Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

That's odd. I just opened each of them in new tabs and they all worked. Hm...

Yup, post numbers.
I have the results. It is unanimous. The group has approved the mission.

The group gathers and Cafe suggests a team. No one even hinted at dissent.

Grandma, Cafe and Shaitra, you must now PM me whether the mission passes or fails. If town, you must vote for the mission to succeed. I require you to PM me so the group doesn't know who is town and who is scum by me just jumping and starting the day. You have 48 hours to do so. If results are in sooner, I will announce sooner. You may change your vote anytime before they are all submitted.
the unanimous nature of the vote is making me nervous. I would anticipate scum objecting to a team with no scum. Even if they were planning to approve the first mission I would think they would want a member on the team.
the unanimous nature of the vote is making me nervous. I would anticipate scum objecting to a team with no scum. Even if they were planning to approve the first mission I would think they would want a member on the team.

Yep, the quick and unanimous acceptance of the mission has me nervous that there is scum in the group also.

If they were planning on passing the mission, why do you think they would care if a member of their team was on it or not?
the unanimous nature of the vote is making me nervous. I would anticipate scum objecting to a team with no scum. Even if they were planning to approve the first mission I would think they would want a member on the team.

Yep, the quick and unanimous acceptance of the mission has me nervous that there is scum in the group also.

If they were planning on passing the mission, why do you think they would care if a member of their team was on it or not?

so we pick the same people assuming they are safe
the unanimous nature of the vote is making me nervous. I would anticipate scum objecting to a team with no scum. Even if they were planning to approve the first mission I would think they would want a member on the team.

Yep, the quick and unanimous acceptance of the mission has me nervous that there is scum in the group also.

If they were planning on passing the mission, why do you think they would care if a member of their team was on it or not?

so we pick the same people assuming they are safe

Well, then maybe we should not pick the same people for the next one, regardless of the outcome of this one although Grandma will pick herself regardless.
His 34 suggests that if we get a Scum-free team the game is essentially over, because those three can continue to be picked over and over again. However, some of the missions require more than 3 players. I consider this an innocent mistake on his part, which is one I would probably make myself. Null read there.

43 feels like paranoia from a Townie. He is quite right to be wary of my actions. Now that I understand both Town and Scum wish to be on missions, I can see my error there. 46 smacks of being a helpful Townie. As for 93 and 94, I do believe an explanation is in order. I don't have any misgivings regarding FA's 94. Ellipsis aside (I hate them), his 144 is fine. 192 isn't swaying me either way.

I have a slight Townread on FA_Q2, pending his answers for the bolded part.
What answered are you looking for? I get a slight scum read from you just in the manner that you were posting about the setup and the general tone that you were using. Not really a hard scum read because I have not really played with you yet so I don't know your general method of play but I don't really see anything that marks you as town.

The first town post that you put up was this one - it is the SOLE post with content so far moving the game forward. Unfortunately, it focuses on ONE player - me. What about the other 8? Why even start there or post your reads after the team has been selected without any input on selecting the team itself? It does not help that you were the holdout that had not voted either. The posturing earlier today could either be attributed to not knowing what is going on or that you were coming up with a convenient excuse if SR posted the voting results and you were shown to be the last person voting (it was discussed earlier weather or not the order of those voting would be revealed and that was not really clear at that time)

I am sure it could be that real life is getting in the way of your play and that's fine but I try not to bother with such things because scum can just as easily hide behind that excuse. All I know is what is posted on this thread and that is what I try and stick to.

And that damn avatar, I am starting to get you and House mixed up :D

Lastly, your links may not be working if your posts per page are not the same as the person clicking it. That might be the issue though I don't know if that is possible to 'fix.' Using the post number made it easy enough to find though.
the unanimous nature of the vote is making me nervous. I would anticipate scum objecting to a team with no scum. Even if they were planning to approve the first mission I would think they would want a member on the team.
Yes, I think they certainly would.

