Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
No, they have not. That's the partisan hack answer. Their obligation, as is the Senate's obligation, as is the president's obligation, is to work together to reach a compromise and end the impasse. The president wants $5 billion for a wall; the Democrats want nothing. Nobody is willing to budge. Mature adults would meet halfway, but that's not what we have in D.C. I don't support a wall either, but to cause all of this drama over pure partisan politics is irresponsible on everybody's part.

The president and the Senate are not obliged to shut the govt down over funding requests, dope.

Nor is the House. Once again, you provide the partisan hack response.
it's all he has. the dems refused again today to meet the president for a negotiation session. boycotted the meeting.
Because that's all there is, dope.
yep, the dems can't give the pres a win. we know that. you know that. stalemate eh? blame away!!! it's what you all do best is blame and insult.

The House has done it's job.
dude, I don't care, nor does he who you blame, the issue is that the dems won't come to the table. dude point that finger all fking day isn't going to make the dems get to the table. why do you behave so stupidly?

The Dems don't need to come to the table, dope. They have made no demands. They have done their job.
then where's the budget?
Mitch McConnell won’t allow any bill out there that Trump doesn’t want to sign. Read the news.
Are you saying there are five dems ready to vote for a 5.7B wall? cause currently, to put a vote on the floor for that bill needs at least five dems at this time.
the dems already agreed to 25bil for DACA but Trump reneged.
nope never happened. post the link. the pres gave DACA path to citizenship for quite a few million. dems wiped their ass with it.
needed nine senators duncepole. when will you actually educate on how the US functions? wow, you still are lost.

Link please.

Show us the Senate whip count.
link for what? the Senate needs 60 votes to pass a bill. you need a link for that? really? now I know you are stupid.

You said 9 were needed. You're assuming every Republican was on board. Show us the whip count.
it never came to a vote. How can I tell you how republicans were going to vote without a vote? that's a typical lefturd's thought process though. so you agree, they needed at least nine dem votes correct? You educated yourself on the senate and vote counts for legislation?

Then don't assume only 9 Dems were needed, dope.

The Republicans were not able to get this done for two years. Don't act like it's just the Dems.

Trust me, if McConnell had all the repubs, he would have held a vote .
It was a done deal. The Daca for the Wall deal that Trump agreed to only to back out and break his word to both Schumer and McConnell. That's the reason McConnnell is not engaging. If Trump wants to cave, McConnell will accept that.
Link please.

Show us the Senate whip count.
link for what? the Senate needs 60 votes to pass a bill. you need a link for that? really? now I know you are stupid.

You said 9 were needed. You're assuming every Republican was on board. Show us the whip count.
it never came to a vote. How can I tell you how republicans were going to vote without a vote? that's a typical lefturd's thought process though. so you agree, they needed at least nine dem votes correct? You educated yourself on the senate and vote counts for legislation?

Then don't assume only 9 Dems were needed, dope.

The Republicans were not able to get this done for two years. Don't act like it's just the Dems.

Trust me, if McConnell had all the repubs, he would have held a vote .
It was a done deal. The Daca for the Wall deal that Trump agreed to only to back out and break his word to both Schumer and McConnell. That's the reason McConnnell is not engaging. If Trump wants to cave, McConnell will accept that.
dude, that never happened. who told you it did? let's see the link.

The fact is the dems don't care for the DACA kids.
Nor is the House. Once again, you provide the partisan hack response.
it's all he has. the dems refused again today to meet the president for a negotiation session. boycotted the meeting.
Does tiny trump have something to offer? Besides McDonalds leftovers?
he hasn't been asked for anything. why not?

They don't want anything, dope.
then why are they holding the government workers hostage?
They aren't. They've passed legislation that would re-open the govt, dope.
Dems truly are mentally ill

Trump has offered multiple things in exchange for one thing. Dems stubbornly refuse to give Trump that one thing even though they could get many things they want in exchange AND they have all voted for that one thing in the past anyway.

But, they aren't the stupid ones, they know exactly what they are doing. The stupid ones are their voters who stupidly blame the shut down on the one guy who's actually trying to negotiate rather than on the people in Congress who all hate Trump precisely because he's trying to take their ball away from them.

Ponder this for a moment. Why didn't Dems officially pass a law about DACA kids when they controlled Congress and the White House? Now , reverse that, Why didn't Republicans build a damn wall when THEY controlled Congress and the White House (and yes they could have funded the wall without worrying about 60 votes in the Senate if they really wanted to.

The answer to both questions is the same. Neither party wants to solve any problems. If you solve a problem, how are you going to use it as a political point in the next election cycle?

Neither party gives a crap about us. And they really don't give a crap about solving problems.
Link please.

Show us the Senate whip count.
link for what? the Senate needs 60 votes to pass a bill. you need a link for that? really? now I know you are stupid.

