Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Had MeBelle been more focused Cafe would not have been lynched in just over an hour. She may have made a better final vote in the game as well.

vote: MeBelle

Well, for once you are making a decision that sounds town to me, can't understand why you were coming after me when people that don't participate seem more apt. Perhaps you are Town, or, you have just made the wisest post and caused me to re-focus.

vote: MeBelle
You REPEATEDLY demand that grandma is scum and then go for a policy lynch rather than the scum lynch that you are claiming? Not only that but you are jumping on the wagon that your so called scum pick is on.

Your actions makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
I explained so thoroughly why I did what I did what I did Sameech that I can't do it an any more. You are so damn pissed, it's ridiculous.

Fine, vote me out for doing what I thought was right. My neighborhood is in the North and everyone knows House is in there. I get very strong townie vibes from him. there are 4 of us total. Except for the one Cafe created, there are probably 4 with 4 in each but that's just educated guesswork based on info. so far in the game.

I used my ability. I'm a safe lynch. I really second guessed myself before I made my decision but I still thought it was a good one with sound reasons. Apparently it pissed off at least one person who wants to vote me out for it as anti-town.

Well, I won't vote myself or be dramatic. Nothing I've done has done anything but make noise anyway.

Feel free to lynch. Town to me is Shaitra, Sgt_Gath, TN, Avi, House, Rosie.

Use this info. as you will and don't discount what happened with TN's wagon also.
Moonglow,you've been saying you think I'm scum since the beginning. You can't vote TN so why not me? I don't give a shit if you think I'm scum. I could care less.
I can vote for TN or Wolfsister. Nobody else. That Wolf went from voting for TN , reconfirming TN as suspect in the neighborhood QT to using her power to blocking his lynch when just pulling her vote off would have been enough to try to force a wagon on somebody else is just too much anti-towness in one basket.

In that case, I could of done that on any wagon. I explained why I used my power the way I did repeatedly.

But whatever. I'm done talking to you or anyone else about this.
Had MeBelle been more focused Cafe would not have been lynched in just over an hour. She may have made a better final vote in the game as well.

vote: MeBelle

Well, for once you are making a decision that sounds town to me, can't understand why you were coming after me when people that don't participate seem more apt. Perhaps you are Town, or, you have just made the wisest post and caused me to re-focus.

vote: MeBelle
You REPEATEDLY demand that grandma is scum and then go for a policy lynch rather than the scum lynch that you are claiming? Not only that but you are jumping on the wagon that your so called scum pick is on.

Your actions makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

What I wanna know is where is Cafe screeching that Grandma and Mertex cannot lynch based on what MeBelle did in a prior game?

Or is that crapola reserved solely for me?

Regards from Rosie
I can vote for TN or Wolfsister. Nobody else. That Wolf went from voting for TN , reconfirming TN as suspect in the neighborhood QT to using her power to blocking his lynch when just pulling her vote off would have been enough to try to force a wagon on somebody else is just too much anti-towness in one basket.

I think it should also be noted that Sameech is big on not being able to use QT's but now wants to and I think it should be noted, he didn't get pissed until I used my ability even though he knew I had it and now wants to vote myself or TN off.

Just take note of this when I'm gone. This seems off.
I can vote for TN or Wolfsister. Nobody else. That Wolf went from voting for TN , reconfirming TN as suspect in the neighborhood QT to using her power to blocking his lynch when just pulling her vote off would have been enough to try to force a wagon on somebody else is just too much anti-towness in one basket.

I think it should also be noted that Sameech is big on not being able to use QT's but now wants to and I think it should be noted, he didn't get pissed until I used my ability even though he knew I had it and now wants to vote myself or TN off.

Just take note of this when I'm gone. This seems off.

Like a scum move to lynch two townies. He's pretty adamant about TN and now wants to go for me. Something is wrong here.
I can vote for TN or Wolfsister. Nobody else. That Wolf went from voting for TN , reconfirming TN as suspect in the neighborhood QT to using her power to blocking his lynch when just pulling her vote off would have been enough to try to force a wagon on somebody else is just too much anti-towness in one basket.

I think it should also be noted that Sameech is big on not being able to use QT's but now wants to and I think it should be noted, he didn't get pissed until I used my ability even though he knew I had it and now wants to vote myself or TN off.

Just take note of this when I'm gone. This seems off.

Like a scum move to lynch two townies. He's pretty adamant about TN and now wants to go for me. Something is wrong here.