It being unanimous also makes me wonder but the better question is what can we do with that information? I am not sure how we can use it...
the unanimous nature of the vote is making me nervous. I would anticipate scum objecting to a team with no scum. Even if they were planning to approve the first mission I would think they would want a member on the team.
Yes, I think they certainly would.

It being unanimous also makes me wonder but the better question is what can we do with that information? I am not sure how we can use it...

IDK really, the only person who said they were adverse to the idea of my two choices was Josh. Of course Arden also wanted herself instead of my third choice. The fact it was confirmed is unsettling, BUT, given I have no experience with this setup I am not sure what to read into it.

So did I pick a scum by chance or even two scum?

Would scum confirm the first mission knowing they can deny it several times and get a point or would they confirm to keep suspicion off of themselves?

SR said the mission was confirmed unanimously. BUT do we get to ever see those voting as I asked before in this thread or do we only get to see the approvals or denials for missions? I was wondering if SR was to post the flip of those voting to approve the leaders choices if that might give scum away too. Am I making sense?
I'm a little confused on the mission party approval. I know SR said it was unanimous. But I thought if someone voted no on the group, the mission was scrapped.
I thought majority ruled regarding approving a mission and that she would post here who approved it to go forward or not. However, she did say that everyone approved it so that is probably all that is needed for her to post.
Even if it is an all-town team scum could have voted for it to make us doubt people on the mission.
I'm a little confused on the mission party approval. I know SR said it was unanimous. But I thought if someone voted no on the group, the mission was scrapped.

I thought it was majority approval for mission approval IOW, 6 needed to approve.
Even if it is an all-town team scum could have voted for it to make us doubt people on the mission.

True, but scum don't have a QT, do they? I can't imagine they all decided to approve a mission with that in mind though. I could be far off though.
I'm a little confused on the mission party approval. I know SR said it was unanimous. But I thought if someone voted no on the group, the mission was scrapped.
It is majority to give the mission a go. Then it only takes one to make the mission fail but only those on the mission get to vote. The second vote has not flipped yet. We still don't know if the mission passed or failed. All we know is that Cafe's selection was unanimously accepted to be sent on the mission.
Wolfsister what's your user name on Grandma- same question.
I'm Klingoncelt over there.

I'm in my first Game, Noob 1544, since it's ongoing I can't elaborate.

Josh_B - is that your name over there?

Grandma hasn't said much but I noticed her posting in her other game. I always find that behavior odd so that's why I asked. I hate the attitude of most here, that they have nothing to add. I guess we are just going to guess on every mission and hope there is no scum on it.

I honestly don't have anything to add here. There's less for us to go on than in Day 1 of a regular game. And since Mission #1 usually passes, there won't be any info until Mission #2 gets started.

Over there I'm being addressed directly and indirectly, so I need to respond.
He's Josh_B over at MS. I'll call is MS from now on instead of the main site to avoid confusion. I won't discuss your ongoing game Grandma, I just realized I should just shut my mouth right now.

And yeah, there is not much to go on right now for the first mission, I agree. Just waiting for the results.
I'm a little confused on the mission party approval. I know SR said it was unanimous. But I thought if someone voted no on the group, the mission was scrapped.

the approval of the party was unanimous. The votes of those who were sent haven't been counted yet. So pm scarlet on whether the mission will succeed if you haven't yet
I'm hardly tunneling Wake. You should see me when I really tunnel someone. Especially if they turn out to be scum. Wake is a complete unknown to me so he's harder to figure out than the others so I am going to ask him more questions. Is there some reason you are coming to his defense and immediately suggested him for the first mission?

This has nothing to do with Wake, and what it does have to do with Wake I've already explained. He's not the only one I suggested and he's not even the first person I suggested. And even though I suggested him, he's not on this mission. Your obsession with him is curious, especially when I'm seeing shinier things being thrown at you. Speaking of that.

Cafe why does Wolfsister have to get into arguments in order for you to think she's town? Didn't we talk about how "anti-game" it was to get into personal arguments during the last game? It seems kind of antagonistic of you.

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