You said 9 were needed. You're assuming every Republican was on board. Show us the whip count.
it never came to a vote. How can I tell you how republicans were going to vote without a vote? that's a typical lefturd's thought process though. so you agree, they needed at least nine dem votes correct? You educated yourself on the senate and vote counts for legislation?

Then don't assume only 9 Dems were needed, dope.

The Republicans were not able to get this done for two years. Don't act like it's just the Dems.

Trust me, if McConnell had all the repubs, he would have held a vote .
It was a done deal. The Daca for the Wall deal that Trump agreed to only to back out and break his word to both Schumer and McConnell. That's the reason McConnnell is not engaging. If Trump wants to cave, McConnell will accept that.
White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

"White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people

By Tal Kopan and Jeremy Diamond, CNN

Updated 12:36 AM ET, Fri January 26, 2018
President Donald Trump is proposing giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration reforms, according to a White House framework proposed Thursday.

Trump's citizenship comments add to immigration confusion on Capitol hill

In what the White House framed as a "dramatic concession" and "compromise," Trump would accept a path to citizenship not just for the roughly 700,000 undocumented immigrants were covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program when it was ended. But the proposal would also cover those undocumented immigrants who meet the DACA criteria but did not sign up and even more who would be newly eligible under the proposal's timeframe requirements -- giving legal status and a pathway to citizenship to about 1.8 million people.
In return, the White House would like to see a $25 billion investment in a trust for border infrastructure and technology, as well as more funds for personnel, and an end to family migration beyond spouses and minor children. The diversity visa lottery would also be abolished, though the visas would be reallocated so that the backlog of people already waiting for family visas and high-skilled immigration green cards would be processed.

They spoke out against immigrants. So she unearthed their own immigrant ancestors
"This is legislation that really represents a bipartisan consensus point. It is extremely generous in terms of the DACA piece and then fulfills all four of the President's priorities," a senior White House official told reporters on Thursday. "This bill is right down the center in terms of public opinion."
Senior White House officials who briefed reporters Thursday on the framework also expressed a pointed rejection of the Durbin-Graham bill that the White House rejected in recent weeks.
One official quipped that an agreement on immigration between Sen. Dick Durbin, a Democrat, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican, is "like announcing the sun has risen and there's fish in the ocean."
Another official also said that despite suggestions from Senate Democrats, the White House's framework is "galaxies apart" from what Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer proposed to the President over the weekend."
it's all he has. the dems refused again today to meet the president for a negotiation session. boycotted the meeting.
Does tiny trump have something to offer? Besides McDonalds leftovers?
he hasn't been asked for anything. why not?

They don't want anything, dope.
then why are they holding the government workers hostage?
They aren't. They've passed legislation that would re-open the govt, dope.
not until they add 5.7 billion to the budget. are you saying they did that and the president got it and didn't sign it?
I think that's fair. Completely unrelated but fair.
You think it's fair to hold kids hostage?
sure, he just said so.

Your comparison was fair, dope.
The President invited Democrats to a lunch to discuss border Security and Democrats refused. We know who isn't doing their job. Looking bad for Democrats.
They already met and Trump said bye-bye. Read the news.
Are you talking about today?
Does tiny trump have something to offer? Besides McDonalds leftovers?
he hasn't been asked for anything. why not?

They don't want anything, dope.
then why are they holding the government workers hostage?
They aren't. They've passed legislation that would re-open the govt, dope.
not until they add 5.7 billion to the budget. are you saying they did that and the president got it and didn't sign it?

It's Trump's move.
Tough shit. If you are low or middle class, you suffer. All of us are one catastrophy away from being homeless. Conquer and persevere my friends. Work, make good choices, work some more. Lazy ass libstained leftists have a hard time understanding this concept.
All of us are one catastrophy away from being homeless. Conquer and persevere my friends. Work, make good choices, work some more.

You forgot garage sales. Garage sales will help.

Yes and Trump has placed nearly a million American citizens squarely in the middle of a catstrophe of his own making for no other reason than political gain.
campaign promise that got him elected. it's what an honest politician does, keeps promises to those who voted him into office. I understand you fail to grasp that concept since everyone you vote for throws their promises down the toilet. it's who you are.
Still waiting for that check from Mexico.

Is it coming by way of Jupiter?
Take it out of the 30 billion Obama sent to terrorist Iran.
And...where did that 30 billion come from? Tell us.
It came from sanctions of a terrorist state. Only Democrats would give billions of sanctioned money to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. You're proud of that, huh. Piece of shit traitor.
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬
Conservatives are conflicted. One commented that it has to be a lie because the official is anonymous, and the other said it just doesn’t matter.
why not fund the wall and call it a day? you didn't care when billions went to other countries for support. why now? oh yeah TDS. keep it shutdown until the 5.7B makes it on a budget. we're cool with the government staying shutdown. are you? at some point someone will need to blink and it won't be trump.

BTW, the dems know what it will take to reopen the government and are doing nothing. and you don't care. it seems you don't care others are not getting paid.

