Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

I agree, let's try 3 other players.

How about me, Wake, Moonglow, and ... I dunno.
I would say no to Wake. I get a scum read from him. So far the only think he has posted is filler and asking why people have read him as scum even though it has been explained.

Not to comfortable with Avatar either. Not getting a scum read from him but also not getting a town read.

Why moonglow? I don't get any reading from him at all. He has said nothing helpful to point to being town. That seems like an outright gamble tbh. Why not go with someone that has a town read rather than a wild card?

I get town reads from Josh and Arden. So far, Arden has been trying to come up with a logical plan here - something that I don't really see many others doing. I am not so sure that choosing another team is a good idea though - I don't know what that is supposed to gain for town. I would select the same team and throw someone I thought was town on as the fourth (such as myself :D ).

Avatar basically suggested that plan before Arden did, also Arden just said she thinks her plan is a bad idea now. Arden was defensive the start of this game and to be that reads different than the last game she played.
Between Shaitra, Arden, and Grandma, which one of them most makes your gut feel their posts are feigned, and why? Wolfsister77

Feigned-none of them.

You feel none of them are feigned? I guess fake would be a suitable word as well.

How about Avatar, FA_QT, and Cafe?

Who's faking their posts? I have no clue. That's not really what I am using to base reads on here. I'm looking for difference in playstyles like Cafe showed, contradictory posting like Avi showed, or IIoA like you showed, or asking questions without providing answers like you showed.

What is my different play style Wolf? Please point it out. TIA
I'm tending to think wake is town just from the sheer number opposing him for missions.

grandma passing the mission makes her town in my book until I have a reason to believe otherwise. Same with café and shaitra.

Arden and wolf are setting off scumdar at the moment. Wolf pushing to choose a new team when our original team is doing well. Arden for pushing for a new team when her plan was to do the exact opposite until this team was successful.

sounds like the scum didn't like the prior team. Now they want to change it

I have never played a game with him before, but his repetitive posts make me wonder. I understand people have RL, but I really had not seen anything other than his repeating how the game worked until his FA post and then his asking about fake posts above. That is why I read him as poss scum and Josh too ( for a time), since he wanted Wake to immediately go on a mission. As I have stated prior my read on Josh ATM is my strongest town read and sadly the only real town read I have for the time being.
I agree with a scum lean on Cafe. She's my only true scumread atm.

I asked this very question of you and in post 340 above you said, No, you did not think I was scum, you just wanted new people for the mission. What changed in a total of 5 posts? You jumping on Shai's scum read of me?

Nope, I don't like words being put in my mouth. I said I wanted new people for the mission for reasons I explained already. I explained why I think you might be scum.
Between Shaitra, Arden, and Grandma, which one of them most makes your gut feel their posts are feigned, and why? Wolfsister77

Feigned-none of them.

You feel none of them are feigned? I guess fake would be a suitable word as well.

How about Avatar, FA_QT, and Cafe?

Who's faking their posts? I have no clue. That's not really what I am using to base reads on here. I'm looking for difference in playstyles like Cafe showed, contradictory posting like Avi showed, or IIoA like you showed, or asking questions without providing answers like you showed.

What is my different play style Wolf? Please point it out. TIA

Defensive and aggressive for starters.
I agree with a scum lean on Cafe. She's my only true scumread atm.

I asked this very question of you and in post 340 above you said, No, you did not think I was scum, you just wanted new people for the mission. What changed in a total of 5 posts? You jumping on Shai's scum read of me?

Nope, I don't like words being put in my mouth. I said I wanted new people for the mission for reasons I explained already. I explained why I think you might be scum.

II specifically asked you if you thought Shai or myself were scum and you said NO, I want new people.

( emphasis added)
You said in your first two sentences:
"Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you."

Did you mean something else?
New people other than Grandma who would not be new.

Make sense now?
Does that mean you are reading Grandma as town then?
I'm not reading her as scum right now is what I meant.
So I assume you think there is at least one scum on my choice for mission being Shai or myself given you are pushing to have everyone replaced except Grandma.
No, I said I wanted to try new people this time-other than you and Shaitra. I believe several others have said this as well.
I agree with a scum lean on Cafe. She's my only true scumread atm.

I asked this very question of you and in post 340 above you said, No, you did not think I was scum, you just wanted new people for the mission. What changed in a total of 5 posts? You jumping on Shai's scum read of me?

Nope, I don't like words being put in my mouth. I said I wanted new people for the mission for reasons I explained already. I explained why I think you might be scum.

Post 337 I said to you:

"So I assume you think there is at least one scum on my choice for mission being Shai or myself given you are pushing to have everyone replaced except Grandma"

And you said:

"No, I said I wanted to try new people this time-other than you and Shaitra. I believe several others have said this as well."

Quotes above if they worked right this time. I did not put words in your mouth.
And where in that comment did I say you were scum Cafe. Because I said the reason was I wanted new people and not because of thinking one or both of you was scum? Yeah, you are twisting my words which is different than what you usually do as town.
And where in that comment did I say you were scum Cafe. Because I said the reason was I wanted new people and not because of thinking one or both of you was scum? Yeah, you are twisting my words which is different than what you usually do as town.

You did not say I was scum Wolf, that was my point. I specifically asked you if you assumed either Shai or myself were scum, thus your wanting new people, and you said:

"No, I said I wanted to try new people this time-other than you and Shaitra. I believe several others have said this as well."
Keep arguing the same point if it makes you happy Cafe.

I am not arguing the same point. Go back and read them again please.

The posts are there and are quite clear. I did not put words in your mouth.


