Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you. So who's left outside of Wake, Avatar, Cafe, Shaitra. Take your pick. Pick 3 others and see who objects.
Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you. So who's left outside of Wake, Avatar, Cafe, Shaitra. Take your pick. Pick 3 others and see who objects.

So you want 4 entirely new people, not even grandma? This leaves out Shai, Café (me), grandma, Avatar and Wake, given your preferences, 5 people, half of the 10 playing the game. Lets pretend grandma picks 4 entirely different people. Meaning she has to pick 4 from a very limited group of 5. This means you are suggesting either yourself, Arden, FA, Moon and Josh as one of the 4 to go. Didn't you say you thought Josh was scum and Moon prior?

If we believe scum is in the team I picked, and then we force more possible scum into the equation where is that going to get us?
My final thought was with Grandma picking 4 from the 5 you propose, you will be forcing grandma to send at least one of your prior scum reads on the mission and that does not make sense to me.
Anyway as this point, my biggest town read is now Josh, considering his more recent posts. After that, I don't have many and it is almost impossible to get reads without many posting.

Anyone else with any reads at all?
Okay. I'm kinda sorta leaning Town for Wake, but I'll not choose him as there are objections. I'm definitely not picking Avi, call it OMGUS if you want, but his calling me Scum without good reason is scummy.
one passed. Not bad. Let's see if we can get two done. We need to grow town businesses if we want to beat the scum.

so lets get mission two underway. Seems like odds are good that we have a town group. Let's get another win.

If there is scum in the group, Avatar is scum. And I think town and scum unanimously approving the mission participants means there's scum there.

I think I no longer want to go through with my original plan.

This is exactly why I asked you how your plan would out scum.
Okay. I'm kinda sorta leaning Town for Wake, but I'll not choose him as there are objections. I'm definitely not picking Avi, call it OMGUS if you want, but his calling me Scum without good reason is scummy.

When did Avatar call you scum? His post at the start of the game or were there others?
Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you. So who's left outside of Wake, Avatar, Cafe, Shaitra. Take your pick. Pick 3 others and see who objects.

So you want 4 entirely new people, not even grandma? This leaves out Shai, Café (me), grandma, Avatar and Wake, given your preferences, 5 people, half of the 10 playing the game. Lets pretend grandma picks 4 entirely different people. Meaning she has to pick 4 from a very limited group of 5. This means you are suggesting either yourself, Arden, FA, Moon and Josh as one of the 4 to go. Didn't you say you thought Josh was scum and Moon prior?

If we believe scum is in the team I picked, and then we force more possible scum into the equation where is that going to get us?

My final thought was with Grandma picking 4 from the 5 you propose, you will be forcing grandma to send at least one of your prior scum reads on the mission and that does not make sense to me.

Where did I say not even Grandma? I assume Grandma would pick herself and I'm not going to object to that. Wake and Avi seem like there would be too many objections. Yourself and Shaitra went on the last one. So any 3 outside of you 4, I'd like to see how she chooses and then I'll go look at an ISO again because I'm not feeling all that sure of my reads and then I'll say what I think.
I agree, let's try 3 other players.

How about me, Wake, Moonglow, and ... I dunno.

I wanna say, "this sounds awesome, let's go!" but for some reason I can't help but feel that you are being sarcastic. Let me ask you a question,

Why did you choose to pass the mission instead of fail the mission?
Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you. So who's left outside of Wake, Avatar, Cafe, Shaitra. Take your pick. Pick 3 others and see who objects.

So you want 4 entirely new people, not even grandma? This leaves out Shai, Café (me), grandma, Avatar and Wake, given your preferences, 5 people, half of the 10 playing the game. Lets pretend grandma picks 4 entirely different people. Meaning she has to pick 4 from a very limited group of 5. This means you are suggesting either yourself, Arden, FA, Moon and Josh as one of the 4 to go. Didn't you say you thought Josh was scum and Moon prior?

If we believe scum is in the team I picked, and then we force more possible scum into the equation where is that going to get us?

My final thought was with Grandma picking 4 from the 5 you propose, you will be forcing grandma to send at least one of your prior scum reads on the mission and that does not make sense to me.