Yeah and they don't care about the billions the illegals cost we tax payers every year either.

Tell that to small businesses in heavy military and civil service employee's. They are beginning to suffer.

Oh my I'm so sorry. They will all be paid back pay.

You ever get paid if you got furloughed??

Didn't think so.

Oh and Military will be paid.
You forgot garage sales. Garage sales will help.

Yes and Trump has placed nearly a million American citizens squarely in the middle of a catstrophe of his own making for no other reason than political gain.
campaign promise that got him elected. it's what an honest politician does, keeps promises to those who voted him into office. I understand you fail to grasp that concept since everyone you vote for throws their promises down the toilet. it's who you are.
Still waiting for that check from Mexico.

Is it coming by way of Jupiter?
Take it out of the 30 billion Obama sent to terrorist Iran.
And...where did that 30 billion come from? Tell us.
It came from sanctions of a terrorist state. Only Democrats would give billions of sanctioned money to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. You're proud of that, huh. Piece of shit traitor.

Who told you they were the number one state sponsor of terrorism.

Sent from my iPhone using
You forgot garage sales. Garage sales will help.

Yes and Trump has placed nearly a million American citizens squarely in the middle of a catstrophe of his own making for no other reason than political gain.
campaign promise that got him elected. it's what an honest politician does, keeps promises to those who voted him into office. I understand you fail to grasp that concept since everyone you vote for throws their promises down the toilet. it's who you are.
Still waiting for that check from Mexico.

Is it coming by way of Jupiter?
Take it out of the 30 billion Obama sent to terrorist Iran.
And...where did that 30 billion come from? Tell us.
It came from sanctions of a terrorist state. Only Democrats would give billions of sanctioned money to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. You're proud of that, huh. Piece of shit traitor.
you'd rather they continue building nukes?? Maybe set one off where you live?
campaign promise that got him elected. it's what an honest politician does, keeps promises to those who voted him into office. I understand you fail to grasp that concept since everyone you vote for throws their promises down the toilet. it's who you are.
Still waiting for that check from Mexico.

Is it coming by way of Jupiter?
Take it out of the 30 billion Obama sent to terrorist Iran.
And...where did that 30 billion come from? Tell us.
It came from sanctions of a terrorist state. Only Democrats would give billions of sanctioned money to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. You're proud of that, huh. Piece of shit traitor.

Who told you they were the number one state sponsor of terrorism.

Sent from my iPhone using
The Wicked Witch of the East. Idiot.
campaign promise that got him elected. it's what an honest politician does, keeps promises to those who voted him into office. I understand you fail to grasp that concept since everyone you vote for throws their promises down the toilet. it's who you are.
Still waiting for that check from Mexico.

Is it coming by way of Jupiter?
Take it out of the 30 billion Obama sent to terrorist Iran.
And...where did that 30 billion come from? Tell us.
It came from sanctions of a terrorist state. Only Democrats would give billions of sanctioned money to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. You're proud of that, huh. Piece of shit traitor.
you'd rather they continue building nukes?? Maybe set one off where you live?
No, I'd rather the religious thugs in control be assassinated.
he hasn't been asked for anything. why not?

They don't want anything, dope.
then why are they holding the government workers hostage?
They aren't. They've passed legislation that would re-open the govt, dope.
not until they add 5.7 billion to the budget. are you saying they did that and the president got it and didn't sign it?

It's Trump's move.
what is it, just cave? yeah that's what he'll do right?
Still waiting for that check from Mexico.

Is it coming by way of Jupiter?
Take it out of the 30 billion Obama sent to terrorist Iran.
And...where did that 30 billion come from? Tell us.
It came from sanctions of a terrorist state. Only Democrats would give billions of sanctioned money to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. You're proud of that, huh. Piece of shit traitor.

Who told you they were the number one state sponsor of terrorism.

Sent from my iPhone using
The Wicked Witch of the East. Idiot.

That is where you get most of your information so I am not surprised.

Sent from my iPhone using
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬

Oh gosh...we'll be headed back to where Barry had us for much of the eight years he was in office! The HORROR!

Anyone want to explain to me why securing the border is so horrible that Democrats have drawn a line in the sand that they will not cross? Sorry, Kiddies but this shutdown is a political stunt and it's been forced upon us by a Democratically controlled Congress that will not compromise on this issue because they don't want to lose the Hispanic vote that keeps them in power.
Still waiting for that check from Mexico.

Is it coming by way of Jupiter?
Take it out of the 30 billion Obama sent to terrorist Iran.
And...where did that 30 billion come from? Tell us.
It came from sanctions of a terrorist state. Only Democrats would give billions of sanctioned money to the number one state sponsor of terrorism. You're proud of that, huh. Piece of shit traitor.
you'd rather they continue building nukes?? Maybe set one off where you live?
No, I'd rather the religious thugs in control be assassinated.
Religious thugs in control eliminated??? Be careful of what you wish for ,,it might come true

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