose more than one team and we might be able to find scum based on if her suggestions passed or failed. So, I said maybe she could propose several teams to us so we could discuss before she put up her final list as a way to scum hunt.

I thought that a better plan after I was ASKED, twice, how I might go about it rather than purposely voting those we believed were scum-given that is terribly risky IMO. As far as my scum reads you commented on, those are not my first reads for this game. I was answering Grandma's assertion that I supposedly scum hunt better than this and then putting up another reads list.

As far as the first mission passing or failing, I read the same too, it usually passes. However, many of the games I read, there were nay among the approval for the leaders proposed team, and that did not happen - thus my suspicion there was scum on the team I picked.
"every plan I've seen so far has scum utility. So for me, until a mission fails, I'm going to keep my big ideas in my pants."

Josh_B Of course they do. There's always going to be that chance that scum is on a mission and always going to be that chance that scum will fail it. You just have to make the best of what you have. And I don't see how the fact that you don't like the plans presented so far leads into you not wanting to give your own plan- do you really have to wait for scum to get a point to contribute something? Are you anticipating that this plan is going to fail?

Also Cafe keeps calling me scum and I feel like she isn't even reading my responses. It's like she's determined to keep her read on me a scumread.

Fine, my plan is to nix everyone that's on a failed mission. It reduces the number of players available for a mission, but it compartmentalizes the fails to assigned groups, which can be evaluated better by reactions.

Do you think this plan is going to fail? If it does and your plan can theoretically be implemented, are you actually serious about it? It's just so... extreme. :/

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