I don't know if you are being deliberately obtuse in stating you saying, "No" after I specifically asked if you thought me or Shai was scum and saying you just wanting to try new people like everyone else, and then five posts later saying I was your biggest scum read and now you are saying I put words in your mouth. That's pretty twisty Wolf. That and your now null read on Wake (a few posts back) after saying you did not want Wake on any missions and your post to him saying you had seen stuff in his posts which you though was different and things you had been looking out for to define scum. The other thing I thought was weird was you suggesting Grandma for my mission, and in other posts stating you would be fine with Grandma, and then you demanded of me why I chose her. Either your reads are all over the place or you are deliberately trying to paint me as scum.
I already said I don't like my plan anymore because of the universal votes and approval. I wasn't expecting that at all, not to mention if you can't see how indicative that is of that team and where we're probably headed being scum-driven, you need to take a second look at this whole game.

Stop being so frustrating.
I already said I don't like my plan anymore because of the universal votes and approval. I wasn't expecting that at all, not to mention if you can't see how indicative that is of that team and where we're probably headed being scum-driven, you need to take a second look at this whole game.

Stop being so frustrating.

I asked you the same questions before I went with your plan and you said I was being argumentative and tried to paint me less than cooperative after I asked you a few times how that plan would work to catch scum. I pointed out that exactly what happened could happen and you basically blew me off as I was asking you how your plan would work-- one which I might remind you, you said you used before and it was the best way you knew how to catch scum in these types of games AND you said you even expected the mission would work regardless if scum were on it or not.

You said:

Actually, based on my past experiences with the game and with seeing how others played it in the video, I think I can say that today's mission is almost guaranteed to go through whether Cafe and whoever else she picks are scum or not. Scum almost never has the balls to reject in a small mission (and me saying they don't isn't going to magically make them stick their necks out for little reward which is why I feel comfortable with it).

Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City The Resistance Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And now that it worked just as you thought it would, even down to scum possibly being on the mission, and the times you have used it before and it has worked, it is a bad idea.

See also the posts where I asked you several times how it would work.

Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City The Resistance Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This is me acknowledging that you're right and I said that but also saying that in the context of what exactly happened- factors that I did not anticipate at all- it was significant enough for me to now feel completely opposed to going with my original plan. I don't know exactly what the universal acceptance means, but I really doubt it's anything good considering scum is included in it.

Also, my plan was given with the assumption that I would be on the mission. I didn't think it would make a difference, but forgive me for only now realizing I trust in other players' towniness significantly less than my own.
Keep arguing the same point if it makes you happy Cafe.

I am not arguing the same point. Go back and read them again please.

The posts are there and are quite clear. I did not put words in your mouth.


I don't know if you are being deliberately obtuse in stating you saying, "No" after I specifically asked if you thought me or Shai was scum and saying you just wanting to try new people like everyone else, and then five posts later saying I was your biggest scum read and now you are saying I put words in your mouth. That's pretty twisty Wolf. That and your now null read on Wake (a few posts back) after saying you did not want Wake on any missions and your post to him saying you had seen stuff in his posts which you though was different and things you had been looking out for to define scum. The other thing I thought was weird was you suggesting Grandma for my mission, and in other posts stating you would be fine with Grandma, and then you demanded of me why I chose her. Either your reads are all over the place or you are deliberately trying to paint me as scum.

Do you even listen to what other people are saying? I explained my comment. I did not just say No when you asked if I thought you and Shai were scum and that's why I wanted you off the next mission. I said no (meaning not to to a read), but because I wanted new people and I, and others have said why and agree's with this. How many more explanations do you want for the same thing?

No read is set in stone and can never be changed. People change votes, reads, opinions, etc in Mafia games all the time. With so little to go on, I can imagine most reads would be fluid.
Cafe, what do you think about Shiatra and Grandma?
What do you think about the mission being a perfect pass?
I know that you've asked some other people about it, but I'm not sure I know your feelings.
This is me acknowledging that you're right and I said that but also saying that in the context of what exactly happened- factors that I did not anticipate at all- it was significant enough for me to now feel completely opposed to going with my original plan. I don't know exactly what the universal acceptance means, but I really doubt it's anything good considering scum is included in it.

Also, my plan was given with the assumption that I would be on the mission. I didn't think it would make a difference, but forgive me for only now realizing I trust in other players' towniness significantly less than my own.


Do you have a list of scum reads or even town reads? I recall you stating in the last game we need to try to read town, as that seems to be more advantageous than trying to find scum at times.
Once again, I've already said I think Wolf is town. That's the strongest read I have right now. Oddly enough I have more scumreads than townreads in the form of Wake and Avatar, but I think it makes sense because of the super high ratio of scum to town.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I feel like this is throwing off my game a lot. I'm used to having a lot of town and not nearly as much scum, so it leaves a lot of room for error with my townreads. I think I'm being a lot more cautious here with who I trust but I haven't decided yet if it's a good or bad thing. :/
Cafe, what do you think about Shiatra and Grandma?
What do you think about the mission being a perfect pass?
I know that you've asked some other people about it, but I'm not sure I know your feelings.

I honestly don't know what to think Josh. At the main site I read several games and it seems as if all the first missions were a go regardless if scum were on them or not. This gave town a false sense of security at times and the next mission failed. Other games I read, missions 1 and 2 would pass then the third mission would fail even though some from the first were on it. In this instance scum from the first mission decided to change their vote to non-pass on missions-throwing the whole game into a state of confusion.

I still have no read on grandma really, I sent her on the mission since this seemed to be an okay choice for many and Arden's stated plan. The only thing which got my hackles up was Arden seemingly trying to paint Avatar as scum after he said he did not now if me or Grandma were scum at game start ( a reasonable statement) , given he suggested using the same type of method Arden suggested. Now Grandma is using the same to question Avatar's allegiance. However, the one post Avatar made where he assumed everyone was town kind made me take pause as well.

As far as Shai, I have not gotten scum read from her, and was leaning town.

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