Where did I say not even Grandma? I assume Grandma would pick herself and I'm not going to object to that. Wake and Avi seem like there would be too many objections. Yourself and Shaitra went on the last one. So any 3 outside of you 4, I'd like to see how she chooses and then I'll go look at an ISO again because I'm not feeling all that sure of my reads and then I'll say what I think.

( emphasis added)

You said in your first two sentences:

"Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you."

Did you mean something else?

Dammit why does that happen, half of the players names dropped from my post above after tagging everyone.
Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you. So who's left outside of Wake, Avatar, Cafe, Shaitra. Take your pick. Pick 3 others and see who objects.

So you want 4 entirely new people, not even grandma? This leaves out Shai, Café (me), grandma, Avatar and Wake, given your preferences, 5 people, half of the 10 playing the game. Lets pretend grandma picks 4 entirely different people. Meaning she has to pick 4 from a very limited group of 5. This means you are suggesting either yourself, Arden, FA, Moon and Josh as one of the 4 to go. Didn't you say you thought Josh was scum and Moon prior?

If we believe scum is in the team I picked, and then we force more possible scum into the equation where is that going to get us?

My final thought was with Grandma picking 4 from the 5 you propose, you will be forcing grandma to send at least one of your prior scum reads on the mission and that does not make sense to me.

Where did I say not even Grandma? I assume Grandma would pick herself and I'm not going to object to that. Wake and Avi seem like there would be too many objections. Yourself and Shaitra went on the last one. So any 3 outside of you 4, I'd like to see how she chooses and then I'll go look at an ISO again because I'm not feeling all that sure of my reads and then I'll say what I think.

( emphasis added)

You said in your first two sentences:

"Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you."

Did you mean something else?

New people other than Grandma who would not be new.

Make sense now?
Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you. So who's left outside of Wake, Avatar, Cafe, Shaitra. Take your pick. Pick 3 others and see who objects.

So you want 4 entirely new people, not even grandma? This leaves out Shai, Café (me), grandma, Avatar and Wake, given your preferences, 5 people, half of the 10 playing the game. Lets pretend grandma picks 4 entirely different people. Meaning she has to pick 4 from a very limited group of 5. This means you are suggesting either yourself, Arden, FA, Moon and Josh as one of the 4 to go. Didn't you say you thought Josh was scum and Moon prior?

If we believe scum is in the team I picked, and then we force more possible scum into the equation where is that going to get us?

My final thought was with Grandma picking 4 from the 5 you propose, you will be forcing grandma to send at least one of your prior scum reads on the mission and that does not make sense to me.

Where did I say not even Grandma? I assume Grandma would pick herself and I'm not going to object to that. Wake and Avi seem like there would be too many objections. Yourself and Shaitra went on the last one. So any 3 outside of you 4, I'd like to see how she chooses and then I'll go look at an ISO again because I'm not feeling all that sure of my reads and then I'll say what I think.

( emphasis added)

You said in your first two sentences:

"Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you."

Did you mean something else?

New people other than Grandma who would not be new.

Make sense now?

Does that mean you are reading Grandma as town then?
Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you. So who's left outside of Wake, Avatar, Cafe, Shaitra. Take your pick. Pick 3 others and see who objects.

So you want 4 entirely new people, not even grandma? This leaves out Shai, Café (me), grandma, Avatar and Wake, given your preferences, 5 people, half of the 10 playing the game. Lets pretend grandma picks 4 entirely different people. Meaning she has to pick 4 from a very limited group of 5. This means you are suggesting either yourself, Arden, FA, Moon and Josh as one of the 4 to go. Didn't you say you thought Josh was scum and Moon prior?

If we believe scum is in the team I picked, and then we force more possible scum into the equation where is that going to get us?

My final thought was with Grandma picking 4 from the 5 you propose, you will be forcing grandma to send at least one of your prior scum reads on the mission and that does not make sense to me.

Where did I say not even Grandma? I assume Grandma would pick herself and I'm not going to object to that. Wake and Avi seem like there would be too many objections. Yourself and Shaitra went on the last one. So any 3 outside of you 4, I'd like to see how she chooses and then I'll go look at an ISO again because I'm not feeling all that sure of my reads and then I'll say what I think.

( emphasis added)

You said in your first two sentences:

"Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you."

Did you mean something else?

