Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Leftists remind me of my 3 year old when I tell her no she can't have candy she keeps begging over and over and over I say when you clean your room up you can. The leftists keep passing bills to reopen the government WITHOUT protecting our borders as they have been told is a must have and are now refusing to sit down and talk with the boss....just like toddlers throwing a fit.
Personally, I think he knew exactly what he was doing. His detractors are blissful in their ignorance and self-assuredness that he is "mentally unstable". But if you look closely at everything he's done so far, the guy is a freaking genius...

"Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job..."
Leftists remind me of my 3 year old when I tell her no she can't have candy she keeps begging over and over and over I say when you clean your room up you can. The leftists keep passing bills to reopen the government WITHOUT protecting our borders as they have been told is a must have and are now refusing to sit down and talk with the boss....just like toddlers throwing a fit.
The Dems aren't begging for anything. They've done what the constitution requires.
They don't answer to the president.
Personally, I think he knew exactly what he was doing. His detractors are blissful in their ignorance and self-assuredness that he is "mentally unstable". But if you look closely at everything he's done so far, the guy is a freaking genius...

"Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job..."
AWESOME! This is fucking great! Draining the swamp right under their damn noses!
It's so sad what Mexico is doing to America by not funding Trump's wall - like Trump promised. Shame on Mexico.
Leftists remind me of my 3 year old when I tell her no she can't have candy she keeps begging over and over and over I say when you clean your room up you can. The leftists keep passing bills to reopen the government WITHOUT protecting our borders as they have been told is a must have and are now refusing to sit down and talk with the boss....just like toddlers throwing a fit.
The Dems aren't begging for anything. They've done what the constitution requires.
They don't answer to the president.
They are begging him to reopen the government. They have NOT done what the constitution requires actually. They aren't protecting our borders.
It's so sad what Mexico is doing to America by not funding Trump's wall - like Trump promised. Shame on Mexico.
They will pay for it by signing the new trade deal....the deal will put more money into our treasury...what do you call that?.....
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬
Conservatives are conflicted. One commented that it has to be a lie because the official is anonymous, and the other said it just doesn’t matter.
why not fund the wall and call it a day? you didn't care when billions went to other countries for support. why now? oh yeah TDS. keep it shutdown until the 5.7B makes it on a budget. we're cool with the government staying shutdown. are you? at some point someone will need to blink and it won't be trump.

BTW, the dems know what it will take to reopen the government and are doing nothing. and you don't care. it seems you don't care others are not getting paid.

1. Because, having wasted billions on an unnecessary and expensive wall, at a time when the US is running the largest deficits in history, and when there are major issues in the country, like infrastructure spending, education and retraining, and opiod abuse that are not even being mentioned let alone addressed is very foolish, and unwise.

2. Because the Trump Administration is asking for a blank cheque. They haven't done a feasability study, provided cost estimates, a timetable, an environmental impact study, or any of the other standard practices that a member of government must provide when asking for a major appropriation like this. No one can just say to Congress "Give me $5 billion. I want to build a wall". No one. Not even the President.

3. Because the American public just voted a resounding "NO" to the border policies of Donald J. Trump, including building tent cities on the border, detaining asylum seekers at the public's expense.

4, Just the cost estimates of the cost of holding the people currently in detention along the Southern Border until their cases are heard are $5 billion. And holding these people violates their Constitutional rights.

5. And because one should never give into a child's temper tantrum. It makes it all that much more difficult to get him to behave properly the next time he decides to pitch a fit.

That is a very nice collection of lies. When will you learn not to lie?

I'm not lying. The House has commented endlessly that the Trump administration has NOT provided them with any financial information or cost estimates on the wall.
One side invites the other side to a working lunch to try to work something out , the other side REFUSES to even attend.

I think we all know which side is throwing a tantrum.

Yeah, the guy that walked out of the last meeting and tweeted "bye bye".

Do you stick around meetings after someone tells you "I won't make a deal with you?"

If I am a smart negotiator I will. I'll say "Why not?". You can't negotiate if you stop talking.

I worked for one of the best real estate negotiators in Toronto. As a negotiator, Trump is a total putz. My boss always got more than his client asked for, at a price well below what he was prepared to pay for it. One of our biggest clients said he hired my boss because he never wanted to see him on the other side of the negotiating table again. I sat in on all of his meetings in formulating the deal, in part because I would be drafting the final agreements, because I was the clerk who had to put the deal together and close it when they were done. I was an education that has served me well in every negotiation I've been involved in since, and I've always come out ahead.

Walking out on a meeting is a strategy, that you should only do when you're really prepared to end the negotiations, because you have to wait for the other side to come to you. For you to go back to them, is a capitulation.

Trump's lunch meeting today, in front of the cameras, was just another dog and pony show. He doesn't negotiate in these public spectacles. He mugs, he lies, and he tries to look like a tough guy, but any agreements he's made in these public meetings, like the DACA kids for the wall agreement last year, he's quickly walked back later.
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Leftists remind me of my 3 year old when I tell her no she can't have candy she keeps begging over and over and over I say when you clean your room up you can. The leftists keep passing bills to reopen the government WITHOUT protecting our borders as they have been told is a must have and are now refusing to sit down and talk with the boss....just like toddlers throwing a fit.
The Dems aren't begging for anything. They've done what the constitution requires.
They don't answer to the president.
They are begging him to reopen the government. They have NOT done what the constitution requires actually. They aren't protecting our borders.
Trump is the one crying, fool. The Dems are at the beach drinking rum.

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