There's nothing wrong with players putting their opinions and thoughts out here. Isn't that what you do? This is a 2-way street - not 1-way. With that being said, how can you be of help to town if you're left in the game?
I can vote for TN or Wolfsister. Nobody else. That Wolf went from voting for TN , reconfirming TN as suspect in the neighborhood QT to using her power to blocking his lynch when just pulling her vote off would have been enough to try to force a wagon on somebody else is just too much anti-towness in one basket.

I think it should also be noted that Sameech is big on not being able to use QT's but now wants to and I think it should be noted, he didn't get pissed until I used my ability even though he knew I had it and now wants to vote myself or TN off.

Just take note of this when I'm gone. This seems off.

Like a scum move to lynch two townies. He's pretty adamant about TN and now wants to go for me. Something is wrong here.

Never mind, my other neighbor agrees only much nicer so I guess I was wrong and my actions could result in a NL so I fucked up and will never understand this game.

A PL will be appropriate on me then. I won't object. This is my last post on it. Go for it.
I can vote for TN or Wolfsister. Nobody else. That Wolf went from voting for TN , reconfirming TN as suspect in the neighborhood QT to using her power to blocking his lynch when just pulling her vote off would have been enough to try to force a wagon on somebody else is just too much anti-towness in one basket.

I think it should also be noted that Sameech is big on not being able to use QT's but now wants to and I think it should be noted, he didn't get pissed until I used my ability even though he knew I had it and now wants to vote myself or TN off.

Just take note of this when I'm gone. This seems off.

Like a scum move to lynch two townies. He's pretty adamant about TN and now wants to go for me. Something is wrong here.

There's nothing wrong with players putting their opinions and thoughts out here. Isn't that what you do? This is a 2-way street - not 1-way. With that being said, how can you be of help to town if you're left in the game?

How can you? How can anyone? I already said I would accept a PL so just do it already.
I would request a PL on myself for all my anti-town play. I think there's enough agreement that I keep messing up and I can go along with this.
According to the rules, we're technically not supposed to be repping posts.

That probably goes for Like/Agree/Disagree, but @Wake should clarify.
And where is that stated?

First post of the game, it states:
  • No Positive/Negative repping.
In previous games, that was directed towards people NOT in the game. I'm not sure if it includes players now.
Had MeBelle been more focused Cafe would not have been lynched in just over an hour. She may have made a better final vote in the game as well.

vote: MeBelle

Well, for once you are making a decision that sounds town to me, can't understand why you were coming after me when people that don't participate seem more apt. Perhaps you are Town, or, you have just made the wisest post and caused me to re-focus.

vote: MeBelle
You REPEATEDLY demand that grandma is scum and then go for a policy lynch rather than the scum lynch that you are claiming? Not only that but you are jumping on the wagon that your so called scum pick is on.

Your actions makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

What I wanna know is where is Cafe screeching that Grandma and Mertex cannot lynch based on what MeBelle did in a prior game?

Or is that crapola reserved solely for me?

Regards from Rosie

She is going to be away for a bit.

I'd like to have a vote count as well. I'd like to know where we sit after everything from last night. We are in danger of a no lynch, and I'd like to see that avoided. But until we know where we are, it's hard to figure out what it will take to avoid that.
Her ability won't affect you the way you think.

Sure you don't have another name to toss in the ring?

If you don't quote the person you are addressing, it is very difficult to tell who you are talking about. Your post posted below tn's post and he is talking about Moonglow, and you're talking about a "she" and her ability not affecting someone and it doesn't make any sense since we don't know who you are talking to.

I read every post and try to make sense of them.
Had MeBelle been more focused Cafe would not have been lynched in just over an hour. She may have made a better final vote in the game as well.

vote: MeBelle

Well, for once you are making a decision that sounds town to me, can't understand why you were coming after me when people that don't participate seem more apt. Perhaps you are Town, or, you have just made the wisest post and caused me to re-focus.

vote: MeBelle
You REPEATEDLY demand that grandma is scum and then go for a policy lynch rather than the scum lynch that you are claiming? Not only that but you are jumping on the wagon that your so called scum pick is on.

Your actions makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

She has been high on my Scum list, but since most don't think so, maybe I'm wrong. I'm not arrogant to not admit that I may be wrong. Why are you so quick to defend MeBelle? Is she Scum with you and you are trying to defend her non-play that has gotten her a pass in prior games.

You're beginning to sound more and more like Scum yourself. Perhaps you and MeBelle are one of the Scum Teams? Your actions make real Scum sense.

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