New people other than Grandma who would not be new.

Make sense now?

Does that mean you are reading Grandma as town then?

I'm not reading her as scum right now is what I meant.
When did Avatar call you scum? His post at the start of the game or were there others?

He's been calling me scum for a while. I have no idea why.

I agree, let's try 3 other players.

How about me, Wake, Moonglow, and ... I dunno.

I wanna say, "this sounds awesome, let's go!" but for some reason I can't help but feel that you are being sarcastic. Let me ask you a question,

Why did you choose to pass the mission instead of fail the mission?

I didn't choose. As Town I have to vote "Pass."
So you want 4 entirely new people, not even grandma? This leaves out Shai, Café (me), grandma, Avatar and Wake, given your preferences, 5 people, half of the 10 playing the game. Lets pretend grandma picks 4 entirely different people. Meaning she has to pick 4 from a very limited group of 5. This means you are suggesting either yourself, Arden, FA, Moon and Josh as one of the 4 to go. Didn't you say you thought Josh was scum and Moon prior?

If we believe scum is in the team I picked, and then we force more possible scum into the equation where is that going to get us?

My final thought was with Grandma picking 4 from the 5 you propose, you will be forcing grandma to send at least one of your prior scum reads on the mission and that does not make sense to me.

Where did I say not even Grandma? I assume Grandma would pick herself and I'm not going to object to that. Wake and Avi seem like there would be too many objections. Yourself and Shaitra went on the last one. So any 3 outside of you 4, I'd like to see how she chooses and then I'll go look at an ISO again because I'm not feeling all that sure of my reads and then I'll say what I think.

( emphasis added)

You said in your first two sentences:

"Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you."

Did you mean something else?

New people other than Grandma who would not be new.

Make sense now?

Does that mean you are reading Grandma as town then?

I'm not reading her as scum right now is what I meant.

So I assume you think there is at least one scum on my choice for mission being Shai or myself given you are pushing to have everyone replaced except Grandma.
Not Wake or Avatar. Me and/or Wolf. Strongest townreads. Sorry I'm pressed for time.
When did Avatar call you scum? His post at the start of the game or were there others?

He's been calling me scum for a while. I have no idea why.

I agree, let's try 3 other players.

How about me, Wake, Moonglow, and ... I dunno.

I wanna say, "this sounds awesome, let's go!" but for some reason I can't help but feel that you are being sarcastic. Let me ask you a question,

Why did you choose to pass the mission instead of fail the mission?

I didn't choose. As Town I have to vote "Pass."

Good, I don't have a choice either. Let's go on this mission together. :woohoo:
I agree, let's try 3 other players.

How about me, Wake, Moonglow, and ... I dunno.
I would say no to Wake. I get a scum read from him. So far the only think he has posted is filler and asking why people have read him as scum even though it has been explained.

Not to comfortable with Avatar either. Not getting a scum read from him but also not getting a town read.

Why moonglow? I don't get any reading from him at all. He has said nothing helpful to point to being town. That seems like an outright gamble tbh. Why not go with someone that has a town read rather than a wild card?

I get town reads from Josh and Arden. So far, Arden has been trying to come up with a logical plan here - something that I don't really see many others doing. I am not so sure that choosing another team is a good idea though - I don't know what that is supposed to gain for town. I would select the same team and throw someone I thought was town on as the fourth (such as myself :D ).
Where did I say not even Grandma? I assume Grandma would pick herself and I'm not going to object to that. Wake and Avi seem like there would be too many objections. Yourself and Shaitra went on the last one. So any 3 outside of you 4, I'd like to see how she chooses and then I'll go look at an ISO again because I'm not feeling all that sure of my reads and then I'll say what I think.

( emphasis added)

You said in your first two sentences:

"Grandma, I think it would be best to not take Wake or Avatar. I would prefer new people other than you."

Did you mean something else?

New people other than Grandma who would not be new.

Make sense now?

Does that mean you are reading Grandma as town then?

I'm not reading her as scum right now is what I meant.

So I assume you think there is at least one scum on my choice for mission being Shai or myself given you are pushing to have everyone replaced except Grandma.

No, I said I wanted to try new people this time-other than you and Shaitra. I believe several others have said this as well.

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